Mikko Raatikainen

GPS-häiritsimet vaarallinen ongelma.

26 viestiä aiheessa

Amerikkalainen kuorma-autokuski, jolla oli autossaan GPS-estolaite, sai telehallintoviranomaiselta FCC:ltä lähes 32000 dollarin sakot, koska laite häiritsi Newarkin kentällä kokeiltavaa GBAS- eli ground based augmentation-systeemiä, jonka avulla on tarkoitus päästä 1 metrin tarkkuuteen Cat III-lähestymisissä. Työpaikka lähti myös alta. Häirintä tapahtui tässä kuussa.


A New Jersey man who didn't want his boss following his every move has lost his job and had the book thrown at him by the FCC because the inexpensive ($68 and up) GPS jammer he carried in his truck shut down an experimental, high tech, multi-million-dollar navigation system at Newark Liberty Airport. Gary Bojczak was fined $31,875 by the FCC within a few days of admitting that he carried the device, which is readily available for sale on the Internet, so he could disable the GPS transmitter on the pickup truck he drove for engineering company Tilcon. He apparently didn't want his bosses to know his whereabouts when he was near the airport and his little jammer brought down a Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) being tested by Honeywell.



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