Sami Puro

Air India liittyy Star Allianceen

3 viestiä aiheessa

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National carrier Air India is likely to join the 28-member Star Alliance by June this year.


“Without giving a specific date, one can say that we will complete all the ground work and formalities of Air India’s entry into the Star Alliance club by this summer. After that, they will be ready to join straightaway,” says Star Alliance CEO Mark F. Schwab. Integration into the global alliance, a first for an Indian airline, will help debt-ridden Air India boost its revenue by increasing global connectivity through partner airlines.




In 2007, Air India was accepted as a future member of Star Alliance. However, the integration process was halted in July 2011 to enable it to complete the merger with erstwhile Indian Airlines. The national carrier was again invited to join the global alliance in December last year, following a meeting of the chief executives of the airlines that are members of Star Alliance in Vienna.

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Päivää ennen Air Indian liittymistä Star Allianceen intialainen talouslehti kertoo, että Intian valtio kantaa edelleen jopa lisääntyvässä määrin veronmaksajien rahaa Air Indian pohjattomaan kaivoon. Alkaneelle tilivuodelle on myönnetty "avustusta" 6500 croren (crore = 10 miljoonaa) rupian verran, eli 794 miljoonaa euroa - mikä oli enemmän avustusta kuin edellisenä vuonna. Viimeksi julkaistussa tilinpäätöksessä tuli tappiota 658 miljoonaa euroa, mikä tarkoitti tappion pienenneen sitä edellisestä tilivuodesta vain 12 miljoonan euron verran. Mitkään säästötoimet tai uudelleenjärjestelyt eivät siis ole toistaiseksi purreet, Intian ihmemaassa kun ollaan?


MUMBAI: The government has budgeted Rs 6,500 crore for national carrier Air India in the current fiscal year through March 31, as its latest tranche of equity infusion in the loss-making carrier.


The amount is higher than last year's tranche of Rs 6,000, but lower than the over Rs 7,000 support the airline had asked for.


The airline, loss-making since 2007, has been depending on cash handouts from the government to sustain operations.


Economic Times



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