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Löytyi 2 tulosta

  1. Joutessani ihmettelen aikoinaan Martlesham Heathin koelentokeskuksessa mitattuja Gloster Gladiator Mk II:n nopeusarvoja. Peräti 330 km/h merenpinnan tasalla. Kokemukset Suomessa olivat vaatimattomammat. Mahtaako joltakulta löytyä huoltokoelentopapereita GL-koneista? Merkitystä oli lennettiinkö suksilla vai pyörillä. Suksien kanssa vastus oli suurempi. Kuva omat kokoelmat.
  2. Good evening everyone, I've been lurking here for a bit while I learn more about my friend's great grandfather, Flight Master Helanto. While looking up the history of BL-117 and BL-119, I've begun to look more and more into my own family's history. I'm part Finnish and part Swedish and learned that 5 of great grandfather's cousin's (2 Swedes and 3 Finns) died during the Winter War and the Continuation War. One that caught my attention while I build a scale model of Flight Master Helanto's plane is that of my relative, John Magnus Sjöqvist. I've been able to learn quite a bit like him in the past few months. Funny enough, he looks a lot like my dad and way too similar to my uncle Charles. As a gift to my dad, and because I'm insane to work on two planes at once, I'm going to build a model of the Gladiator my relative flew. I'm running into an issue in trying to find the flight number for the fuselage. I'm still learning Finnish and getting used to looking through the archives, but does anyone have any idea where I could find log books on him? I know that his plane was shot down by a group of Red planes on January 23, 1940 while on a recon flight west of Märkäjärvi Village. My Finnish Google Foo is failing me as of late. Any information would be greatly appreciated! Now to scribe in the fuselage of Helanto's Blenheim while I wait for the bomb bay conversion kit to arrive... Jake