Ilkka Mäkelä

Continental Motors aloittaa dieselmoottorien valmistuksen

5 viestiä aiheessa

Continental Motors on julkistanut parhaillaan meneillään olevan Oshkoshin Airventure-ilmailutapahtuman yhteydessä aloittavansa dieselmoottoreiden valmistuksen. FAA:n sertifiointia ensimmäiselle 200-250 hp välille aiotulle moottorimallille "TD-300" odotetaan jo tämän vuoden aikana. Vielä ei kerrota, mihin konetyyppiin/tyyppeihin ko. moottorimalli voitaisiin kuvitella asennettavan. Tuotanto saattaa alkaa jo alkuvuodesta 2013. Myöhemmin tulee markkinoille muitakin Continentalin dieselmoottorimalleja.


Continental CEO Rhett Ross said the expected certification would put Continental in line to start rate production of the engines in the first quarter of 2013. Continental has yet to announce any launch applications for the engines.


The company’s first diesel engine is expected to be a 200- to 250hp (149-187kW) model known as the TD-300. A larger, 300- to 350hp (224-261kW) version is expected to follow in 2015 while a 160- to 180hp (119-134kW) model is slated for production in 2017.

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Continental kertoo saaneensa TD-300-dieselmoottorinsa sertifioitua:


Continental also revealed that it has certified its TD300 turbo-diesel engine, although the news of it was kept low key. Continental bought its basic diesel technology from the French company SMA, but has pursued its own developmental path to improve and certify it. Ross said Continental also has a launch customer for the engine but he declined to name it. We're told to expect more information at AirVenture.

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Continental aikoo esitellä uusimman ja tehokkaimman, 300 hevosvoiman V6-dieselmoottorinsa tämän kesän Oshkoshin tapahtumassa. Moottorin koelennot alkavat tehtaan mukaan jo ennen Oshkoshin tapahtuman alkua, mikäli kaikki menee suunnitelmien mukaan. Continentalilla tulee tämän jälkeen olemaan tarjolla 4 eri dieselmoottorityyppiä, 135, 155, 230 ja 300 hevosvoiman tehovaihtoehdoilla.


Continental Motors says it will take the wraps off a new 300-hp aircraft V-6 diesel engine at AirVenture in July, according to CEO Rhett Ross. Like the Centurion 2.0 and 2.0S diesels, the new engine leverages automotive technology from Mercedes Benz and is aimed at the high-performance single- and twin-engine segment not yet served by a high-horsepower production diesel engine. Ross said the company is hoping the engine will fly before AirVenture opens on July 28. He declined to reveal what aircraft the engine will fly in, other than to say it’s a “generic composite low wing.” Given the horsepower, a Cirrus SR22 seems to be the most likely test bed.

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