Jani Aalto

Hauskoja nigerialaiskirjeitä.

476 viestiä aiheessa

Hahaha. On ollut Google translator tai babelfish kovilla nigerian poikien käytössä. Tosi huumorikirje. Made my day.

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Uusi tapa - ainakaan en ole aiemmin törmännyt  ;D



Good day,


I am Dr. Sarah Lindsey, I am a US citizen, 48 years Old.  I am one of those that took part in the Compensation in Nigeria many years ago and they refused to pay me, I had paid over $20,000 while in the US, trying to get my payment all to no avail. So I decided to travel over to Nigeria with all my compensation documents, and I was directed to meet Mr. Michael Craig, who is a member of COMPENSATION AWARD COMMITTEE, and I contacted him and he explained everything to me. He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake. He took me to the paying bank for the claim of my Compensation payment.


Right now  I have received my compensation funds of $1,500,000.00 Moreover, Mr. Michael Craig, showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your name as one of the beneficiaries, and your email address, that is why I decided to email you to stop dealing with those people, they are not with your fund, they are only making money out of you.


I will advise you to contact Mr. Michael Craig directly through the below information.



Name: Mr. Michael Craig

E-mail: craig@webadicta.org

Phone:  +234-708-737-1330


You really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing. The only money I paid after I met Mr. Michael Craig was just $420 for the paper works, take note of that.



Thank You and Be Blessed.


Dr. Sarah Lindsey




Trustee/Treasurer, Green Wood Foundation  Inc.

New York, NY 10004


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Menee samaan kategoriaan tämäkin ...


Kirjoitamme sinulle uudestaan, koska nimesi on arvottu matkalippujen

arvonnassa. Oletamme, että et ole vastannut, koska olet jättänyt


viestimme huomiotta.


Sinun pitää mahdollisimman pian vahvistaa osanottosi ja vastata

viimeiseen finaalikysymykseen.


Lippuihin sisältyy: Lentoliput, hotellimajoitus Hollywoodissa sekä 3000

euroa taskurahaa henkilöä kohti!


Klikkaa tästä heti ja vahvista osallistumisesi:


Näitä vasttavia on roskapostilaatiiko puolillaan


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Olisi töitä tarjolla:



Job opportunity




Jos haet hyvaa tyopaikkaa luotettavassa yhtiossa, jossa on tyontekijoiden tiimi, jotka muistuttavat enemman perheen jasenia kuin kollegoita, tama tarjous on sinulle.


Tarkoituksemme on tayttaa asiakkaan tarpeita alusta loppuun. Arvelemme, etta ainoa tapa tehda se on tehda tyota koulutettujen asiantuntijoiden kanssa.


Tarjoamme korkean tason palveluja luoden molemmille osapuolille hyodyllisia suhteita asiakkaan kanssa. Mekin ymmarramme, kuinka tarkeaa perustaa positiivinen tunnelma seka yhtiossa etta ulkoisissa suhteissa asiakkaiden kanssa.


Ystavallinen tunnelma ja uhan mahdollisuudet ihmetyttavat sinua.




- PC:n, Internetin ja MS office -ohjelman perustiedot

- pankkitili

- tasmallisyys


Tyollistamiseksi laheta yhteystietosi sahkopostilla. 48 tunnin aikana vastaamme sinulle.


e-mail: manager@career-europack.com


Huom! Tyohon ei tarvitse panostaa mitaan, saat ohjeen asiantuntijoiltamme ja voi ryhtya heti tyohon.



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Mistähän työstä tässä on kyse?  ;D


Dear Job Seeker kantomaa tatu,

A several companies grouped into a holding recently opened some vacancies due to expansion of its presence. This expansion includes opening new branches, launching innovative projects and some Internet projects. It does not automatically mean an easy job that will bring you a lot of money. Instead, you will have to work hard and much. Yet there are some preferences. benefits of our jobs is that they are part-time, and at first it will be about to 4 hours a day. You can also count on maximum support and additional training during the preparation process while preparing for a new job.

We have prepared a list of specialties that interest us, and they are of very kinds. We would be pleased to receive resume with detailed description of your skills and experience, and we will try to find the most suitable job for you. We suggest that you begin from the job of the assistant manager. It could be the first step in your growth, and it allows you to learn all intricate details typical only to our work.

The only requirements we have for/place to our candidates are the following:

- Age 18 and older

- Ambitiousness, high self motivation, responsibility and discipline.

- Communicative skills

- Advanced PC user (basic programs)

We will be happy to welcome you into our team of young specialists. We guarantee to make you a professional specialist in your field of responsibility. Come to us, please send us your CV.


Local News: nm judiciary charmanship could speed conservative agenda (4:31 am)

E.mail: ngaurealausoc@hotmail.com

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Job opportunity




Jos haet hyvaa tyopaikkaa luotettavassa yhtiossa, jossa on tyontekijoiden tiimi, jotka muistuttavat enemman perheen jasenia kuin kollegoita, tama tarjous on sinulle.



- PC:n, Internetin ja MS office -ohjelman perustiedot

- pankkitili

- tasmallisyys


e-mail: manager@career-europack.com



Ihmettelinkin että mikä on ansaintalogiikka näissä työpaikkailmoituksissa. Nyt selvisi, rahanpesu.


Iltasanomat tietää kertoa:


Ihmisten sähköposteihin on tämän ja viime viikon aikana saapunut suomenkielisiä työpaikkatarjouksia mm. Europack-nimiseltä yritykseltä.


Rikolliset ovat viime päivinä yrittäneet värvätä sähköpostiviesteillä rahanpesijöitä Suomesta, kertoo sanomalehti Ilkka keskiviikkona.


Edellytyksenä on ollut täsmällisyys, yleisimpien atk-ohjelmien käyttötaito ja oma pankkitili.


Tietoturva-asiantuntijoiden ja Keskusrikospoliisin mukaan kyse on tyypillisestä värväysviestistä, jossa rikolliset houkuttelevat ihmisiä järjestäytyneen rikollisuuden apureiksi pesemään rahaa ja välittämään ulkomaisia rahalähetyksiä eteenpäin.


Kyseiseen työtarjoukseen ei kannata tarttua, vaan viesti on syytä tuhota.







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RE: RSVX /07342/01/10                                              WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER®

                                                                  INSTALLMENTAL PAYMENT OFFICE




                                  WESTERN UNION INSTALLMENTAL PAYMENT ONLY.








This is to officially inform you that we have verified your contract Unclaimed  file presently on my desk, and we found out that you have not received your payment due to lack of co-operation and not fulfilling the obligations giving to you in respect to your contract Unpaid and lottery payment through your payment bank.



Your Over-due payment please confirm for immediate release. Get back to me immediately for necessary steps concerning your award winning Funds. Sequel to your none reply of my earlier email to you dated Today. On behalf of the Trustees and Executors to your inheritance file of Funds month ago, I wish to notify you that your name And Email Address appeared in the Central computing




system in our ministry as the rightful owner for the unpaid beneficiary as the statement of the Funds and your entitled part payment of your total Winning funds of $2.5 Million through Western Union Money Transfer System Easter celebration in this New Year season as authorized by Federal Ministry of Finance and Federal Reserve, with the Central bank.




After the Law Enforcement judgment between the UNITED NATION ORGANIZATION Agent Miss Aloid Bettyswiz and Compensation finance head office, The meeting held today, with the




aforementioned Office and Banks, the Concluded arrangement has appointed our office (Western Union Money Transfer) to pay your unpaid fund through western union electronic system for your easy pickup and to avoid further unforeseen delay that could make your fund not to get to you in a timely manner.




The Management of the UNITED NATION ORGANISATION HEAD BRANCH here in West LONDON have submitted your name, city and country information’s to our office for endorsement & daily activation of your payment which has been programmed to be transferred under installment at rate of $8,000 United States America Dollars daily as Western Union laws




here does not allow transferring funds above $8,000 at once from this country to another, but will be sending under installment of $8,000 daily till the amount is completely paid.



Secondly, you are hereby advice to stop dealing with your present transaction either from Nigeria/Europe they are Fraudulent Offices and the non-officials member of the Bank as this is an illegal act and You have to stop further communication, if you wish to receive your payment immediately through the Western Union Office.




You will pickup YOUR 1ST  payment at any western union office nearest to you as soon as you send the 220 Pounds endorsement & daily activation file fee today.






You are advised to re-confirm to me your details as required below to enable the release of your payment total funds worth $2.5 Million to you as a matter of urgency with the required below details:-




(1). Re-confirm your full names:

(2). Re-confirm Contact address:

(3). Re-confirm valid Phone #:

(4). Fax:

(5). Age:

(6). Occupation:

(7). Mode of Payment:








We wish to inform you based on a lot of junks mail flying over the internet and some people are using advantage to collect account information from people on internet for fraudulent purpose, that is while it was assigned and approved by International Monetary Fund (IMF) that your payment will come through Western Union Money Transfer system and also your funds as been programmed to be release to you through western union, twice a day, after collection.




As soon as the above are provided, Western Union department in conjunction with Federal Ministry of Finance will contact you with the Western Union Payment information to enable you cash your money daily. The amount you will be receiving twice per day is US$8000.00 and the MTCN number will be sending along with the Text Questions & Answers for you to receive your fund through any Western Union Location in your Country due to IMF Control, IRS and Home Land Security.




Our Regards and we are sorry for the inconvenience please bear with us.


Thanks for your co-operation and Waiting to hear from you soonest.




We look forward to serving you better.




Best regards,








Permanent Secretary to Dr. Mansur Muhtar (OFR)

Honorable Minister of Finance.




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Joo en tiiä, että kuuluko tää nyt näihi nigerialaiskirjeisiin, mutta menköön nyt..  ;D


Dear Alex,


As i am your neighbour, i have noticed some strange action inside your house. I have called the police a several times, but i have always cancelled the request to check your house, but as you may know my wife is a lawyer and she has noticed this very strange and unusual action too. To make sure that you will no longer continue it, me and my wife have decided to give you a little help, we have decided to send you 500.000€.


Please send me your:


Your Full Name:

Your Complete Address:

A Scanned copy of your International Identification:

Name of City of Residence:


Direct Telephone Number:

Mobile Number:


Fax Number:



Best Regards,

your dearest and nearest neighbour Jack "Wesley" Davidson




^ Vähän aikaa piti miettiä, että mitäköhän helv****ä.. Jos tolla taktiikalla yrittää yhenkään uusavuttoman pennit savustaa, niin aika onnetonta on...  ;D

Tuo sähköposti on mm. aivan onnettomasti kirjoitettu verrattuna moneen muuhun


EDIT: ja pitihän tämän lukemisen jälkeen vähäsen miettiä että mitä sitä pitää kotona tehdä, että naapurit lähettelee viestejä ja soittelee poliiseja ja plussana tarjoaa puoltamiljoonaa..  ;D

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Anti-Terrorist and Monetary Crimes Division

FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

J. Edgar Hoover Building

935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001


This is an official advice from the FBI foreign Remittance / telegraphic dept,it has come to our notice that the C.B.N Bank Nigeria district has released $10,500,000.00 US dollars into bank of America in your name as the beneficiary,by inheritance means.

The C.B.N Bank Nigeria knowing fully well that they do not have Enough facilities to effect this payment from the united kingdom to your account, usedwhat we know as a secret diplomatic transit payment (S.T.D.P) to pay this fund through wire transfer, they used this means to complete the payment.

They are still, waiting for confirmation from you on the already Transferred funds which were made in direct transfer so that they can do final crediting to your account. Secret diplomatic payments are not made unless the funds are related to terrorist activities why must your payment be made in secret transfer, if your transaction is legitimate, if you are not a terrorist, then why did you not receive the money directly into your account; this is a purecoded, means of payment? Records which we have had with this method of payment in the past has always been related to terrorist acts, we do not want you to get into trouble as soon as these funds reflect in your account in the U.S.A, so it is our duty as a world wide commission to correct this little problem before this fund will be credited into your personal account.


Due to the increased difficulty and unnecessary security by the American authorities when funds come from outside of Europe, and the Middle East, the FBIbank commission for Europe has stopped the transfer on its way to deliver payment of $10,500,000.00 to debit your reserve account and pay you through asecured diplomatic transit account (S.D.T.A). We govern and oversee funds transfer for the World Bank and the rest of the world.

We advice you contact us immediately, as the funds have been Stopped and are being held in our custody, until you can be able to provide us with a diplomatic

immunity seal of transfer (dist) within 5 days from the world local bank that authorize the transfer from where the funds was transferred from to certify that the funds that you are about to receive from Nigeria are antiterrorist/drug free or we shall have cause to cross and impound the Payment, we shall release the funds immediately we receive this legal documents.


We have decided to contact you directly to acquire the proper Verifications and proof from you to show that you are the rightful person to receive this fund,because of the amount involve, we want to make sure is a clean and legal money you are about to receive. Be informed that the fund is now in United State in your name, but right now we have ask the bank not to release the fund to anybody that comes to them, unless we ask them to do so, because we have to carry out our investigations first before releasing the fund to you. Note that the fund is in the BANK OF AMERICA right now, but we have ask them not to credit the fund to you yet, because we need a solid proof and Verifications from you before releasing the funds.

So to this regards you are to re-assure and proof to us that what you are about to receive is a clean money by sending to us FBI Identification Record and also Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Transfer (DIST) to satisfy to us that the money your about to receive is legitimate and real money. You are to forward the documents to

us immediately if you have it in your possession, if you don't have it let us know so that we will direct and inform you where to obtain the document and send to us so that we will ask the bank holding the funds,the Bank Of America to go ahead Crediting your account immediately.

These Documents are to be issued to you from the World Local Bank that Authorized the transfer, so get back to us immediately if you don't have thedocument so that we will inform you the particular place to obtain the document in United Kingdom (U.K), because we have come to realize that the fund wasAuthorized by(H.S.B.C) Bank in London.

An FBI Identification Record and Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer (DIST) often referred to as a Criminal History Record or Rap Sheet, is a listing of certain information taken from fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment,naturalization, or military

service. These Conditions Is Valid until 20th of May 2011 after we shall take actions on canceling the payment and then charge you for illegally moving funds out of Nigeria.

Guarantee: funds will be released on confirmation of the document.


Final Instruction:

1. Credit payment instruction: irrevocable credit guarantee.

2. Beneficiary has full power when validation is cleared.

3. Beneficiaries bank in U.S.A., can only release funds.

4. Upon confirmation from the world bank / united nations.

5. Bearers must clear bank protocol and validation request.


NOTE: We have asked for the above documents to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for the enhancement of public safety, welfare and security of Society while recognizing the importance of individual privacy rights. If you fail to provide the Documents to us, we will charge you with the FBI and take our proper action against you for not proofing to us the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive.

The United States Department of Justice Order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI Identification Record to obtain a copy of

his or her own Record for review. The FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division processes these requests to check illegal activities in U.S.A.An individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI Identification Record for personal review or to challenge information on the Record. Other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own Identification Record may include international adoption or to satisfy a requirement to live or work in a foreign country or receive funds from another country, i.e.


Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Transfer, letter of good conduct, criminal history Background, etc.)




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Good Day,


My name is Allen Graves, a (SGT) in the U.S Army attached to Nato presently in Libya as a

combat instructor.


During one of our duty assignment, we stumbled on a dump site where many

arms and plenty cash in U.S. dollars and pounds where discovered in barrels at a farm house near one

of Col Muammar Gaddafi old palace in Libya during a rescue operation.


So I'm seeking your kind assistance to move this funds to you as far as I can be assured that my share

will be safe in your care until I complete my service here (LIBYA).Please respond for further




Allen Graves. (Sgt)




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10 vuotta onnistuin välttelemään näitä kirjeitä, mutta nyt ne pirulaiset saivat osoitteen...  :P

No, toi on onneksi sellanen, josta olen luopumassa joka tapauksessa  8)


Lähettäjä: Hilary M. Weston Foundation (mrshilarym.westonfoundation@one.co.il)

Lähetetty: 21. toukokuuta 2011 8:02:15


Blessed request for you... Get back


Dear Belove,


I am Mrs. Hilary M. Weston,I've been hospitalized for three weeks. Recently,


Doctor told me that I have limited days to live due to the cancerous problems


am suffering from, though what bothers me most is the stroke that I have in

addition to the cancer, now I cannot walk or do anything myself.


I found your contact in the Internet database of web email account


taking into consideration your status and I consider you a perfect choice to

achieve a positive result in this project.


Can you engage yourself in charity work if I make the funds ($12,000,000

Million usd) available for you, if yes reply me for more details ,then you


more about me.




Mrs Hilary M. Weston


Hilary M. Weston Foundation



Please reply me via my personal E-mail: mrshilarym.weston@msn.com


Mielenkiintoista tuossa on, että lähetetty eri osoitteesta kuin mihin pyytää vastausta.

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Ja toinen heti perään...




Lähettäjä: MR.GREEN HERMAN (mr.greenherman89@yahoo.com)

Lähetetty: 21. toukokuuta 2011 21:10:12


Dear ,



It is my pleasure to establish a relationship, as well a business transaction with you, which I believed that will yield dividends in due.

Before I continue, let me introduce myself to you, I am Mr. Green Herman working with a Bank Central Asia, Indonesia.



In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of Five Million, Six Hundred Thousand Dollars ($5.6 MUSD) in an account that belongs to one of our late foreign customer. Hence from all indication and report, we could not trace back to his supposed next of kin of the said funds.


Several searches has been conducted to get in contact with any of his relatives who will stand as next of kin to the deceased customer but to no avail, thereby I decided to search for eligible citizen who will come up as the next of kin to the late customer.



So I need someone I can deal with on trust and that is why I contacted you, I want to present you as the next of kin of the deceased customer. If you accept, I would give you the guide lines and all information regarding on how we can achieve the transfer of the funds to your account as the next of kin. I have a 100% authentic means of transferring the money to you as the beneficiary.


My proposal is that after you receive the funds, It would be shared as follows, (1) 35% to you as commission for your co-operation and assistance in facilitating the transfer, while the remaining 65% belongs to me.



You will be free to take out your commission immediately after the money hits your country. Since my objective is to invest the money in your country, it would be appreciated if you could also help me with advices and direction on investing into profitable/lucrative ventures in your country like real estate properties and stock markets for an additional 5%.


As long as you will reassure me of your sincerity to received this under your care until i arrive in your country.


Please do consider my proposal and get back to me if you are interested, I will give you more information upon your responses to personal mailbox;greenherman4@ibibo.com

     Best Regards


      Mr.Green Herman

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  Mulle näitä on alkanut tulla lähes päivittäin,lienee s-postin vaihto paikallaan? Tuo otsake on hauska  :laugh:

  Asianosaisten vaatimukset.


Haluamme infrom teille, että sähköpostiosoite on voittanut € 500,000,00 viisisataatuhatta euroa Avartti edistäminen 1, kesäkuu 2011 väite palkinto palkinto yhteyttä toimistollemme.



Mr.Josehp Donk

Puh: +34-698-627-812

E-mail: infodonk@rocketmail.com


Ref Nr: 456-58

Lippujen Nr: BE20-13-32-84

Erä Nr: 19-26-37-45-50-2-7


Kaikki voitot on lunastettava viimeistään 30, Kesäkuu.2011



Mr.Pereyra Mellor


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Please reply me via my personal E-mail: mrshilarym.weston@msn.com


Mielenkiintoista tuossa on, että lähetetty eri osoitteesta kuin mihin pyytää vastausta.


Ei kai spämmeri halua kaikkia virheellisten osoitteiden ja täysien mailboksien vastauksia omaan postiinsa... ;) Olen aina silloin tällöin ollut se, jonka nimissä postia on lähetetty... :(



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FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

J. Edgar Hoover Building

935 Pennsylvania Avenue,

NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001


  REF: US/28028/8A28/11




This is to officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you legally won the sum of $800,000.00 USD. from a Lottery Company outside the United States of America. During our investigation we discovered that your e-mail won the money from an Online Balloting System and we have authorized this winning to be paid to you via a Certified Cashier's Check.


Normally, it will take up to 10 business days for an International Check to be cashed by your local banks. We have successfully notified this company on your behalf that funds are to be drawn from a registered bank within the United States of America so as to enable you cash the check instantly without any delay, henceforth the stated amount of $800,000.00 USD. has been deposited with Bank Of America.


We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive the winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to be Safe and 100% risk free, due to the fact that the funds have been deposited at Bank Of America you will be required to settle the following bills directly to the Lottery Agent in-charge of this transaction whom is located in Lagos, Nigeria. According to our discoveries, you were required to pay for the following -


    * Deposit Fee's (Fee’s paid by the company for the deposit into an American Bank which is - Bank of America)

    * Cashier's Check Conversion Fee (Fee for converting the Wire Transfer payment into a Certified Cashier's Check)


The total amount for everything is $250.00 (Two Hundred and Fifty USD.) We have tried our possible best to indicate that this $250.00 should be deducted from your winning prize but we found out that the funds have already been deposited at Bank Of America and cannot be accessed by anyone except the legal owner (you), the winner; therefore you will be required to pay the required fee's to the Agent in-charge of this transaction via Western Union Money Transfer Or Money Gram.

In order to proceed with this transaction, you will be required to contact the agent in-charge (Daniel Bode) via e-mail. Kindly look below to find appropriate contact information:




E-MAIL ADDRESS:                 bodewills001@live.com


You will be required to e-mail him with the following information:








You will also be required to request Western Union details on how to send the required $250.00 in order to immediately ship your prize of $800,000.00 USD via Certified Cashier's Check drawn from Bank of America, also a Reference Code will be sent to your Phone Number by the FBI for Beneficiary's confirmation purpose. Please endeavour to make the code private and confidential for which your funds remain void without providing the Confirmation code sent to you by FBI.


This letter will serve as proof that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $250.00 ONLY to Mr. Daniel Bode via information in which he shall send to you, if you do not receive your winning prize of $800,000.00 we shall be held responsible for the loss and this shall invite a penalty of $3,000 which will be made PAYABLE ONLY to you (The Winner).


Please find below an authorized signature which has been signed by the FBI Director – Robert Mueller



NSB Seal


Director – FBI.




NOTE: In order to ensure rapid response for the Fund won, contact Mr. Daniel Bode as soon as possible providing the required information needed from you above



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Ei näitä paljon ole tullut, mutta eilen kolahti laatikkoon yksi tällainen:


Lähettäjä: "Western Union Payment Centre" <enxuto02@enxuto.com.br> lauantai - 27 elokuu, 2011 16:31

Jakelu: wumtaccess001@gmail.com

Aihe: *Western Union Payment Notice*

Viestin liitteet: Mime.822 (3503 tavua) [Näytä] [Tallenna nimellä]



Attention Beneficiary,

The United Nations (UN) has taken over your Inheritance/Prize Winning payment. Your funds was withdrawn by UN on your behalf and your Inheritance/Winning payment was paid out to the United Nations Organization, and they have succeeded in depositing your funds with the Western Union to take full responsibility in the

transfer process of your funds. Provide us with your Name, Address, Age and Phone Number before receiving the MTCN for the first installment and we will email you others after 24 hours of receiving each payment.

E-mail Dr. Lee Yung at:  wumtaccess001@gmail.com


Miss. Amber El-Amin

For: Western Union Payment Service Malaysia



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On the 4th of September 1998, Google was incorporated as a privately held company.

Google Corporation is one company that earns its profit mainly from advertising using

their very own Google search engine, Gmail, Gala, Sify, e-mail service Google Maps,

Google Apps, Orkut social networking and You Tube video sharing, which are all offered

to the public for free.


We wish to congratulate you once again, for being selected as a winner in the ongoing

Happy Google Anniversary Promotion. Hence we do believe with your prize, you will

continue to be active in your patronage to Google.


A winning cheque will be issued in your name by Google Promotion Award Team, you have

therefore won the entire sum of of $1,000,000.00 (One Million United State Dollars) and

also a certificate of claim price will be sent alongside your Bank Draft.


Contact Claims Office:

Google Promotion Board

Mr Grahams Benfield


Email: googleanniversary@msn.com


Do e-mail the Claims office at once with the Verification and Funds release form below

for validation of your prize and to avoid unnecessary delay.




1.Full Names:

2.Full Address:

3.Marital Status:





8.Country Of Residence:

9.Telephone Number:

10.Ever won an online lottery?:


You are advised to contact the Claims Office with the following details Ticket Number:

00869575733664,Serial Number: BTD/8070447706/06 and Lucky Number: 12-12-23-35-40-41(12)

in all discussions.


For security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information confidential

till your claims are processed and your money transffered to you. This is part of our

precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by

some unscrupulous elements. Please be warned.


Congratulations from the Staffs & Members of Google Board Commission.


Dr. Alexander Lloyd.

Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer.



                                    ©2011 Google Corporation.



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SMS lähettäjältä NOKIAWORLD:


"Congratulations!Your Mobile Number won you £450,000GBP in the NOKIAWORLDWIDE YEARLY PROMOTION Ref:Nk7766 Contact +447031747844 Email:NokiaWorldWide2@london.com"


Noksu yrittää ilmeisesti epätoivoisesti saada mut takaisin käyttäjäkseen...  ;)  ;D

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My name is David Freeman, I am an External Financial Auditor; I was invited by the United

Nation Financial Committee (UNFC) to Audit Helima Security Storage company in Baghdad (IRAQ).


During my investigation I discovered that in 2004, two US soldiers from the 3rd Infantry

Division deposited a box from an unknown Top Saddam Husseins aide with the company during the

war. Both soldiers died in an acting service, since then no one has come forward for the box.


This Box contains $13.2 million USD (Thirteen Million, Two Hundred Thousand United State

Dollars). Kindly click on this web link for more details http://www.lrb.co.uk/v27/n13/ed-harriman/where



Due to my position in the investigation, I was able to track down the deposit made by the dead

soldiers to an Affiliate Security Firm in Switzerland and the content inside the box was not

decleared to the Security Firm as the content were declared to be a family treasure kept for

security reasons. Right now as I speak, the box of money can be delivered to any designation

of your choice.


As a UNFC Audit agent and been a staff of the World Bank, I cannot lay Claim to this Box but I

can instruct that the box be delivered to you as the original depositor/owner intended by

providing you the necessary information's and document needed for claims. I will give you more details and what to do if you are interested in my proposal, I am ready

to go 50/50 Sharing ratio with you on the receipt of your consent. Anxiously anticipating your rompt and affirmative response through this email: dhsecurity@blumail.org


Yours sincerely,

David Freeman

External Auditor (UNFC)




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Ihmettelinkin että mikä on ansaintalogiikka näissä työpaikkailmoituksissa. Nyt selvisi, rahanpesu.



Sitttenhän ilmoitus pitää paikkansa oikein hyvin, työkaverit ovat enemmän perheenjäseniä kuin kollegoita.  Ainoa mikä jää mainitsematta on, että kyse on mafia-perheestä...  ;D

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Special Agent in Charge

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Intelligence Field Unit

El Paso Federal Justice Center

660 South Mesa Hills Drive

El Paso, TX 79912 USA




I am special agent Mark A. Morgan, from the Intelligence Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). We just intercepted/confiscated one (1) Trunk Box at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Texas. We are on the verge of moving this consignment to the bureau headquarters. However, we scanned the said box and found out that it contained a total of USD$1.5M. Investigation carried out on the Diplomat who accompanied this box into the United States, revealed that he was to make the delivery of the fund to your residence, as these fund are entitled to you, been Contract/Inheritance over due payments. The funds were from the office of the Dr. (Mrs.) Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala Minister of Finance, Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Furthermore, after cross checking all the information we found in the box backing you up as the beneficiary of the funds, it became known to us that one of the documents is missing. This document is very important and until we get the document, the box will be temporarily confiscated pending when you will provide it. The much needed document is the Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Delivery Certificate (DISDC). This document will protect you from going against the US Patriot Act Section 314a and Section 314b. This delivery will be tagged A Diplomatic Transit Payment (D.T.P) once you get the document.


You are therefore required to get back to me on this email (markamorgan1@blumail.org) within 72 hours so that I will guide you on how to get the much needed document. Failure to comply with this directive may lead to the permanent confiscation of the funds and possible arrest. We may also get the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) involved if do not follow our instructions. You are also advised not to get in contact with any Bank in Africa, Europe or any other institution, as your fund are here now in the United States of America.


Agent Mark A. Morgan

Special Agent in Charge

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Intelligence Field Unit

El Paso Federal Justice Center

660 South Mesa Hills Drive

El Paso, TX 79912 USA

Phone: 915-400-4143

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Oli niin hauska lähestyminen ja liittyy hiukan lentämiseen, että pitää jakaa muillekin:




Tiedän tulet hämmästymään saada tällainen tarjous tuntematon henkilökunta, mutta haluan teidän tietävän, että olen päättänyt ottaa sinuun yhteyttä seurauksena luottamus. Nimeni on tohtori Gerald Humfrey, olen Branch Audit Manager Credit Suisse Bank, One Cabot Square London E14 4QJ Iso-Britannia. Tämä on tarjous valtavasti hyötyä meille molemmille ja haluaisin teitä hyväksymään tämän tarjouksen uskoen ja luottaen. Koska tarkastuksen johtaja pankki, huomasin valtavan summan rahaa meidän viimeisenä pankkipäivänä koe mikä on noin kuusitoista miljoonaa viisisataatuhatta Englannin punta (GBP 16,5) ja tiliksi joka kuuluu meidän näkyvä asiakkaan Late Mr. Moises Saba Masri Meksikon Miljardööri joka vahingossa menetti henkensä lento-onnettomuudessa vaimonsa ja ainoa poikansa muutamia vuosia sitten. Me johtajat tämän pankin pyrkineet löytämään mitään sukulaisten tämän kuolleen miehen perintö hänen vaurautta mutta turhaan ja sillä ei ole mitään moraalista perustetta Credit Suisse pankki periä tämän rahaston, olen pyytäminen teidän kumppanuutta ja suostumuksen jotta voin esittää nimesi minun pankin todellinen edunsaaja rahasto


Tämä on tilaisuus, joka tulee kerran elämässä aikaa ja haluan meidän tehdä omaisuuksia ulos tästä loistavan tilaisuuden, joka on syy miksi etsin lupaasi tekemään yhteistyötä kanssani niin, että tämä rahasto voidaan vapauttaa teille hyötyä meille molemmille. Haluan teidän tietävän, että olen tehnyt asianmukaisesta järjestämisestä, joka vahvistaa, että olet todellakin liittyy kuolleen miehen niin Tarvitsen sinulta viimeistellä järjestely on ymmärrystä ja yhteistyötä. Tästä syystä sinun täytyy lähettää yhteystietosi minulle heti, jos olet kiinnostunut tästä paljon, jotta voin välittää tietoa pankille rahalähetys-osaston Next of Kin, joka on perivät tämän rahaston. Vakuutan teille, että koko prosessi on niin helppo ja kiinnostuksesi on suojattu. Tulet kompensoidaan 50% rahoista heti päätämme siirtää rahastoon sinulle joten jos olet kiinnostunut Haluan voit lähettää tietoja minulle heti seuraavalla.


- Koko nimesi

- Sinun yhteyshenkilön osoite

- Henkilökohtainen Mobile Number

- Työsi

- Ikäsi


Sinun kiireellinen vastaus on erittäin tarpeen, koska meillä ei ole riittävästi aikaa suorittaa tämä kauppa joten haluan, että teet kiinnostusta tunnetaan minulle vastaamalla tähän viestiin teidän täydelliset tiedot kuten edellä todettiin. Lopuksi haluan tuoda sinun huomata, että tämä kauppa vaatii luottamuksellisuutta joten kannattaa pitää tämä juttu itsesi turvallisuuden tarkoitukseen.



Dr. Gerald Humfrey"


Että sellaista.


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