Sami Puro

Ryanairille suuret sakot ranskalaisessa tuomioistuimessa

1 viesti aiheessa

Ryanair on tuomittu ranskalaisessa tuomioistuimessa työlakien rikkomisesta 10mil. eur korvauksiin, ja sen lisäksi sakkoihin. Syytekohtia on ollut useita mm. työntekijöiden järjestäytymisen estäminen ja Ranskassa töitä tekevien rekisteröimien irlantilaisiksi työntekijöiksi. Yhtiö aikoo valittaa tuomiosta. Aiemmin päivällä povattiin jopa, että yhtiöltä takavarikoitaisiin neljä lentokonetta, koska itse sakko on vain 200 000eur (maksimi tässä tapauksessa). Taustalla on neljän koneen ja 127 työntekijän käyttö ranskalaisella basella ilman että mitään veroja tai maksuja maksettiin Ranskaan.


A French court has ordered low-cost carrier Ryanair to pay €10 million in damages plus fines for breaching French labour laws at its operation in Marignane, near the southern port city of Marseille. The airline has said it plans to appeal.


Ryanair faced multiple charges, including registering workers employed in France as Irish employees, preventing workplace councils from functioning and preventing staff from having free access to unions.


The case centres around a facility operated by the company at Marignane, where 127 Ryanair employees were based. The airline neglected to apply French labour laws to its Marignane-based staff or complete tax declarations for them.


Ryanair argued that Irish law applied to the employees, as it did not have a permanent base in the area and its staff took their orders from company headquarters in Dublin.


A lawyer for the SNPL pilots' union, Roland Rappaport, urged the court to "make an example" of Ryanair in its ruling.


"We are dealing with a company whose only goal is to counter the law in defiance of the interests of workers," the prosecution said.



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