Guest kalle.sintonen

Kingfisher suomeen 2012?

10 viestiä aiheessa



HELSINIKI: Led by growing traffic from Asia, especially India where it has signed an accord with Kingfisher Airlines, as also by leisure travel, Nordic carrier Finnair has reported an 11.1 per cent increase in its scheduled passenger traffic in August.


"Finnair's Asian traffic capacity measured in available seat km grew by 28.7 per cent and traffic measured in revenue passenger kilometres increased by 20.3 per cent," a senior official with the airline said.


The carrier recently added seven more destinations in India to its network, in addition to flying directly to the national capital, in partnership with the Vijay Mallya-led airlines.


"We offer morning connections to Finnair's vast European network of around 60 cities via Delhi and Helsinki which extends to Kingfisher passengers from Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Jaipur and Ahmedabad," said Kari Stolbow, Finnair's India director.


"While Asia has really driven our business, we have particularly seen very good growth in every segment in India. Now we are happy we are for the fact many new passengers from other cities are also using our connection services with Kingfisher," Stolbow told IANS.


"The numbers of such passengers is growing several hundred per cent."


Finnair hopes that once Kingfisher becomes a member of Oneworld, a leading pact among 12 global carriers, which is expected sometime early next year, this cooperation will get a further push.


Stolbow said India was among the focus markets for India and that was among the reasons why the carrier was launching full all-cargo flights to Mumbai later this month under a pact with Nordic Global Airlines. The new service will operate on Boeing MD-11Fs.


According to company officials, the airline's overall capacity grew 13.3 per cent during the period under review as demand from Europe to Japan continued to recover from the shocks of a global slowdown in late 2008.


"Travel demand from Japan to Europe has almost returned to its earlier levels, and load factors are good on routes to Japan," said Erno Hilden, chief financial officer, adding that punctuality had also returned to last year's level of around 90 per cent.


"As many as 90.4 per cent of all flights arrived on schedule. In scheduled traffic, the arrival punctuality was higher at 90.8 per cent."


In July, the nordic carrier had reported an increase of 23.9 per cent in its scheduled traffic, also due to strong demand from the Asian region. The overall capacity also grew by 14.7 per cent as demand from Europe to Japan continued to recover.



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Veikkaan 2012 sen takia että se on aika millon se liityy Oneworldiin ja sitten olisi kaikki code-share lentojen tekeminen helpompaa...

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Veikkaan 2012 sen takia että se on aika millon se liityy Oneworldiin ja sitten olisi kaikki code-share lentojen tekeminen helpompaa...


No se jos se liittyy oneworldiin, ei kerro siitä lentääkö se Suomeen. Esim. JAL liittyi 2007 oneworld -allianssiin eikä lennä vieläkään Suomeen.


Tosin olisi hyvinkin mahdollista intialaisen OW-kumppanin lennot Vantaalle koska Finnairilla on koneet kortilla eikä uusia reittejä voi pahemmin avata nykykalustolla.

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Veikkaan 2012 sen takia että se on aika millon se liityy Oneworldiin ja sitten olisi kaikki code-share lentojen tekeminen helpompaa...


Taisitpa itse tuossa kommentissasi kertoa miksi kyseinen yhtiö ei tule näkymään Suomessa, eli code-sharea Finnairin kanssa itse veikkaan ennemmin

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Taisitpa itse tuossa kommentissasi kertoa miksi kyseinen yhtiö ei tule näkymään Suomessa, eli code-sharea Finnairin kanssa itse veikkaan ennemmin


Sen tarkemmin tietämättä ainoa vaihtoehto Finnairin nykyisellä kaukolaivastolla taitaa olla juurikin Kingfisherin lennot Helsinkiin jossa AY olisi mukana code-sharena. Näin ratkaistiin myös Chicagon reitti, joka siis lennetään Americanin kalustolla.

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Pitäisikö uuden kaukoreitin avauksen odotella uutta Airbussia? Luulisi, että käytettyjä A343-koneita löytyisi tarvittaessa markkinoilta edelleen ja huokealla diilillä?

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Kanadalaisen analyytikon mukaan Kingfisher ja sen emoyhtiö ovat molemmat pehmeitä firmoja:


Neeraj Monga of Veritas Investment Research Corp of Toronto, Canada, said not only Kingfisher, but its parent UB Holdings is also on very thin ice.


Monga, along with analyst Varun Raj said Kingfisher’s book equity has been wiped out, and the airline is burning cash at a rapid rate. It is in a business which requires capital perpetually and it has no pricing power, they said.

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