Timo Nurmi

1.5.1960 Francis Gary Powers ja U-2 ammuttiin alas Yekaterinburgissa

1 viesti aiheessa

After 50 years, Russian village recalls U.S. spy who fell to earth


It is May 1, 1960, and two teenagers are on their way to Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) for the annual May Day demonstrations. Both are in high spirits as they walk past the village of Povarnya. Suddenly they hear a roar and see a parachutist falling from a plane in the sky.


Little did they know that this event was to play a pivotal role in U.S.- Soviet relations for years to come. The parachutist was Francis Gary Powers, a U.S. pilot whose U-2 spy plane was hit by a Soviet S-75 Dvina missile over Sverdlovsk. Powers abandoned the plane and parachuted to a field near Povarnya, where he was later arrested by Soviet police.






Joskus kuulin huhun että vapun takia Neuvostoliiton ilmatila olisi ollut suljettuna ja siten vieras kone ei päässyt sekoittumaan muuhun lentoliikenteeseen. Ja kyseessä olisi ollut U-2:n muutenkin viimeinen vakoilulento.

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