Sami Puro

Willie Walsh: Antakaa potkut Heathrown johtajalle

2 viestiä aiheessa

IAG:n päämies Willie Walsh on tuskastunut LHR:n koviin matkustajamaksuihin ja ei ole mielissään siitä että ensi vuonna maksut nousevat jälleen 2% yli inflaation. Tuo tarkoittaisi rapian 35 euron korotusta lipunhintoihin (kuulostaa melko paljolta .. onkohan ihan oikea luku?).


IAG chief executive Willie Walsh has called for the head of London Heathrow Airport to be sacked in an extraordinary row over landing charges.


Mr Walsh claimed that the airport was "ripping off passengers" through excessive fees for airlines such as IAG's British Airways which he said had to be passed on to passengers. The comments follow Heathrow asking regulator CAA for a rise in charges of 2 percent above the rate of inflation a year from April next year which would add up to GBP£27 (USD$43) on to the price of a ticket.


Mr Walsh said: "Heathrow is ripping off passengers, its inefficient, and it's been grossly over-rewarded by the CAA."


He also said that if Heathrow's chief executive required excessive charges to justify investment then he should be replaced. A Heathrow spokeswoman, said: "We have put forward plans for more than GBP£400 million of cost savings over the next five years. We want to continue the investment that has been improving Heathrow for passengers. Airlines’ proposals for 40 percent price cuts can't be achieved without risking under-investment and a return to the out-dated Heathrow of the past."

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Näyttäisi siltä, että riita näistä Heathrown maksuista on muhinut jo jonkin aikaa, ja se, mikä Airwisen uutisesta näyttäisi puuttuvan, on näiden maksujen nykyinen taso. Ymmärtääkseni jo nyt peritään matkustajamaksua 19,33 puntaa, mikä nousisi 27,30 puntaan, jos lentokenttäyhtiö BAA saa tahtonsa lävitse.


Heathrow bosses want the CAA to allow them to increase airline charges at the west London airport from the equivalent of £19.33 per passenger for 2012/13 to as much as £27.30 for 2018/19. (artikkeli huhtikuulta)

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