Jukka Juutilainen

Bronco Demo Tiimin (Belgia) OV-10 Bronco tuhoutui Kemblessä

3 viestiä aiheessa

Belgialaisen Bronco Demo-tiimin OV-10 Bronco putosi 10.7.2012 Cotswoldissa (Kemble). Ohjaaja, Tony De Bruyn, toimitettiin sairaalaan ja hän jo toipumassa palovammoineen onnettomuudesta. Broncolle kävi huonommin.


Linkki: http://southwest.thebreeze.com/news/bristols-news/crash-at-cotsworld-airport/


Keskustelua aiheesta (mm. ohjaajan sisko kiitoksineen): http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?t=118032

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Broncoteamin kotisivulta:


"We wanted to inform you that there was an incident on the 10th July 2012 at Kemble (Cotswold Airport, UK) concerning Tony and the Bronco. At approx. 15:00 in good flying conditions, Tony choose to take the opportunity to practise a standard display program. Unfortunately, shortly into the flight there was a problem and Tony and the Bronco had a crash landing from low altitude into the grass strip in front of the control tower.


The Bronco was destroyed on impact, but Tony managed to open the cockpit himself and was helped out by the fire crew. He was talking and moving all limbs and taken by helicopter to Franchay hospital in Bristol. He is presently in a stable condition with some burns and back injuries. Following on from his initial assessment he has subsequently had a successful operation on his back injury and is receiving treatment for his burns.


All the signs are for a positive full recovery; we will keep you updated.


Hereby we would like to thank the fire, rescue and hospital services for their professional assistance and care. Thank you to everyone for your help, support and kind wishes at this time.


The Bronco Demo Team

Released on 12th July 2012"

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Bronco Demo Team tiedottaa FB:ssä.


I am still in awe of how strong a will can be and feel humble for the wonder of life…


Visited Tony Friday evening and got following update on his progress:

1. Every day he is sitting in his chair, sometimes even for 6 hours

2. He has been for a stroll down the hall (supported by only 2 nurses!)

3. His room has free entry now and no more protective gear needs to be worn

4. He is looking great and gained some weight

5. Since this week his computer is with him

6. He asked –and got- his computer

7. And he said he wanted to go home and sleep in his own bed :-D


After every visit I am amazed on how well he is doing, on how his body is taking up the pace of normal live again and on how my brother is a fighter.


Dear friends, I will be taking a short vacation and leave Tony in the caring hands of Edith, Lynn, Thomas, Ruth and my mum.

As Tony is progressing very well I think that this will probably be the last time I am posting an update :-(

Next message that will appear here will surely be typed by ‘The Man’ himself.


Take care,


November 17, 2012



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