Esa Harju

IAOPA:n ja EAS:n kannanotto esiteltiin EASA Management Boardille

2 viestiä aiheessa

Martin Robinson, IAOPA Senior Vice-President, esitteli tällä viikolla EASAn Management Boardille Kölnissä yleisilmailun kannanoton, joka oli laadittu yhdessä IAOPA:n ja EAS:n, Europe Air Sports, kanssa. Alla muutamia otteita tiedotteesta, joka lähetetään AOPA Suomen jäsenille vielä tänä iltana.


"Members of the EASA Management Board, comprising representatives of EU member states, discussed two papers on the Regulation of General Aviation (“GA”) on 13th March 2012. One paper was from EASA and the other one jointly from EAS and IAOPA.


The joint EAS / IAOPA paper addressed rulemaking issues for GA aircraft, pilots, operators and other parties with aircraft up to 5,700 kg MTOM and primarily those used non-commercially. The paper referred to the 2009 Resolution of the European Parliament on “An Agenda for a Sustainable Future in General and Business Aviation”, which set out clearly certain parameters and objectives for the regulation of GA.


The EAS / IAOPA paper highlighted several key strategic issues aspects of the implementation of EU Basic Regulation 216/2008 (“BR”) and associated implementing rules (“IRs”) drafted by EASA.


In summary EAS  / IAOPA made the following points:


1. The primary objective of the BR is “a high uniform level of civil aviation safety.....”. Other objectives include ‘free movement’, environmental protection, cost efficiency in regulatory and certification processes’, and a ‘level playing field’. However, the objectives of a level playing field (i.e. standardisation) and free movement often seem to take precedence over proportionate safety rules for GA, in particular the balancing of safety against cost to and added bureaucracy for the end user.



9. There is considerable evidence, particularly in relation to the implementation of Part M (rules for Continuing Airworthiness) for GA that interpretations of the rules by National Aviation Authorities (“NAAs”) vary widely from state to state. In several cases this is causing considerable harm, costs, downtime and aggravation to pilots, owners and operators. The current review of Part M by an EASA / industry Task Force is therefore welcomed."


Suomen Moottorilentäjien Liitto on todennut samat ongelmat myös Suomessa suunnitellen parhaillaan toimia kansallisten tulkintojen saamiseksi vastaamaan direktiivien, määräysten ja säännösten todellista tavoitetta ja henkeä. Ongelmat on myös raportoitu IAOPA:lle EASA-tason toimenpiteitä varten.


EASA antoi oman vastineensa IAOPA:n ja EAS:n lausuntoon. Tiedote on myöhemmin luettavissa osoitteessa, jossa voit myös liittyä lentäjien ja lentokoneiden omistajien etujärjestön jäseneksi.

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