Sami Puro

Lentoyhtiöuutisia - Muut uutiset

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British Airwaysin tietojärjestelmät kaatuivat taas kerran eilen perjantaina. Lippujen varaus, check-in ja asiakaspalvelu olivat alhaalla.


British Airways passengers attempting to book flights, check-in, or get in touch with the airline were greeted with a blank screen when they tried to log on to the airline’s website on Friday afternoon after the airline experienced yet another major IT outage.

BA’s dilapidated technology went into meltdown at around 3 pm on January 17, leaving frustrated customers in limbo as engineers scrambled to work out what had gone wrong this time.

The popular Down Detector website showed a spike in issues with as visitors to the airline’s website were met with a message that read: “We regret to advise that this section of the site is temporarily unavailable.”

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Airline Ratings on taas järjestellyt lentoyhtiöitä järjestykseen turvallisuuden kannalta. Tulos ei suuremmin yllätä


The Top 25 Full-Service Airlines for 2025 in order are:

  1. Air New Zealand

  2. Qantas

  3. Cathay Pacific; Qatar Airways; Emirates

  4. Virgin Australia

  5. Etihad Airways

  6. ANA

  7. EVA Air

  8. Korean Air

  9. Alaska Airlines

  10. Turkish Airlines (THY)

  11. TAP Portugal

  12. Hawaiian Airlines

  13. American Airlines

  14. SAS

  15. British Airways

  16. Iberia

  17. Finnair

  18. Lufthansa/Swiss

  19. JAL

  20. Air Canada

  21. Delta Airlines

  22. Vietnam Airlines

  23. United Airlines

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Emiratesin johtaja Sir Tim Clark on joutunut myöntämään, että Emirates on tehnyt virheen kun yhtiön koneiden businessluokan istuinpaikoissa ei ole liukuovia jotka tuovat yksityisyyttä, kun taas kilpailijoilla on.


Sir Tim Clark, the president of Emirates admits that the airline has been "slipping" and needs to keep up with rivals who are installing sliding privacy doors on Business Class seats.

1 henkilö tykkää tästä

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Spirit Airlines, jota pidetään uutisen mukaan nukkavieruna yhtiönä, ottaa käyttöön matkustajien uudet pukeutumisvaatimukset.

Uudet pukeutumissäännöt kieltävät matkustajilta mm. kulkemisen paljain jaloin, esiintymisen läpinäkyvissä vaatteissa, rinnat tai pakarat tai muut yksityiset paikat paljaina tai esiintyminen vaatteissa tai body paint-maalauksessa joka on rivo, irstas tai säädytön tai loukkaava.

Siinä ei taiteilijan vapaudelle paljon tilaa jää.


Spirit Airlines has updated its passenger dress code with new restrictions on lewdness, building on efforts by the discount U.S. carrier to shake off its image as a downscale brand.

On Wednesday, the company expanded its definition of being "inadequately clothed” to include being barefoot, wearing “see-through clothing,” having “exposed breasts, buttocks, or other private parts” or having clothing or body art that “is lewd, obscene, or offensive in nature.”

The rules are listed in the company’s contract of carriage, right alongside restrictions on boarding a Spirit flight while “carrying an infectious disease” or appearing to be “intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.” The company didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on the new rules.

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USA:ssa suuret lentoyhtiöt vastustavat Bidenin hallinnon aikaisia suunnitelmia luoda Yhdysvaltoihin EU:n ja Kanadan kaltaiset säännöt, joissa määrätään rahalliset korvaussummat matkustajille jos lento viivästyy tarpeeksi tai peruuntuu, EU261:n tapaan.


In the fading days of the Biden administration, the Department of Transporation (DOT) announced it had started a review into potentially introducing generous European-style compensation rules for passengers hit by significant delays and cancellations.

If adopted, the compensation scheme could entitle passengers delayed by more than three hours to claim hundreds of dollars in compensation – the only get-out clause would be if the delay was caused by an ‘extraordinary circumstance’ but common issues like maintenance issues would still be covered.

No major US airline currently offers cash compensation to passengers inconvenienced by a lengthy delay or cancellation, but the ‘advanced notice of proposed rulemaking’ published by the DOT in late 2024 could bring sweeping changes to US consumer protection rules.

Along with the offer of cash compensation, the DOT also proposed forcing airlines to provide delayed passengers with free hotel accommodation, meals, and transport to and from a hotel, even if an extraordinary circumstance was the cause of the delay or cancellation.

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Britannian lento-onnettomuustutkintakeskus AAIB on julkaissut selostuksen TUI Airwaysin Boeing 787-8: lle joulukuussa 2023 sattuneesta vakavasta vaaratilanteesta, jossa matkustajakone tuli laskuun merkittävästi minimireservejä pienemmällä polttoainemäärällä.

Koneessa oli kymmenen miehistön jäsentä ja 291 matkustajaa.

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Etihad Airways iilmoittaa tehneensä vuonna 2024 ennätyssuuren voiton, 476 miljoonaa dollaria verojen jälkeen, mikä on yli 3 kertaa vuoden 2023 tulos. CEO Antonio Neves aikoo kasvattaa yhtiön konelaivastoa riippumatta konevalmistajien pitkistä toimitusajoista. Etihadilla on tällä hetkellä 98 konetta.


Etihad Airways reported its best-ever annual financial results on Wednesday as the Abu Dhabi-based carrier posted a profit of $476 million after-tax – more than triple the profit it made in 2023.

Etihad is now on a path of significant expansion, and chief executive Antonio Neves says he will “do whatever it takes” to increase the carrier’s fleet size despite ongoing delays at both Airbus and Boeing.

It’s hard to believe, however, that this would be Etihad’s story, given its historic $1.87 billion loss in 2016 following years of overspending. The airline was forced to shrink its fleet size and route network, with fears that Etihad could become an inconsequential boutique carrier.

In 2024, Etihad carried 18.5 million passengers, a third more than in 2023, with a healthy load factor of 87%. The airline brought in $5.7 billion in passenger revenue and $1.1 billion in cargo revenue.

Etihad now has a fleet of 98 aircraft.

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American Airlines patistaa johtotason työntekijöitä lähtemään pöytiensä takaa töihin lentokenttien terminaaleihin parantamaan matkustajien palvelua, cateringiä, ja myös osallistumaan koneiden siivoukseen, jotta yhtiön tavoite pitää kaikki lähdöt aikataulussa toteutuisi.

Toivottavasti palvelu nyt paranee eikä huonone...


American Airlines has revealed that it plans to drag managers out from behind their desks and get them on the front lines in airport concourses in a bid to address common passenger niggles like catering shortfalls and dirty airplane cabins.

For years, the Fort Worth-based carrier has boasted that its schedule is the product and that an on-time departure is more important than anything. Unfortunately, the relentless focus on the schedule above all else has taken a toll on other so-called ‘touchpoints’ that passengers really value.

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