Ilkka Mäkelä

Kiinalainen yhtiö ostaa Mooney Aviationin

9 viestiä aiheessa

Teksasilaisen perinteikkään lentokonevalmistajan Mooneyn omistus siirtyy kiinalaiselle Meijing Group-yhtiöryhmälle. Uusi omistaja aikoo elvyttää tuotannon ja keskittyä etenkin Kiinan ja Aasian markkinoihin.


Meijing Group, a Chinese real estate developer, is expected to complete its purchase of Mooney Aviation Company Inc., a U.S.-based manufacturer of utility aircraft, in November, a company source said on Tuesday.


The takeover should be completed next month after the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States approved the deal on Oct. 2, said an executive with the Meijing Group, which is based in central China's Henan Province.


The deal between Meijing Group and Mooney is expected to revive the 84-year-old manufacturer of single-engine general aviation aircraft, which laid off employees and suspended production in 2010.


Besides producing aircraft, the new Mooney will run businesses of components supply, second-hand aircraft trading and renovation, mainly focusing on the Chinese and Asian markets, according to the executive, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


So far, neither Meijing Group nor Mooney have released the cost of the purchase to the public.!


Mooneyn omistus on vaihtunut useita kertoja. Eri malleilla on tehty ennätyksiäkin.

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Tämä oli odotettavaa. Katsotaan toteutuuko kauppa.


Jatkossa sitten ihmetellään, minkä dieselin Mooneyn keulalle saavat soviteltua.


Kokonaisuudessa uudesta omistajasta ja pääomaruiskeesta ei ainakaan haittaa Mooneylle voi olla.

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Mooney ilmoittaa, että uutta rahoitusta toiminnan jatkamiseen tulee kalifornialaiselta Soaring America Corporationilta, mutta toisaalta näyttää siltä, että sitä yhtiötä hallitsevat kiinalaiset henkilöt:


The company, based in Kerrville, Texas, will receive funding to revive the company and restart production from Soaring America Corp., based in Alhambra, Calif. Details of the financial arrangement are confidential, the company said.


Soaring America filed for incorporation in November 2012, according to It lists Cheng-Yuan Chen as president and Haohang Li as the registered agent.



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Mooney tutkii nyt mahdollisuutta aloittaa koneiden tuotanto Kiinassa Henanin maakunnassa. Kyseeseen tulisi ainakin aluksi uusi M10-malli, jonka markkina-alueena olisi kaukoidän/Tyynen meren alue. Muu esim. Eurooppaan markkinoitava tuotanto säilyy USA:ssa.


Mooney is seriously exploring the possibility of a adding a production capability in China's Henan province to build its future M10 piston aircraft.


The company, which is owned by Chinese firm Meijing Group, is likely to have some form of production in China, but is still assessing the degree of aircraft production it will undertake in the market, says Peter Claeys, vice-president of sales and marketing in the Greater China region.


"We will manufacture aircraft where we have the market," says Claeys. "Trainers are needed in this part of the world."

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Mooney International Corporation on paikallisuutisten mukaan sulkenut tehtaansa Teksasissa ja lomauttanut kaikki jäljelläolleet työntekijänsä. Syynä lienevät huonot myyntiluvut: yhtiö on saanut tämän vuoden alkupuolella kaupaksi vain neljä konetta, kun Cirrus myi vastaavaan aikaan 203 konetta.


Kerrville, Texas-based Mooney Aircraft has reportedly shut down and released its entire staff, the Kerrville Daily Times is reporting. The Times reported and we can confirm that Mooney’s voicemail system states that “At this time, all Mooney employees have been furloughed and therefore we cannot take your call.” We have been unable to reach any of Mooney’s staff or management, and we understand that the firm’s workforce was down to just 50 preceding the furlough.

To those watching Mooney’s sales numbers over the first half of this year, the shutdown is probably not a huge surprise. According to GAMA sales records, Mooney sold two Acclaim Ultras in each of the first two quarters, after selling 14 aircraft at a value of $10.7 million in 2018. For context, Cirrus sold 203 aircraft in the first half of 2019, while Mooney’s output trailed Extra, Pipistrel and Quest’s.

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Mooneyn työntekijät, jotka oli lomautettu marraskuussa mutta kutsuttu uudelleen töihin joulukuun alussa, on taas lähetetty kotiin eilen ilman luvattuja kahden viikon lomarahoja. Ei näytä menevän putkeen.


Employees at Mooney’s Kerrville plant, furloughed on November 11 and recalled in early December, are once again out of work. The Kerrville Daily Times is reporting that employees were told to “go home” today and that the company would not be giving them the two weeks of holiday pay they were promised earlier this month.

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Erinäisten vaiheiden jälkeen Mooney näyttää vaihtaneen yhtiön johdon. Uusiksi johtajiksi kerrotaan "ryhmä lentäjiä ja Mooney-koneiden omistajia". Toimitusjohtaja on Jonny Pollack.

Mooney keskittyy aluksi varaosien toimittamiseen 7000:lle Mooney-merkkiselle koneelle. G1000-päivitys on toimitusvalmiina ja mm. ballistista pelastusvarjoa sekä autoland-toimintoa harkitaan. Yhtiö on kuitenkin edelleen kiinalaisessa omistuksessa ja uusi toimiva johto työskentelee yhteistyössä kiinalaisen omistajan Meijing groupin kanssa.


Aircraft manufacturer Mooney has announced that it is now under new management made up of “pilots and Mooney owners” led by CEO Jonny Pollack.

“Our first and immediate focus is to make sure that we’re properly servicing the community’s fleet of over 7000 aircraft,” Pollack said in a statement on the company’s website. “For the last 6 months, we’ve taken over parts production and managed to keep spares moving to service centers. We have plans to improve our efficiency so that parts are easier to order and arrive sooner.”

Mooney also announced that it is now offering an upgrade to legacy G1000 software and carbon cowl for the Ovation. According to Pollack, design items the company will be looking at going forward include a useful load increase retrofit followed by a ballistic parachute option, autoland system and larger cabin.

the new management team will be working “in partnership with and in support of” the China-based Meijing Group, which currently owns the company, to expand Mooney’s international network.

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