Sami Virkkula on vaiennut

1 viesti aiheessa

Kylläpäs allekirjoittanutta sapetti tänään kun huomasin että on vaiennut.  :thmbdn:


Ne jotka eivät ehtineet tutustua sivustoon niin sehän oli erittäin syvällisesti pureutunut blogi Boeingin 787:n kehitykseen ja tapahtumiin. Tämä sivusto oli yks omista suosikeista.


Kirjoittajan "testamentti"


Dear A.netters,


At 12:01 AM Saturday on the East Coast I had to close Flightblogger. For personal reasons, I cannot share the exact reason why I am discontinuing the blog and I hope you will respect that. However, there will much speculation as to why the site is no longer available and I want to be sure to set the record straight to prevent rumors.


I want to make one thing abundantly clear:


The site is not closing because of any influence from inside the aviation industry, this includes The Boeing Company.


There is still much we don't know about the future of the 787 program and I do hope that a complete and accurate picture of this aircraft is given a chance to come to light. I want to thank each of you for your support and encouragement over these last several months.


I will still be around, and I will still be looking at this airplane closely. The public phase of Flightblogger is over, for now. I am not sure how long this hiatus will be, however, I do hope it will be brief. At which time I am able to publish again, I intend to relaunch Flightblogger in an even more comprehensive form than it exists today.





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