Perttu Karivalo

Lockheed: Dragon Shield ground shelter delivered to support Finnish C-295M

7 viestiä aiheessa

Farnborough uutisia:


Lockheed kertoo tiedotteessaan toimittaneensa Suomeen ensimmäisiä maalaitteistoja jotka tukevat Dragon Shield -valvontalaitteistoa joka asennetaan modifioitavana olevaan Ilmavoimien Casa C-295M koneeseen.


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Finland’s Advanced Airborne Surveillance System Progresses With Delivery of First Ground Components by Lockheed Martin IS&GS-Defense


In the Finnish Air Force’s initiative to field an advanced airborne surveillance system, recent milestones have been achieved not in the sky but on the ground.


The Lockheed Martin Dragon ShieldTM system being developed for the Finnish Air Command reached an exciting milestone this spring with the delivery of the initial ground shelter. Meanwhile, final acceptance for delivery to customer locations was being completed on all of the ground shelters and terminals.


The ground system will support a CASA C-295 aircraft that Lockheed Martin is modifying to accommodate a version of the Dragon Shield roll-on/roll-off mission technology. Integration of the airborne mission payload is targeted for late 2012, to be followed by delivery of the payload-equipped aircraft.


“The Finnish system is an excellent example of how the innovative Dragon airborne and ground system configurations allow customers to match their sensor requirements to their budget and airframe needs,” says Jim Quinn, vice president of C4ISR Systems for Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Solutions-Defense.

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