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Lentoyhtiöuutisia - Muut uutiset

3 583 viestiä aiheessa

USA:ssa, oikeusjuttujen luvatussa maassa, on nyt nippu lentoyhtiöitä nostanut oikeusjutun saadakseen kumotuksi presidentti Bidenin hallinnon uuden määräyksen, jonka mukaan lentoyhtiöiden on lippua ostettaessa ilmoitettava ennen lopullista hyväksymistä kaikki kätketytkin lisä- ym. maksut, jotka sisältyvät lipun lopulliseen hintaan.

American, Delta, United, jetBlue, Alaska ja Hawaiian sekä Airlines for America vaativat siis oikeudessa tämän määräyksen kumoamista "koska tällainen tieto vain aiheuttaa sekaannusta matkustajien keskuudessa".

Liikenneministeri Pete Buttigieg meni sanattomaksi.


U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg is calling out airlines for suing to block a new rule from the Biden administration meant to provide more transparency around fees airlines charge passengers.

“We just issued a rule requiring airlines to inform you, before you buy a ticket, of fees they will charge you,” Buttigieg posted Monday on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Now, the airline lobby is suing us, saying that if you have the right to that information it will “confuse” you. For once, I am speechless.”

American, Delta, United, JetBlue, Alaska and Hawaiian, and the industry trade group Airlines for America, filed a lawsuit in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans on Friday against the Transportation Department in an effort to overturn the rule.

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Nyt viime sunnuntaina oli Qatar Airwaysin 789:n vuoro joutua voimakkaaseen turbulenssiin matkalla Dohasta Dubliniin. Luonnollisesti ruokatarjoilun aikana. 6 miehistön jäsentä ja 6 matkustajaa loukkaantui ja heistä 8 vietiin Dublinissa sairaalaan.


Qatar Airways Boeing 787-9, registration A7-BHM performing flight QR-17 from Doha (Qatar) to Dublin (Ireland), was enroute at FL360 over Turkey about 2 hours into the flight when the aircraft encountered severe turbulence causing injuries to 6 passengers and 6 crew. The aircraft continued to Dublin for a safe landing about 5 hours later. 12 people were treated at the airport, 8 of them were taken to hospitals.

The airport reported 6 passengers and 6 crew needed to be treated at the airport and 8 of the injured were taken to hospitals after the aircraft had encountered turbulence over Turkey.

Passengers reported food service was just in progress when the turbulence hit. Flight attendants were thrown against the ceiling, food went everywhere. Some flight attendants had scratches in their faces, one lady had her arm in a sling.

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Australiassa tammikuun lopussa 2023 lennot aloittanut paikallinen halpalentoyhtiö Bonza ehti sitten operoida vuoden ja risat lopettaen lennot huhtikuun 30. tänä vuonna hakeutuen konkurssiin. Konkurssivalvojat ovat saaneet oikeudelta aikaa heinäkuun loppuun löytää ostaja. 300 entistä työntekijää ihmettelee sitä etteivät saa palkkaa eikä avustuksia.

Bonza lensi neljällä MAX 8:lla. Omistaja on haettanut ne pois.


The administrators appointed to take control of the affairs of grounded Australian low-cost carrier Bonza have been given additional time in which to seek a buyer for what remains of the airline. Hall Chadwick, Bonza’s administrators will have until the end of July 2024 to save the budget airline after successfully arguing for an extension of their appointment in an Australian Federal Court on May 27, 2024. 

During the Federal Court hearing, Hall Chadwick argued that around 300 former Bonza employees remain in a “period of uncertainty” as a result of being stood down following the airline’s sudden cancellation of all flights on April 30, 2024.

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USA:n liikenneministeriö on sakottanut Emiratesia 1,8 miljoonaa dollaria siitä hyvästä, että Emirates lensi Irakin ilmatilassa tavalla, jota USA:n lentoyhtiöt eivät voineet käyttää, siis liian matalalla (alle 32000 jalan korkeudessa) ja toisaalta salli amerikkalaisen jetBluen myydä (codeshare) lippuja kyseisille lennoille. Lennot tapahtuivat vv. 2021-2022.


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Transportation Department said Thursday that it fined Middle Eastern airline Emirates $1.8 million for flights in regions off-limits to U.S. airlines while it allowed JetBlue Airways to sell seats on the planes.

The fine involves a “significant number” of flights from December 2021 to August 2022 that passed over Iraq on their way between the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

UAE-based Emirates was fined $400,000 in 2020 for similar flights and agreed not to repeat the same violation.

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Qatar Airwaysin toimitusjohtaja on vaihtunut, ja ärhäkkä Akbar Al Baker on tehnyt tilaa "kaikkien rakastamalle" Badr Mohammed Al Meer´ille, joka artikkelin mukaan jalkautuu kansan keskuuteen, poistaa työntekijöillä olleita rajoituksia ja jopa auttaa henkilökohtaisesti pulaan joutuneita matkustajia.


In late 2023, Badr Mohammed Al Meer became CEO of Qatar Airways, replacing longtime CEO Akbar Al Baker. If you ask me, Al Meer has done an exceptional job so far in the short time he has been at the airline, and he’s one of the airline CEOs I respect most.

In particular, his focus has been on people, including staff and customers. Employees at the airline love him, as one of his first orders of business at the airline was eliminating restrictions on staff, including lifting curfews in Doha and ending the social media ban while in uniform.

We’re now learning that Al Meer is pretty amazing at taking care of customers as well, thanks to a remarkable anecdote that was shared online.

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Kaksi Gambialaisen leasing yhtiön omistamaa A340 -konetta on tiettävästi juonittu Iraniin:



According to reports that appeared on Lithuanian media, the two aircraft had been parked at Šiauliai airport (SQQ) in Lithuania. They managed to sneak away in February 2024 after declaring that they were departing for Sri Lanka and the Philippines.

After reaching Iranian airspace the two aircraft switched their transponders off and landed at two separate airports in the Middle Eastern country: Tehran’s Mehrabad (THR) and Chabahar Konarak Airport (ZBR).

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Lufthansa Group kertoo ottavansa ensi vuoden alussa käyttöön ympäristömaksun, joka lisätään lentolippujen hintoihin.

Lisämaksu on suuruudeltaan 1–72 euroa riippuen lennosta, ja se koskee kaikkia Euroopan unionin maista, Britanniasta, Norjasta ja Sveitsistä lähteviä yhtiön lentoja.

"Lisämaksulla on tarkoitus kattaa osa tasaisesti nousevista lisäkustannuksista, jotka johtuvat viranomaisten ympäristömääräyksistä”, Lufthansa kertoi tiedotteessaan.


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FedEx Express on laittanut 22 Boeing 757-200-rahtikonetta eläkkeelle koska kysyntää ei ole.


FedEx Express has announced that it has permanently retired another 22 of its Boeing 757-200 freighters as the carrier continues to manage its fleet resources. The announcement came on June 25, 2024, as the Memphis-based shipping and logistics company revealed its financial results for the quarter ending May 31, 2024. 

The company reported fiscal fourth-quarter revenues of $201 million, compared with $430 million during the same period in 2023, resulting in a year-on-year decrease of 53%.

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Southwest Airlinesin 737-700 munasi: lähti lentoon suljetulta kiitotieltä. Kiitotie ei tosin ollut mekaanisesti suljettu vaan sääntöjen mukaan 737 lähti ennenkuin kenttä avattiin, mutta suljettu kiitotie kuitenkin. Vakavammaksi asian tekee se, että kiitotiellä oli samaan aikaan ajoneuvo.


The jet took off at 5:42AM from runway 29, even though the runway was closed at the time, and is believed to have even had a ground services vehicle on it at the time.

Prior to flying, pilots are supposed to review the NOTAMs (Notice to Airmen, or Notice to Air Mission) for an airport, and the NOTAMs for the airport made it clear that that runway 11/29 was closed until 5:45AM, except for taxiing and crossing the runway.

Some might not think that it’s a big deal to take off from a closed runway just a few minutes early, but precision matters. And in this case it also mattered because there was reportedly a vehicle on the runway at the time.

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American Airlinesin ja yhtiön lentoemäntien edustajat on kutsuttu Washington D.C.hen harvinaiseen lauantaitapaamiseen kansallisen sovittelulautakunnan NMB:n kanssa, missä NMB (National Mediation Board) päättää voidaanko lentoemännät päästää lakkoon. Tilaisuus on siis tänään.

Jos 3-miehinen lautakunta ei tänään salli lakkoa, julistetaan 30-päivän mittainen jäähdyttelyaika jonka jälkeen lentoemännät saavat aloittaa lakon jos haluavat.



That decision may be announced after the agency summoned representatives from American Airlines and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) to the NMB’s headquarters in Washington DC, on June 29.

“After weeks of intensive mediation broke off last week, your APFA Negotiating Team has continued to aggressively press our case that American Airlines Flight Attendants need a contract that addresses our concerns,” the union said in a statement.

“The time is long overdue for American Airlines management to resolve these negotiations and agree to the contract we deserve.”

If the NMB does approve the union’s request to take self-help action, the agency will declare an impasse in negotiations and release the two sides into a 30-day cooling-off period, after which flight attendants would be allowed to go on strike. 

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British Airways puolittaa vuorotiheyden Lontoo-Hongkong-välillä kahdesta yhteen päivässä lokakuussa johtuen Venäjän ilmatilan rajoitusten aiheuttamasta kustannusten noususta.


British Airways will cut its London-Hong Kong flights from two to one per day starting October 27, 2024, due to increased fuel and manpower costs caused by Russian airspace restrictions.

This temporary reduction may lead to higher fares from competitor Cathay Pacific Airways, which currently operates five daily return flights.

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29/06/2024 at 15.41, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

American Airlinesin ja yhtiön lentoemäntien edustajat on kutsuttu Washington D.C.hen harvinaiseen lauantaitapaamiseen kansallisen sovittelulautakunnan NMB:n kanssa, missä NMB (National Mediation Board) päättää voidaanko lentoemännät päästää lakkoon. Tilaisuus on siis tänään.

Jos 3-miehinen lautakunta ei tänään salli lakkoa, julistetaan 30-päivän mittainen jäähdyttelyaika jonka jälkeen lentoemännät saavat aloittaa lakon jos haluavat.


Americanin lentoemäntien ammattijärjestö ilmoittaa, että (alustavaan) sopimukseen on päästy.


CHICAGO (Reuters) -American Airlines' 28,000 flight attendants have reached a tentative labor agreement with the company, their union said on Friday.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which represents the flight attendants, said the deal addresses their concerns about compensation, work rules and retroactive pay. It did not offer more details.

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Intialainen halpis SpiceJet on asetettu ilmailuviranomaisen erityistarkkailuun jo kolmannen kerran mm. taloudellisten ongelmien takia. Esimerkiksi yhtiön koneet ovat lentäneet Dubaista kokonaan ilman matkustajia, koska paikalliset lentokenttämaksut olivat maksamatta eikä matkustajia päästetty koneisiin.


NEW DELHI/BENGALURU (Reuters) -India's aviation watchdog said it has placed budget airline SpiceJet under enhanced surveillance with immediate effect after a recent audit revealed "certain deficiencies".

The Hindu daily reported earlier in the day that SpiceJet had to operate empty flights from Dubai as passengers were not allowed to check in because of the airline's unpaid airport dues, marking at least the second such disruption this month.

The current disruption is the latest in a long list of troubles for SpiceJet, which has struggled to fully restore operations despite multiple fundraises over the last year.

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Air Canadan johto aikoo pysäyttää yhtiössä kaiken toiminnan, mikäli yhtiön lähes 5000 lentäjää menee lakkoon. Lentäjien palkankorotusvaatimukset ovatkin 45 %, kun yhtiön kerrotaan tarjonneen 30 %. Air Canadan johto on valmistellut suunnitelman, missä yhtiö laitetaan hiljaiseksi 3 päivän kuluessa.


Air Canada said on Monday that it is preparing to shut the airline down ahead of a potential strike by as many as 5,000 pilots as wage negotiations hit an impasse.

The Toronto-based carrier has reportedly offered pilots at the mainline flag carrier and its Air Canada Rouge subsidiary a pay rise of up to 30% but the Association of Air Line Pilots (ALPA) is seeking hikes of closer to 45%.

Federal conciliation between the airline and its pilots came to an unsuccessful end last month, releasing the union into a 21-day cooling-off period, after which pilots will be allowed to issue a 72-hour strike warning.

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Huonoa mainosta kanadalaiselle Porter Airlinesille: matkustajia piti poistaa koneesta ennen lähtöä jotta kone saataisiin balanssiin, mutta Porter heitti pihalle yksin matkustavan 14-vuotiaan tytön.


A 14-year-old girl was left stranded after an airline removed her from a flight over a weight imbalance.

Camryn Larkan boarded a Porter Airlines flight from Toronto, Canada to Victoria on August 30 after visiting family, the CBC reports. However, after she took her seat, a flight attendant said she had to exit the aircraft.

“I was kind of just like really confused ... I thought I was coming back to my seat. I thought that they were just going to take my bags,” Camryn told the CBC. “As soon as I got off the plane and I saw that the door had closed, that’s when I started to, like, get really anxious.”

Thankfully, Larkan’s father, who dropped her off at the airport, was able to go pick her up.


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Lufthansa on saanut ennätyksellisen 4 miljoonan dollarin sakon USA:n liikenneministeriöltä tapauksesta, jossa LH kieltäytyi ottamasta Frankfurtissa jatkolennolle Budapestiin kyytiin ryhmää, jossa oli 128 juutalaista matkustajaa. Syyksi LH ilmoitti sen, että osa matkustajista kieltäytyi tottelemasta miehistön käskyjä lennolla Frankfurtiin. Matkustajat eivät kuitenkaan matkustaneet ryhmänä eivätkä tunteneet toisiaan ennakolta, joten kyseessä oli ministeriön mukaan syrjintä.  


Lufthansa, Germany’s biggest airline, has been fined a record $4 million for discriminating against Jewish passengers, the US Department of Transportation announced Tuesday.

The fine stems from a May 2022 incident in which the airline prohibited 128 Jewish passengers from boarding. The DOT noted in a consent order that the passengers were wearing “distinctive garb typically worn by Orthodox Jewish men.” They were denied boarding as a group and were unable to connect in Frankfurt to Budapest from a New York flight because of “alleged misbehavior of a few.”

However, the passengers did not know each other nor were they traveling together.

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Intiassa vallitsee melkoinen kaaos lentoyhtiöiden keskuudessa, koska viikon aikana on tullut 90 - tosin väärää - pommiuhkausta.


A reported 90 hoax bomb threats have been made against Indian airlines in the past week, provoking international travel chaos as planes were grounded, diverted and flown to safety by fighter jet escorts.

The unprecedented surge in fake bomb threats against multiple Indian and international airlines has caused severe disruption to India’s aviation industry and created a growing sense of panic among air passengers.

Last week, there were a reported 90 bomb threats made against airlines flying domestically and to international destinations out of Indian airports. On Saturday alone, 30 hoax threats were reported, and at least 20 more threats were made to different airlines on Sunday.

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 Virgin Atlantic, Delta ja viimeisimpänä British Airways keskeyttävät kaikki lennot Israeliin maaliskuun loppuun 2025 asti alueen levottoman tilanteen takia.


British Airways has confirmed that it will suspend flights to Israel until the end of March 2025 at the earliest, citing continued uncertainty over the security situation across the region.

The decision by the Heathrow-based carrier follows Virgin Atlantic and Delta Air Lines, which had already announced that they would be suspending flights to Israel from their respective hubs in London and New York until April 2025.

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Hollannin Tuin viimeinen ja samalla koko Tui-ryhmän viimeinen Boeing 767-matkustajakone on lentänyt viimeisen lentonsa matkustajien kanssa. Kone muutetaan rahtiversioksi. - Aikoinaan Hollannissa olivat 767-operaattoreita Tuin lisäksi mm. Martinair, KLM, ja Air Holland.


TUI fly Netherlands has officially retired its last Boeing 767-300ER, marking the end of Boeing 767 operations across the TUI Group. The final passenger flight of the nearly 25-year-old aircraft PH-OYJ (formerly OO-JNL) took place on November 3, 2024, on a round-trip from Amsterdam to Lanzarote via Fuerteventura. Following its farewell flight, the aircraft was ferried to Istanbul for conversion into a freighter.

With the retirement of PH-OYJ, TUI fly Netherlands’ widebody fleet now consists of five B787-8s and one B777-200ER wet-leased from Privilege Style. This final flight ends the Boeing 767’s longstanding service in the Dutch aviation sector, where it was once operated by Martinair, KLM, Air Holland, and other airlines.

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Allegiant Airin lentäjät eivät hyväksy yhtiön tarjoamaa 70 % palkankorotusta, vaan aikovat mennä lakkoon. Lentäjät kertovat olevansa niin alipalkattuja, ettei 70 % riitä nostamaan heidän palkkojaan hyväksyttävälle tasolle.


More than 97% of Allegiant Airlines' 1,300 pilots have authorized their union to hold a strike vote even though the airline has offered them a 70% pay hike over the next five years. Teamsters Local 2118 said the increase isn't enough to bring Allegiant pilots to the levels they need. "Allegiant pilots are some of the most overworked and underpaid in the airline industry," the union said in a statement.

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JetBlue ja Air Canada ovat lyhyen ajan sisällä molemmat kieltäytyneet korvaamasta matkustajalle heidän kannettavia tietokoneitaan, jotka ovat rikkoutuneet lentoemännän kaadettua vahingossa jonkin juoman tietokoneiden päälle.

Air Canada vetkutti vastausta korvausvaatimukseen vuoden verran ja vastaus oli kielteinen. Kuten jetBluen.


Air Canada has become the latest North American airline to refuse to accept liability for a flight attendant ruining a passenger’s laptop after they accidentally dumped a drink on the computer while serving the victim’s seatmate.

Although the flight attendant wrote a report about the incident and encouraged the passenger to submit a claim for the damage on Air Canada’s website, the Montreal-based carrier kept delaying a response for nearly a year.

After multiple attempts to chase the airline up, Air Canada eventually replied to the passenger’s claim, but the answer probably wasn’t what the customer hoped for.

“While we do sympathize with your situation, we are unfortunately unable to consider your claim,” the email reply explained. “All air travel is governed by Tariff regulations and these regulations preclude liability for cabin baggage or other items that are considered in the passenger’s own care and control.”

Interestingly, Air Canada’s current tariff regulations suggest that it very much should accept liability if the damage was the result of its own negligence.


The response from Air Canada comes just days after a JetBlue passenger shared his experience when a flight attendant accidentally dropped a cup of iced coffee all over him and his laptop.

At the time, the flight attendant apologized and offered him a $25 voucher and a free cheese plate as a way of apology, but when the passenger got home, he realized that the damage was far more serious than he first thought.

With his laptop no longer working, the passenger reached out to JetBlue to seek compensation but was surprised to learn that the airline would refuse to accept liability for the damage and that no further compensation would be forthcoming.

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USA:n liikenneministeriö on sakottanut JetBlueta 2 miljoonaa dollaria, koska yhtiön aikataulut olivat "epärealistisia, petollisia ja kilpailunvastaisia" ja lennot olivat kroonisesti myöhässä. Tämä lienee ensimmäinen kerta, kun ministeriö antaa sakkoja viivästyneistä lennoista. Nyt on ilmeisesti tarkasteltu vain neljää JetBluen reittiä.

Puolella sakoista, siis miljoonalla, on tarkoitus kompensoida JetBluen asiakkaita. Ministeriö vihjaa tutkivansa myös muiden yhtiöiden toimia.

  • The US Department of Transportation hit JetBlue with a $2 million fine for delayed flights.

  • The DOT said the airline's unrealistic flight schedules were deceptive and anticompetitive.

  • Half of the $2 million fine is set to go toward compensating JetBlue customers.

The Department of Transportation said on Friday that it was fining JetBlue Airways $2 million for operating chronically delayed flights.

It said the first-of-its-kind penalty followed an investigation that found that JetBlue promised its customers unrealistic schedules that didn't reflect actual flight departure and arrival times on four routes between its bases in New York and Florida and destinations in North Carolina and Connecticut.

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Pakistan Airlines, joka on avaamassa reittejään uudelleen Eurooppaan neljän vuoden kiellon jälkeen, joutui kohuun mainoksensa vuoksi.

Lentoyhtiö julkaisi sosiaalisessa mediassa kuvan, jossa näkyy lentokone ja Eiffel-torni Ranskan lippua vasten, sekä kuvatekstin: "Pariisi, me tulemme tänään".

Pakistanin kansainvälisen lentoyhtiön mainoksesta saa vaikutelman, että siinä näyttää siltä, että matkustajakone suuntaa suoraan kohti Pariisin maamerkkiä.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta
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