Sami Puro

Tutkimustietoa "vankilennoista" (The Rendition Project)

1 viesti aiheessa

Brittiläinen Guardian-lehti on julkaissut dataa ja artikkeleita USA:n väitetyistä vankilennoista. Datan takana on kaksi paikallista yliopistoprofessoria, ja tutkimus on vienyt aikaa kolme vuotta (The Rendition Project). Epäillyt lentokoneet ovat käyneet Briteissä yhteensä yli 1600 kertaa, mutta tästä vain 144:ssä tapauksessa on epäily (ei pitäviä todisteita) että lento/välilasku liittyy näihin vankikuljetuksiin.


Mukana tiedoissa (selattavissa interaktiivisen kartan kautta) on myös Suomea koskevia lentoja (aiheesta mm. täällä:,46582.0.html ). Tiedoissa ei kuitenkaan Suomen osalta ole mitään vahvistettua kyydityksiä, mutta pari kappaletta "highly suspicious"-statuksella olevia lentoja on.




Kartta ja tietojen selaus:


Tiedonkeräysprojektille omat webbisivut, jossa on kerrottu tarkemmin aiheesta ja selitetty tietojen taustoja jne:




The UK's support for the CIA's global rendition programme after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US was far more substantial than has previously been recognised, according to a new research project that draws on a vast number of publicly available data and documentation.


Evidence gathered by The Rendition Project – an interactive website that maps thousands of rendition flights – highlight 1,622 flights in and out of the UK by aircraft now known to have been involved in the agency's secret kidnap and detention programme.


While many of those flights may not have been involved in rendition operations, the researchers behind the project have drawn on testimony from detainees, Red Cross reports, courtroom evidence, flight records and invoices to show that at least 144 were entering the UK while suspected of being engaged in rendition operations.


While the CIA used UK airports for refuelling and overnight stopovers, there is no evidence that any landed in the UK with prisoners on board. This may suggest that the UK government denied permission for this. In some cases, it is unclear whether the airline companies would have been aware of the purpose of the flights.


Some 51 different UK airports were used by 84 different aircraft that have been linked by researchers to the rendition programme.

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