Kalle Lindell

Cirrusen VLJ etenee?

13 viestiä aiheessa

Cirrus Vision SF50-pikkujetin tuotantoversion ensimmäinen koelentoyksilö, C-Zero, todennäköisesti lentää ensilentonsa ensi kuussa, ja myöhemmin tänä vuonna koelento-ohjelmaan saadaan kaksi koneyksilöä lisää. Konetyypin kokeiluversio, ns. technology demonstrator on lentänyt jo 800 tuntia heinäkuussa 2008 tapahtuneen ensilennon jälkeen. Cirruksella on konetyypistä 550 tilaajaa, jotka ovat maksaneet ennakkomaksuna 100000 dollaria kukin.


Cirrus Aircraft’s ambition to be the first to market with a single-engined personal jet looks set to become a reality, as it prepares its Vision SF50 prototype for first flight next month.


The certification aircraft, C-Zero, will be used for flight performance verification. The two remaining test aircraft – C-One and C-Two – are scheduled to enter service in the second and fourth quarter, and will be used for systems verification and parachute testing, respectively.


An earlier configuration "technology demonstrator" – dubbed V1 – has accumulated around 800 flying hours and 1,000 engine runs since it was built in 2008. However, the new prototypes are more reflective of the production jet, says Cirrus executive vice-president of sales marketing Todd Simmons.





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Cirrus Vision SF50:n tuotanto on jo aloitettu, kolmen koelentoyksilön lentäessä testilentoja, ja sertifiointia odotetaan vuoden loppuun mennessä. Tilauskanta on 550 konetta. Hyvin näyttää nyt etenevän tämäkin projekti.


Cirrus Aircraft has started production of the Vision SF50 single-engine jet at its facility in Duluth, Minnesota. In an exclusive video interview with AVweb at the plant earlier this week, Matt Bergwall, project manager for the jet, said limited production will be done through 2015 in advance of certification by the end of the year.



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Cirrus kertoo, että SF50:lle on nyt saatu ns. type inspection authorization, mikä tarkoittaa sitä, että FAA:n lentäjä voi jatkossa olla mukana koneessa koelentojen aikana. Toisinsanoen, taas on edetty yhden pykälän verran kohti sertifiointia, joka näyttää tapahtuvan aikataulussa, eli vuoden loppuun mennessä.


The FAA issued type inspection authorization (TIA) for the $1.96 million Cirrus Vision SF50 personal single-engine jet, the Duluth, Minn.-based aircraft manufacturer announced yesterday. TIA initiates formal FAA flight evaluation of the Vision SF50 type design, airworthiness, performance and handling properties and allows Cirrus to move forward with FAA conformity inspections and certification flight-tests with an FAA pilot on board the aircraft.



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Cirrus Vision SF50-konemallin ensimmäinen tuotantolinjalta ulostullut yksilö on lentänyt ensimmäisen kerran. Sertifiointia odotetaan kesäkuun loppuun mennessä, minkä jälkeen asiakastoimitukset voidaan aloittaa. Tilauksia on nyt noin 600.


Cirrus has flown the first production Vision SF50 jet. Cirrus spokesman Ben Kowalski told the Grand Forks Herald the aircraft flew May 5 and performed as expected. "It demonstrated that we have implemented out a repeatable process on our production line and are prepared to begin initial production of the Vision Jet," Kowalski told the Herald.





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Cirrus SF50 on nyt, 10 vuotta kestäneen kehitystyön jälkeen, lopultakin saanut FAA:n tyyppihyväksynnän, ja toimitukset asiakkaille alkavat joulukuussa.


Cirrus announced Sunday that its Cirrus SF50 personal jet has been type certified and that deliveries will begin in December.  The company made the announcement at a hastily-arranged function two days after it received the FAA paperwork and two days before the National Business Aviation Association Convention in Orlando, Florida.




Cirrus Aircraftin sivut: http://cirrusaircraft.com/aircraft/vision-jet/

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Ensimmäinen Cirrus Vision on luovutettu asiakkaalle eilen:


on Monday the company delivered a Vision jet to a customer, at a ceremony in Duluth, Minnesota. “It’s a major milestone to deliver the first airplane,” said Cirrus CEO Dale Klapmeier, according to the local BusinessNorth report. “This is a major step in the growth of our company.” The aircraft was delivered to Joe Whisenhunt, an Arkansas real estate developer who has previously owned 10 Cirrus airplanes. About 800 employees and company friends filled the hall at the company’s new 60,000-square-foot finishing facility. The single-engine jet was FAA certified in October. Cirrus says it has about 600 orders for the jet, which sells for about $2 million.



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Cirrus Vision-jetti on nyt myös EASA:n sertifioima, ja ensimmäinen toimitus eurooppalaiselle asiakkaalle on tapahtunut. Konetyyppi on hyväksytty lisäksi myös Australiassa.


Two major milestones in the global launch of the world’s first single-engine Personal Jet were reached today when Cirrus Aircraft announced it had received Vision Jet Type Certificate approval from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and delivered the first aircraft to Europe.



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FAA on sertifioinut Cirrus Vision jetin uuden parannetun version, Vision Jet G2:n. Kone lentää nyt nopeammin, korkeammalle ja pitemmälle kuljettaen enemmän kuormaa, ja siinä on reippaasti lisää Garminin kilkkeitä, mm. autothrottle. Lisää tietoa lukemalla artikkeli.


Cirrus Aircraft has received FAA certification for a new version of its single-engine Vision Jet, the Generation 2 (G2), and deliveries of the model will begin this month. New features include a higher maximum operating altitude, autothrottle, lithium-ion main-ship batteries, upgraded avionics, new cabin appointments, and additional paint schemes.

The G2 Vision Jet’s Garmin avionics suite is upgraded to the Perspective+ configuration, with faster processors and higher-resolution displays, Flight Stream 510 wireless gateway, and a Garmin autothrottle system for the Fadec Williams International FJ33-5A turbofan


The autothrottle can be used after 400 feet agl on takeoff and during an instrument approach to minimums. During a coupled instrument approach, the autothrottle and autopilot can automatically fly the missed approach procedure.

In addition, he autothrottle brings new functionality to the Garmin Electronic Stability & Protection System (ESP) on the G2 Vision. For example, in a stall, the autothrottle adds power to complement the autopilot lowering the nose, even if the autothrottle and autopilot are not engaged. Using the emergency descent mode, the autothrottle lowers power to a setting optimal for the descent but also for leveling off at a safe airspeed (about 82 percent power).


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1/10/2019 at 13.28, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

FAA on sertifioinut Cirrus Vision jetin uuden parannetun version, Vision Jet G2:n. Kone lentää nyt nopeammin, korkeammalle ja pitemmälle kuljettaen enemmän kuormaa, ja siinä on reippaasti lisää Garminin kilkkeitä, mm. autothrottle. Lisää tietoa lukemalla artikkeli.


13 minuutin video Cirrus Vision Jet G2:n esittelylennosta:


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Cirrus SF50 Vision Jetit maadoitettiin yhden koneista sytyttyä tuleen maassa palaen käyttökelvottomaksi. Tulipalo syttyi headsettien audiovahvistimien piirikorteissa, joita koneessa on 12 kappaletta. 97 % koneista on jo takaisin liikenteessä.


After a cabin ground fire destroyed a first-generation Cirrus SF50 Vision Jet, the FAA issued emergency airworthiness directive AD 2020-03-50, which grounds the fleet of jets until faulty audio amplifier circuit cards are removed from the cabin.

In the aircraft that melted on the ramp, the FAA wrote in its AD that the pilot observed smoke coming from the right rear cabin sidewall. The smoking components are audio amplifiers that are used to drive the 3.5-MM audio/microphone jacks in the passenger cabin.

To date Cirrus has made 97 percent of the SF50 fleet airworthy again through its ASSIST mobile technical team and established service centers. It said over 170 Cirrus jets are back flying since the bulletin was issued on February 7, 2020.


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Cirrus Vision Jettejä on nyt toimitettu asiakkaille yli 350 kappaletta.

Samassa yhteydessä Cirrus Aircraft kertoo, että kaikenkaikkiaan Cirrus on toimittanut asiakkaille yhteensä lähes 9000 konetta 30 vuoden aikana, kun SR-sarjan mäntämoottorikoneet lasketaan mukaan..


More than 350 Vision Jets have been delivered, and 650 pilots type rated in them, since FAA certification in October 2016. 


Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Ilkka Mäkelä

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