Perttu Karivalo

Etelä-Afrikassa traaginen onnettomuus lentonäytös ja ilmailuyhteisössä

1 viesti aiheessa

Etelä-Afrikassa menehtyi lento-onnettomuudessa iso osa maan merkittävistä lentonäytös/ilmailuvaikuttajista




August 16, 2011.


I need scarcely say that the South African Aviation Community has been dealt a terrible blow, with the loss of 13 from its ranks. On Sunday, 14 August 2011, two Piaggio P-166 Albatross aircraft left Tzaneen in formation, heading home after the Tzaneen Airshow. The aircraft failed to arrive at Rand airport, the formation's intended destination, and contact was lost. After an agonising two day wait, it has finally been confirmed that the two aircraft had crashed a short distance out of Tzaneen.ed that the twoaircraft had crashed a short distance out of Tzaneen.

Brian Gruar, Marrion Anderson, Maddison Doak, Alexandra Doak, Tess Spence, Louise Warden, Kevin Woolacott, Peter Gildenhuys, Peter van Oldenburg, Francis Dely, Marietjie de Witt, Stuart van Oldenburg and Linda Pierce were taken from us, and this is without question one of South African Aviation's most terrible losses ever.

What can one say? The tragic ripple of each loss is felt in equal measure, and stretches far and wide. The massive influx of condolences are proof alone that a great number of people are affected by this incident, and the 14th of August 2011 will be remembered for it's tragic implications within our community.

Although no single loss is less of a tragedy than the other, it has to be said that one death in particular is felt all over the world, and that is the death of Frans Dely, one of the greatest aviation photographers of his time. Frans has left his footprint all over the world of aviation, and his spectacular aviation photography is known to almost all aviation enthusiasts across the globe. He set the benchmark in South Africa, and his work has inspired a very large number of enthusiasts to become aviation photographers. He was a legend in his own right, and the loss is a major blow to South African Airshows.


To Glen Warden and Dennis Spense, I, like so many others, feel for you, and I offer my condolences to you. To Athol Franz, a big shout-out as well. I am certain that his loss is most particularly painful. There are many happy memories I recall in my time on the airshow circuit with many of these people, but those are too many to count. All I can say is that I am with all of those who have lost loved ones. You are in our prayers and we are with you.


From Gerald Griseel, Fly High


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