Jarmo Lumiaho

Rahtikoneen lentoonlähtö pitkäksi Shanghaissa

24 viestiä aiheessa

Straits Timesin mukaan konetyyppi olisi ollut MD-11:


The accident happened at 7.40 am as the Zimbabwe-registered MD-11 aircraft was attempting to leave Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Xinhua news agency reported.



Shanghai Daily -lehden mukaan kolme olisi saanut surmansa koneen seitsemän hengen miehistöstä.



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Aika hyvin, kone otettiin käyttöön ko. yhtiössä 20.11. ja tänään se ajettiin metsään.  :o


Joo, aika lyhyt oli se loru tuon yhtiön palveluksessa. Iältäänhän tuo yksilö oli 18-vuotias. 

Mikä lie mennyt vikaan kun väittävät syttyneen tuleen nousussa  :o

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Press Release


28 November 2009


An Avient Aviation operated aircraft was involved in an accident at approximate 00:16 GMT today while the aircraft, a McDonnell Douglas MD11 Freighter , was operating a charter freight  flight from Pudong International Airport in China.


Preliminary information indicates that the accident occurred on takeoff from Pudong International Airport. The aircraft was carrying a crew of 7.


At this time, the full resources of Avient's accident response team have been mobilised and will be devoted to cooperating with all authorities responding to the accident.


At this time no further information is available. Avient will continue to release additional information as it is confirmed


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"Seems as though Z-BAV overran runway 35R (4000 meters/13123 feet long) on take-off and burst into flames.


Crew were taken to local hospitals, where three died. Three of the survivors received minor injuries, the fourth received serious injuries but is in a stable condition".   




Eli nousukiito näemmä venähti...

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Onnettomuustutkintaviranomainen NTSB lähettää paikalle miehiä USA:sta:




Poiminta ylläolevasta uutisesta kertoo NTSB:n karun mielipiteen MD-11-konetyypistä:


the MD-11's history of crashes is one of the factors investigators are bound to consider. The plane is notorious among many pilots for having particularly sensitive flight-control systems, particularly close to the ground, making it extra sensitive to speed or altitude shifts.


Over the years, the U.S. safety board has repeatedly criticized the plane's design for being dangerously prone to upsets and vertical oscillations of flight-control systems as a result of relatively minor pilot mistakes.

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Aviation Safety Networkin raportti näkyy saapuneen mailiin:


"28 NOV 2009  McDonnell Douglas MD-11F (Z-BAV) of Avient Aviation, Shanghai-Pudong International Airport (PVG)- 3(7 )


This e-mail is brought to you by the Aviation Safety Network (ASN). ASN is an exclusive service of the Flight Safety Foundation. Please note this information is preliminary; new information will be added on the Aviation Safety Network at http://aviation-safety.net/ The 2009 year list of accidents always contains the most recent information on each accident.






Date: 28 NOV 2009

Time: 08:14

Type: McDonnell Douglas MD-11F

Operator: Avient Aviation

Registration: Z-BAV

C/n / msn: 48408/457

First flight: 1990

Engines: 3 Pratt & Whitney PW4460

Crew: Fatalities: 3 / Occupants: 7

Passengers: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 0

Total: Fatalities: 3 / Occupants: 7

Airplane damage: Destroyed

Location: Shanghai-Pudong International Airport (PVG) (China)

Phase:  Takeoff

Nature: Cargo

Departure airport: Shanghai-Pudong International Airport (PVG)

Destination airport: Bishkek-Manas International Airport (FRU)

Flightnumber: 324

A McDonnell Douglas MD-11F cargo plane, operated by Avient Aviation, was destroyed when crashed and burned on takeoff from Shanghai-Pudong International Airport (PVG), China. Three crew members were fatally injured and four survived the accident. Press reports indicate that the tail struck the runway before the airplane crashed past the runway end. Runway 17R/35L was briefly closed after the accident. Weather reported about the time of the accident (00:14 UTC / 08:14 local) was reported as: ZSPD 280000Z 36007MPS 9999 SCT020 12/07 Q1027 NOSIG= [Weather at 00:00 UTC; Wind 360 degrees at 13 knots; scattered clouds at 2000 feet; Temperature 12 degrees C, dew point 7 degrees C; QNH 1027 mb]


» Xinhua










Last fatal accident involving a MD-11: 23-MAR-2009 MD-11F N526FE FedEx - 2 fatalties (250 days ago)

Total number of hull-losses: 6 (of which 6 were accidents)


3rd worst accident involving a MD-11


Survival rate for all fatal MD-11 accidents: on average 57.0 % of all occupants survived fatal accidents









Last fatal airliner/bizjet accident in China: 15-JUN-2008 Harbin Yunshuji Y-12-II B-3841 China Flying Dragon - 3 fatalities (531 days ago)

Total number of fatal airliner/bizjet accidents: 87

Total number of airliner/bizjet fatalities: 1986

63rd worst airliner/bizjet accident in China


The country is rated Cat. 1 in FAA's International Aviation Safety Assessment Program (IASA)



This information is not presented as the Flight Safety Foundation or the Aviation Safety Network?s opinion as to the cause of the accident. It is preliminary and is based on the facts as they are known at this time.

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Poiminta ylläolevasta uutisesta kertoo NTSB:n karun mielipiteen MD-11-konetyypistä


Mielipiteitä on monenlaisia, wikipedian "kapteeneillakin" on omansa. Montako MD-11 -onnettomuutta on suoraan konetyypistä johtuvaa?


Olisi hienoa kuulla ihan oikealta MD-11 -ohjaajalta tuntuma tuosta vuosia toistetusta kliseestä, että M11 on epävakaa.

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Mielipiteitä on monenlaisia, wikipedian "kapteeneillakin" on omansa. Montako MD-11 -onnettomuutta on suoraan konetyypistä johtuvaa?


Olisi hienoa kuulla ihan oikealta MD-11 -ohjaajalta tuntuma tuosta vuosia toistetusta kliseestä, että M11 on epävakaa.


Muistaakseni ATPL-PoF:n tunneilla meidän opettaja kävi sitä jotenkin teoreettisestikin läpi miksi MD-11 olisi hidaslento-ominaisuuksiltaan varsin kiikkerä.

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Koskas Fedexistä on tullut kiinalainen?


Tuota uutista voi tulkita niin että se tarkoittaa kaikkia MD-11F koneita, mutta odotellaan vahvistusta.

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Tuota uutista voi tulkita niin että se tarkoittaa kaikkia MD-11F koneita, mutta odotellaan vahvistusta.


A.netissä spekuloidaan, että kyse olisi vain Kiinan rekisterissä olevista mädäreistä.


Suunta on kyllä selvä.

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Ai minkä suunta on selvä?


MD-11 määrä alkaa harvenemaan pikkuhiljaa myös rahtikäytössä 777:an ja A330- rahtiversion vallatessa alaa.

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