Jani Aalto

Hauskoja nigerialaiskirjeitä.

476 viestiä aiheessa

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Discovery Court Wallis down Road Poole BH12 5AG

International Banking & Remittance Division

Telephone: 44 792 403 9051

Fax: 447005981730



A pleasant day to you,



I am Mr. David Clovis, Bank Manager of Universal Bank Plc, London England accounting / Auditing Department. I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you, during my audit exercise in my department I discovered an abandoned sum of $48,500,000.00 (Forty Eight million Five hundred thousand United States) in an account that belongs to one of our late customers a German estate tycoon (Christian G. Eich) who died along with his wife and entire family on 25th July, 2000, Air France Concorde flight 4590 plane crash. Before his death, he made a numbered time (Fixed) Deposit for Twenty four calendar months. Valued at US$48,500,000.00 (Forty-Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only) in my branch upon maturity.



I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers the Elton Oil that Christian G. Eich died on Air France Concorde flight 4590 plane crash. On further investigation, I found out that he died without making "WILL and all attempts to trace his next of kin were fruitless.



I therefore made further investigation and discovered that he did not declare any next of kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paperwork in my Bank. This sum of US$48,500,000 is still sitting in my Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year. No one will ever come forward to claim it. According to Great Britain Law, at the expiration of 10 (Ten)years, the money will revert to the ownership of the British Government if nobody applies to claim the fund. Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you to act as the next of kin to Christian G. Eich.



This transaction is very simple and 100% risk free, therefore I will like you to provide immediately your full name and address email and fax number so that an Attorney will prepare the necessary documents and affidavits, which will put you in place as the next of kin. We shall employ the service of an Attorney for drafting securing affidavit of claim in your name upon your response to this email.



A Bank Account in any part of the world, which you will provide will then facilitate the transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary/next of kin. The money will be paid into your Account for us to share in the ratio of 60% for me and 30% for you and 10% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the process of transferring the money.



I look forward to your earliest reply by email.



Cordially yours,


Mr. David Clovis

Branch Manager.


NB: TO READ MORE ABOUT Christian G.Eich, visit this site: Http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm


A pleasant day to you all  :D


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Dear Ville,   


A deceased client of mine, by name Mr Morris Kokkonen, who herein and after shall be referred to as my client, died as the result of a heart-related condition on the 21st of November 2006.

     His heart condition was due to the death of all the members of his family in the Helios Air Flight Crashes in Greece Near Athens Aired Sunday, August 14, 2005. 8:15pm (AEST) as reported  on http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200508/s1437284.htm. 

    I have contacted you to assist in distributing the money left behind by my client before it is confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this deposit valued at Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars is lodged. This bank has issued me a notice to contact the next of kin, or the funds will be confiscated. My proposition to you is to seek your consent to present you as the next-of-kin and beneficiary of my named client since you have the same last name with him, so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. Then we can share the amount on a mutually agreed-upon percentage.

    All legal documents to back up your claim as my client's next-of-kin will be provided. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us see the transaction through. This will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

   If this business proposition offends your moral values, do accept my apology but I must use this opportunity to implore you to exercise the utmost indulgence to keep this matter extraordinarily confidential, whatever your decision, while I await your prompt response. Please contact me at once to indicate your interest. I will like you to acknowledge the receipt of this e-mail as soon as possible. This transaction will be treated private with absolute confidentiality and sincerity. I hope to hear from you.


Best Regards,

Barr. Omar Ismail Esq.


Jo toinen "nigerialaismaili" >:(




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Sitten viime kerran on summat vain nousseet, paras tarjous on nyt 125 miljoonaa 750000, kertoi hra Peter T. S. Wong HongKongista tai mistä se nyt oli.

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Törmäsin siippani nettihuutokauppa-asiassa nigerialaismeininkiin. Selkeästi afrikkalainen henkilö tarjosi huutokaupassa reippaan hinnan ja pyysi tilitiedot, jonne rahat voisi "maksaa".


Seuraavana päivänä häneltä tuli meili, jossa hän kertoi siirtäneensä rahat. Liki samalla kellonlyömällä tuli "lontoolaisesta" pankista pyyntö, että heille annettaisiin shipment/tracking code, jotta he voivat "siirtää" rahat tilille. Hauska brittipankki. Vaihteen ja faksin numero olivat samoja. Myös logo oli hieman kirveellä veistetty. Pankin sähköpostiosoite oli joku barclaysbankuk.com -tyyppinen. Voi itku, millaista yritteliäisyyttä...


Ei sitten laitettu pakettia liikkeelle. Herra Afrikasta on pari kertaa tiedustellut, milloin paketti tulee. Hän kuulemma käyttää brittipankin garantteerauspalvelua, koska "liikkeellä on kaikenlaisia huijareita". Tavara on myyty jo aikoja sitten oikealle ostajalle.


Pari kertaa herralle on vastattu, että rahaa ei näy vielä tilillä... Onpa outoa. Myös pankki tivaa paketin seurantakoodia. Pankille on vastattu nyt kerran, että emme ottaneet ylös pakettikortin numeroa. Maalaisin meinaan melkoisen suuren ristin vaikka Pelastusarmeijan pääkonttorin oveen, jos Nigeriasta oikeasti tulisi rahaa.


Eivät kai noita temppuja yrittäisi, ellei joku niihin joskus nappaisi. Luottamukseni nigerialaisiin ja vastaaviin kauppakumppaneihin on miinusmerkkinen.

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Kaverit jaksavat yrittää: " This opportunity is a God given offer"  :thmbup:






Before I start, I must first apologize for this unsolicited mail to you. I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to establishing a relationship, but you will realize the reason for my action after going through this email.


I am Addo Benson, the personal attorney to Late Mr. Everest Fiifi Selby. I got your impressive information after a Conscious search for a reliable and matured mind that has all it takes to execute this project.

I was elated when I saw your address and your name, and I picked a keen interest with confidence to solicit for your help in executing this opportunity. However, I was moved to contact you based on the present situation of this opportunity, which I may say, is a God given offer.


There was a foreigner who lived here in GHANA some time ago; he is called Mr. Everest Fiifi Selby by name, until his death.

Because i was his personal attorney, unfortunately Everest Selby Trip died with his wife and their two kids in a Kenyan Airways Boeing727 plane which crashed without survivors in southern Cameroon, all occupants in the Plane lost their lives.


The following website could be referenced: Please go through the website.




Owing to his death, his bank called on me for a meeting as regards his Account Balance with the bank, being his personal attorney here till the time of his death, I was told to come up with any of his relatives and claim the money, I tried all I could to trace his family, but all my efforts proved abortive. Since January this year till date, the bank has been asking me to look for his family because they realize that a lot of people have been trying to claim the money as his next of kin, but after verification, It is found out that those people are not really his next of kin, because they cannot provide any legal evidence to prove that they are his relative. Hence, I have decided to use you as his next of kin to claim the money as it happens that none of his relatives will ever appear to claim the funds, besides I the attorney I have all documented memo in his possession, which will back you up before the bank as his next of kin.

It’s has the logistics to make your name to be that you are the rightful next of kin to the deceased and as well as the beneficiary of the funds.


The amount involved is US$5.5Million Dollars. As regards to that, because I known that out the end of this I we be get from this, and I will like you to furnish me with the following information,

Will use to secure the legal documents







(6). AGE

(7). Sex


As soon as I receive your information, I we send you an copy of statement of account for your closures and the copy of application form, from the bank which you will submit to the concerned bank as his next of kin. Be rest assured that, there is no risk involved as I have perfected and made the necessary arrangements to back you up in claiming the funds. I will want you to regard this deal as being highly confidential because this business as transaction demands a high level of secrecy as the bank does not know that I am involved in this, with anyone. If interested in the transaction and to enable me feed you with more information, then do all you can to furnish me with all the needed information’s stated above.


Thanks for your anticipated co-operation as I await your reply. Or contact through this information


Name: Addo Benson & Son.

Barr & Solicitors,

Addo Chambers,

Tel: 0233 (0) 02129606

Address: Suite 6, 3rd Floor,

Silver Star Tower, Airport Road


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Nämä summat ovat säälittävän pieniä nykyään. Ennen se saattoi olla 175 miljoonaa dollaria, josta sai kolmanneksen jne... Oli paljon hauskempi lukea kun lööperi oli niin paksua, ettei mitään rajaa.  :D


Kaverit jaksavat yrittää: " This opportunity is a God given offer"  :thmbup:



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Minulle tullut uusin viritelmä vanhasta tarinasta: nigerialainen heppu haluaa lähettää minulle pankkikortin, jolla voin nostaa automaatista 15 miljoonaa dollaria  ;D  ;D




From Dr.Manyindo Charles,Remittance Manager Oceanic Bank Of Nigeria.


Sir,This is to officially inform you that we have verified your payment file presently on my desk, and I found out that you have not received your payment due to your lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract payment.Secondly,you are hereby adviced to stop dealing with some on-officials in the bank as this is an illegal act and will have to stop if you so wish to receive your payment immediately.After the board meeting held at our headquarters, we have resolved in finding a solution to your problem, and as you may know, we have arranged your payment through our SWIFT CARD PAYMENT CENTRE in Europe, America,Africa and Asia Pacific, which is the instruction given to us by Federal Republic of Nigeria.


This card center will send you an ATM CARD which you will use to withdraw your money in an ATM MACHINE in any part of the world, but the maximum is ($15,000.000) Thousand Us Dollars per transaction. And the total amount that is in the card is $15 million (usd) So, if you like to receive your fund this way,reply to this office immediately with this e-mail; manyindocharles@ubbi.com for the issueing of your (ATM)CARD.(1) Your Full Name (2) Address where you want the payment center to send your ATM CARD.(3) Phone And Fax Number We shall be expecting to receive your information you have to stop any further communication with anybody or office apart from this office of the residency.On this regards, do not hesitate to contact me for more details and direction, and also please do update me with any new developmant Thanks for your co-operation.


Best Regards,


Dr.Manyindo Charles ,Remittance Manager Oceanic Bank Of Nigeria.

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Vieläkin porukka menee näihin. :(http://www.peliplaneetta.net/keskustelut/aihe?fid=8&tid=163948


Eli tyyppi myynyt huuto.netissä jollekkin läppärin ja kännykän, joka on kanadalainen ja pyysi lähettämään paketin nigeriaan. Tämä kaveri tietty lähetti sen sinne, eikä 1700€ kuulunut. Kyllä on yhä tyhmää porukkaa. Tyyppi kuulemma kesätyö rahoilla ostanut läppärin ja kännykän, ja nyt joutunut huijatuksi.

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Hyvää joulua vaan ja iloinen nigerialaiskirje ranskaksi, mutta sama asia taitaa olla mielessä:



Corso Ercole I d'Este 44,

Ferrara 44100 - Italy.

Foundation's Officer,

Fondazion Di Vittorio, ITALY



Honorable béneficiaire


Comme nous portons à votre avis, La Foundazion di Vittorio (EUROPE PROGRAMME DE LA FONDATION DE BIENFAISANCE) vous a choisi  par le conseil d'administration comme l'un des destinataires final d'une subvention en espèces / Donation pour vos besoins personnels, éducatifs et le développement des affaires.

Pour fêter


Le 30e anniversaire du programme, nous donnons, à un don annuel de  CENT MILLE EURO 100,000 € chacun à 40 heureux bénéficiaires, comme les dons de charité ou d'aide de la Fondation Vittorio, la CEDEAO, l'UE et l'ONU, conformément à la loi habilitante Du Parlement qui fait partie de notre promotion Pour déposer votre demande pour vous de remplir les informations ci-dessous


Nom prénom.......................................................


Adresse occupation......................................................


Age et fonction...............................................................


Contact téléphonique........................................................


Vous envoyez ces informations au directeur chargé de ce paiement dans la République du Bénin  son nom est Mr Richard  Lous  Via son

E-mail Address: richard_louis191@live.fr       229 93 18 21 08


IL vous enverrait un chéque de 100.000 € comme une  Donation pour vos besoins personnels.



DR.Donald White


Italia, ranska ja tohtori Donald White, Beninin tasavalta ja Richard Louis  :thmbup: Melkoinen sekametelisoppa, mutta ei meikäläistä myydä orjaksi ranskaksikaan.

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Tuolla yhdellä lemmikkipalstalla puolestaan jotkut ihmettelevät mitä tuossa voi olla väärää ja lainvastaista <HUOH> :thmbdn:. O sancta simplicitas

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Viime aikoina on tullut tällaisia, joissa halutaan vain saada klikkaamaan linkkiä. Siitä jos klikkaisi, niin varsin todennäköisesti koneelle hyökättäisiin.


Abbey National Plc <online/-service@abbeynational.co.uk>

Aihe 2009 Customers Welcome Note



Dear Customer,

Welcome to the year 2009 from Abbey National Bank.Please Log On below to upgrade to the 2009 banking profile


[Log On] <-



Yours sincerely,

Online Customer Service

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Vieläkin porukka menee näihin. :(http://www.peliplaneetta.net/keskustelut/aihe?fid=8&tid=163948


Eli tyyppi myynyt huuto.netissä jollekkin läppärin ja kännykän, joka on kanadalainen ja pyysi lähettämään paketin nigeriaan. Tämä kaveri tietty lähetti sen sinne, eikä 1700€ kuulunut. Kyllä on yhä tyhmää porukkaa. Tyyppi kuulemma kesätyö rahoilla ostanut läppärin ja kännykän, ja nyt joutunut huijatuksi.






Ja miten huijaat nigeriahuijaria-sivusto:




Melko aikaa ja vaivaa vievä harrastus tuo huijarin huijaaminen on, mutta olishan sitä kerran kiva vetää noita örvelöitä nenästä.


Sitä vois vaikka jonkun postipaketin siitä riemusta maksaakin, laittaa sinne vaikka mopon käytetyn öljynsuodattimen tms. kamaa niin pääsee niistäkin eroon. Jos vielä paskaista naurua voisi lähettää kaupantekijäisiksi niin sehän olisi amerikkaa.


Tuolla huijarinhuijausnettisivustolla ehdotettiin käyttämään pankkiyhteystietona pankkia nimeltä "Plunder&Flee" ;D

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Uusi tapa tämäkin höynäyttää herkkäuskoisia


Nigerialaishuijarit ovat keksineet sosiaaliset verkkoyhteisöt uutena kanavana rahan kerjäämiseen herkkäuskoisilta länsimaalaisilta. Nigerialaisten väitetään yrittäneen pummata rahaa eri verukkeilla murrettujen käyttäjätunnusten kautta. Käyttäjän toivotaan menevän halpaan, ja tiedetään näin käyneen joissain tapauksissa, kun avunpyyntö tulee nettikaverin nimissä.


Yhdestä tapauksesta kirjoittaa verkkojulkaisu Silicon Alley Insider. Se kertoo tapauksessa, jossa huijari yrittää houkutella Facebook-käyttäjiä lähettämään Western Unionin kautta 900 dollaria, jotta kaveri saisi muka apua ryöstön jälkeen Lontoossa. Lompakko, rahat ja passi ovat menneet, huijari väittää huonolla englannin kielellä.



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From Miss Lucie Guessan Abidjan,Ivory Coast. Hello Dear,    Permit me to inform you of desire of going into business relationship with you, I know

this mail may come to you as a surprise since we have not known or write before, after going through your profile I feel to contact you hoping that you will not let me down. After you receive this mail kindly contact me on my private Email contact below. Introduction myself, I am Lucie Guessan

the only daughter of the late chief Kamara Guessan my father was a gold and cocoa merchant based in Accra Ghana and Abidjan Cote d棚voire he died on his arrival from business trip in France in hospital here in Cote d棚voire, before his death, he call me on his bedside and told me that

he has a sum of $9.500,000 USA dollars deposited in one of the prime bank here in Abidjan (Coted棚voire) that he used my name as the next of kin. Please reply on Thanks, waiting for your urgent respond, Regard Lucie Guessan



Tommonen tuli tänään  ;D

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Kerrassaan Nigerian presidentin neuvonantaja kenraaliluutnantti Morgan lähestyy kirjeellä bisnes mielessä  :D


"Lt. General James Morgan" <rtd.jamesmorgan04@msn.com>







Aso Rock villa, Asokoro District, Abuja







Based on our investigation department, we wish to warn you against some Miscreants, Hoodlums and Touts who go about scamming innocent people by claiming to be who they are not and thereby tarnishing the image of this wonderful country.


I am Lt General James Morgan (Rtd), National Security Adviser to the new Nigerian President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua. I am delighted to inform you that the contract panel which just concluded it seating in Abuja just released your name amongst contractors to benefit from the Diplomatic Immunity Payment. This Panel was primarily delegated to investigate manipulated contract claims, contracts and over-invoiced payment as the effect has eaten deep into the economy of our dear country.


However, we wish to bring to your notice that your contract profile is still reflecting in our central computer as unpaid contractor while auditing was going on. Your contract file was forwarded to my office by the auditors as unclaimed fund, we wish to use this medium to inform you that for the time being Federal Government of Nigeria have stopped further payment through bank to bank transfer due to contractors numerous petitions to United Nations against Nigeria on wrong payment and diversion of contract funds to different accounts.


In this regards, we are going to send your contract part payment of 10 Million USD. To you via our accredited shipping company and I have secured every needed documents to cover the money while the diplomat will get it delivered to you right in your door step.


Note: The money is coming on 2 security proof boxes. The boxes are sealed with synthetic nylon seal and padded with machine. Please you don't have to worry for anything as the transaction is 100% risk free. The boxes are coming with a Diplomatic agent who will accompany the boxes to your house address. All you need to do now is to send to me, your full house address and your identity such as, international passport or drivers license and your mobile phone and telephone number, The Diplomatic Agent will travel with it. He will call you immediately he arrives to your country's airport. I hope you understand me.

Kindly get back to me today also with the requested informations so that we can proceed on this matter as soon as possible.


1)Your full name.

2)Phone, fax and mobile.

3)company name, position and address.

4)profession, age and marital status.

5)Copy of int'l passport,drivers license,or any valid ID card via e-mail attachment.


Bear in mind that the diplomat does not know the original contents of the boxes. What l declared to them as the contents is Sensitive Photographic Film Materials for security reasons. I did not declare money to them please. If they call you and ask you the contents please tell them the same thing Ok. email I will let you know how far I have gone with the arrangement. I will secure the Diplomatic Immunity Clearance Certificate (D.I.C.C) which will make him pass every custom checkpoints all over the world without any hitches.

Confirm the receipt of this message and send the requirements to me immediately because your boxes are scheduled to leave as soon as we hear from you.


Best Regards,


Lt General James Morgan (Rtd).

National Security Adviser to the President

Federal Republic of Nigeria

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Jo on aikoihin eletty! Nyt sitä kerjätään jo Airliners.netin palautekanavan kautta! :o


Hello dear,

Please my dear, do not feel embarrassed by my mail to you.My name is Mrs Amalia Chesa Cui ,The wife of late Mr Jose Ma Cui ,The former secretary general of the human rights group Katungod-Eastern Visayas, a regional chapter of the human rights organization of Karapatan (Alliance for the Advancement of People Rights.Who his sudden killing on the 19 January 2007 has been a shock to me and my children.


Before my beloved husband died, he had been recieveing death threat,My husband give me a sum of 9.5million dollars for the up keeping and the future of my children which i put in a metalic trunk box and deposited in a security company in abroad.


This deposit was coded under a secret arrangement as a family treasure. This means that the security company does not even know the content of this trunk box.

Since the death of my late husband, the Philippine government has blocked all my acount and my late husband account and also my late husband family has succeed in collecting from me all the properties of my late husband, trying to leave me with nothing for the future of my children.


I am writing you because I want you to help me in securing the money inside the box for the future of my children. Since my late husband family members and the philippine government made it impossible for me to have access to calls or to move out of the house as they always monitor me.


I am ready to give you 15% of the total money when you have successfully secured the box to your country,for assisting me.So if you are interested in helping me,You should write me through my priavte email box(amalia_147@yahoo.com) so that i will give you more details on this issue.

Thank and i look forward to your urgent response to

this message


Yours faithfully


Mrs Amalia Chesa Cui ,





Message was sent using the mail interface on Airliners.net



To uphold the good reputation of the photographer

community, please try to reply to photo usage requests.

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Kiitokset loistavasta linkistä! Tulee oikein hyvä mieli kun pilkka osuu omaan nilkkaan :thmbup:


Eritoten se alanurkan "donate"-nappula. >:(


Huijarinhuijarinhuijaaja :thmbup:

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Eritoten se alanurkan "donate"-nappula. >:(


Huijarinhuijarinhuijaaja :thmbup:


Mitä huijausta siinä lahjoituskerjäyksessä on? Rehellistä ruinaamistahan se vain on. Ja vapaaehtoista vielä... ::)

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