Ilkka Mäkelä

Rajumpi laskeutuminen Indonesiassa

7 viestiä aiheessa

Merpati-yhtiön Xian MA-60 teki kovan laskun tänään Kupangin kaupungin lentokentälle Itä-Indonesiassa. Kuten kuvista näkyy, moottorit ovat kyntäneet kiitotietä ja siivet ovat melkein irronneet rungosta. Kaksi matkustajista loukkaantui lievästi, kone taisi mennä lunastukseen. Tarkempaa tietoa tapahtumasta ei vielä ole.

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Tällävälin ilmestynyt Avheraldin artikkeli kertoo, että laskeutuminen jäi lyhyeksi, jolloin telineet pettivät em. seurauksin:


A Merpati Nusantara Airlines Xian MA-60, registration PK-MZO performing flight MZ-6517 from Bajawa to Kupang (Indonesia) with 46 passengers and 4 crew, touched down short of Kupang's runway 07 at 09:40L (01:40Z), sheared off all landing gear, the propellers and engines contacted ground causing the wing to break apart and tilt. The aircraft came to a stop with the fuselage broken up in two parts just past the western threshold of the runway (07). One passenger was taken to a hospital with injuries.

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  Johan on huoletonta meininkiä,ei kuitenkaan sama pilotti ??? Kuva näköjään otettu välittömästi crashin tapahduttua,jossa näkyy kelikin olleen kohtalainen,kuten juttukin kertoo.Tosin tuolla kolkalla kelit muuttuvat jo minuutissa!Onneksi ei henkilövahinkoja!

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Tutkijat ovat havainneet, että molemmat tehovivut oli vedetty flight idle-alueen alapuolelle


Indonesian investigators have determined that both power levers on a Merpati Nusantara Xian Aircraft MA60 had been retarded to the beta range before the aircraft landed hard at Kupang’s El Tari airport and broke up.


Beta mode is a critical throttle setting on turboprops, below flight-idle, which is normally used only for ground manoeuvring.


Selecting this setting during flight can be extremely hazardous, and the MA60 has an electromagnetic locking mechanism designed to prevent the pilots’ inadvertently moving the throttle levers below flight-idle.


But the National Transportation Safety Committee says the power lever lock was opened during the approach. While this was consistent with the operator’s approach checklist, it was not part of the airframer’s operating manual.


The carrier had experienced earlier problems with locking systems failing to open after landing, and had chosen to revise the checklist in 2008.


But investigators state that they could not find “any evidence” of a safety assessment or risk analysis associated with the revision.


While the aircraft also has a mechanical stop-slot, which is also designed to prevent beta-range selection, the inquiry says the first officer, who was flying, also overrode this system on approach – possible to avoid a delay in selecting ground-idle after landing.


Flight-data recorder information showed that the left-hand power lever entered the beta range at a height of 112ft with the right-hand lever following at 90ft.


Simulations determined that, with both levers below flight-idle, the resulting propeller pitch angle would cause significant drag. The aircraft would lose lift and descend rapidly.


Investigators state that the flight-data recorder showed the aircraft had undergone “several high vertical speed events” less than 1,000ft above ground as it made its approach. The aircraft’s descent rate increased to nearly 1,300ft/min, it says, during this critical period.

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