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Comac C919 - uusi kiinalainen 150-paikkainen kone

65 viestiä aiheessa

Nyt kerrotaan, että uusi iso C919 lentää ensilentonsa jo vuonna 2014, koelennot tehty vuonna 2016 ja niitä aiotaan valmistaa jopa 150 kappaletta vuosittain. Konetyypin kerrotaan tulevan olemaan taloudellisempi kuin nykyiset Boeing/Airbus-konetyypit 737/340.


En oikeastaan näe mitään syytä olla uskomatta asiaa. Kiinassa riittää resursseja ja jos jostain on puutetta, siellä on valtion kassassa runsaasti dollareita joilla saa ostettua kaiken, mitä tarvitaan, ml. henkilöresurssit.

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Kiinalaiset julkistavat piakkoin yli 150-paikkaisen C919-koneen täysikokoisen mallin eli mockupin. Projektiin osallistuvat lukuisat länsimaiset yhtiöt, kuten Honeywell, Rockwell Collins, CFM, GE Aviation, Eaton ja Parker. Pelkästään Honeywell on saanut 11 miljardin dollarin kaupat.,0,4824354.story

Näin se on !! teollisuus euroopasta menee Kiinaan ja Airbusin tehtaat ovat kymmenen vuoden sisällä nousevan auringon maassa.

:thmbup: :thmbup: :thmbup:

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Näin se on !! teollisuus euroopasta menee Kiinaan ja Airbusin tehtaat ovat kymmenen vuoden sisällä nousevan auringon maassa.

:thmbup: :thmbup: :thmbup:


Onhan siellä myös Boeing  :) : "a joint venture between Boeing and China Aviation Industry Corp -- makes composite secondary structures and interior parts for the B737, B747, B767, B777 and the B787 Dreamliner aircraft"

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Näin se on !! teollisuus euroopasta menee Kiinaan ja Airbusin tehtaat ovat kymmenen vuoden sisällä nousevan auringon maassa.

:thmbup: :thmbup: :thmbup:


Niin pitkään kun Ranskassa on minkäänlaista poliittistatoimintaa, ei Airbusin tehtaat lähde Toulousesta mihinkään  :thmbup: :thmbup: :thmbup:


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Kiinan 150-paikkainen COMAC C919-kone on saanut China Airshown avautuessa 50 tilausta lisää, lähinnä kiinalaisilta yhtiöiltä. Samalla paljastui, että amerikkalainen Eastern Air Lines, joka meni konkurssiin v. 1991, aiotaan herättää henkiin, ensi alkuun lentämään reittejä Miamista latinalaisen Amerikan maihin. Ja konetyypiksi olisi tulossa nimenomaan COMAC C919.


Meksikolainen Interjet on tilannut 40 Airbus 320neo-konetta.

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Myös Comac C919-projekti viivästyy. Ensilento tapahtunee vuonna 2015 ja ensimmäiset toimitukset tilaajille juuri ja juuri v. 2016 aikana.


Comac will miss a target to fly its C919 158-seat narrowbody airliner in 2014, industry sources familiar with the Chinese program tell Aviation Week.


The first flight now is scheduled for the second quarter of 2015, says one industry source with detailed knowledge of the program.


According to the new plan, Comac will roll out the aircraft in December 2014, says the source.The manufacturer still is aiming to achieve its target of a first delivery in 2016—but only just. The specific aim is now December of that year.


The first flight has been delayed by up to a year from a previous, unannounced target of June 2014.

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Ensimmäisen C919-koneen loppukokoonpano alkaa piakkoin (paljon paljon myöhässä).


Chinese airframer Comac is targeting to start final assembly of its first test C919 aircraft by the end of the year.


Speaking to Flightglobal on the sidelines of the Singapore air show, Dang Tiehong, its deputy general manager for sales and marketing says aircraft structural data has been distributed to suppliers, and that the aim is for the jet's structure to be delivered to Shanghai for final assembly this year.


He adds that most of the aircraft's systems have also gone through the critical design review, and that manufacturing is ongoing.


"We aim to finish airframe assembly of the first test aircraft by year end, and next year to start assembly of the systems," says Dang.


He adds that Comac is still conscientiously working towards a 2015 year-end first flight target for the C919. The airframer has also started tests on its iron bird platform.


Dang discloses that Comac will likely be building a total of eight test aircraft - five for flight tests and three for ground tests.

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Uutistoimisto Xinhua kertoo COMACin aloittavan C919-konetyypin koelennot myöhemmin tämän vuoden aikana. COMAC-yhtiö on uutisen mukaan saanut yhteensä 450 tilausta asiakkailta.


China's COMAC has completed the basic assembly of its medium-range C919 large passenger aircraft and is expected to launch test flights this year, the official Xinhua news agency reported.


Xinhua said state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, which is touting the aircraft as China's answer to airliners from Boeing and Airbus, had secured 450 orders from 18 customers. The agency gave no further details and COMAC executives were not available for comment during the Lunar New Year holiday.

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Joidenkin tietojen mukaan Comac C919:n tälle vuodelle suunniteltu ensilento viivästyy, kuten lähes kaikille uusille liikennekoneprojekteille on viime vuosina tapahtunut. Uusi päivämäärä olisi v. 2016 puolella, mahdollisesti jopa v. 2017.


the first Chinese-produced narrowbody aircraft was originally scheduled to operate its maiden flight in 2014, which was reportedly delayed to this year. “Now it has to be delayed to 2016 and we are not sure whether it will be delayed to 2017 again or even later,” the insider noted.


The first delivery of the C919 will be delayed to 2018 or 2019 at the earliest. Its first delivery was originally scheduled for 2016.

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Ensimmäisen prototyypin kokoaminen etenee kiinalaistehtaan mukaan hyvin, ja paljon jouheammin kuin heidän edellisen uuden konetyypin ARJ21:n kokoonpano. C919:n runko on jo pääosin koottu ja järjestelmien asennus alkamassa.


Progress with the final assembly of the C919 narrowbody is much smoother compared with the journey of the ARJ21 regional jet, says Comac's chief engineer Jiang Liping.


Jiang, who was involved in the ARJ21 and now focuses on the C919 programme, attributes this to more active process control by Comac, as well as the improved specifications the manufacturer has given out to suppliers.


While the final assembly of the ARJ21 airframe took about six months, Comac spent only about 3.5 months to put the C919 airframe together. The complex wing-to-body join of the narrowbody meanwhile took only 25 days, Jiang tells Flightglobal in an interview in Shanghai.



Comac is working on an internal target to roll out the C919 later this year, and Jiang says under the best circumstances, pre-flight preparations could be completed four months thereafter. This means that the C919 could make its first flight around April or May of 2016.

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Comac on järjestänyt C919-koneen prototyypin rollout-tilaisuuden Shanghaissa. Konetyypillä on nyt 517 tilausta. Seuraavaksi alkavat avioniikan, ohjainlaitteiston ja hydrauliikan testit. Ensilento tapahtunee näillä näkymin v. 2016 aikana.


Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China has rolled out its C919 narrow-body jet, which is meant to rival similar models from Airbus and Boeing.


State television also showed footage of the aircraft rolling off the assembly line in Comac's Shanghai factory. In a statement, the company said it had already received 517 orders for the aircraft mainly from domestic firms.


EDIT: tilaisuudesta löytyy pari kuvaakin:

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Comac C919:n ensilento lähestyy, ja se saattaa tapahtua vuoden loppuun mennessä tai vuoden 2017 alussa:


The Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) plans to launch the C919 inaugural flight by the end of this year or early 2017. The specific timetable for the inaugural flight will depend on subsequent flight tests.

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Comac on saanut parhaillaan Zhuhaissa meneillään olevan Airshow China-ilmailunäyttelyn yhteydessä yhteensä 23 uutta sitovaa tilausta kahdelta kiinalaiselta leasingyhtiöltä (CITIC Financial Leasing ja SPDB Financial Leasing), sekä lisäksi aiesopimukset 33 koneen lisätilaukselle. Tämän jälkeen C919:lle on yhteensä 570 tilausta 23:lta asiakkaalta. C919:n ensilentoa odotellaan virallisesti ennen vuodenvaihdetta, mutta todellisuudessa ensilento siirtynee ensi vuoden alkupuolelle.


Comac secured firm commitments for 23 of its in-development C919 narrowbodies from two Chinese lessors on the first day of Airshow China.


CITIC Financial Leasing signed with the Chinese airframer for 18 C919s, with a letter of intent for an additional 18 aircraft.


SPDB Financial Leasing also signed a purchase agreement for five C919s, with a letter of intent for 15 more of the type.


These two lessors' commitments bring Comac’s order book for the C919 to 570 aircraft from 23 customers, most of which are Chinese airlines and leasing companies.


Comac is officially working toward a year-end first flight for the C919, but FlightGlobal understands that this is likely to be pushed back to the first half of 2017.

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C919:n koelentoyksilön CFM Leap 1C-moottorit on käynnistetty ensimmäisen kerran, joten ensilento alkaa lähestyä.


State-owned manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (COMAC) has run the engines installed on the C919 flight test aircraft for the first time.


The CFM Leap 1C engines powered up for the first time on the C919 prototype (serial number 10001) on November 9, marking a long-awaited milestone on the road to its maiden flight.


CFM International, the largest jet engine manufacturer worldwide as well as the exclusive engine supplier for the home-made aircraft C919, delivered the first C919 engines last July but not run for the initial time until Nov. 9 of this year.


The home-made aircraft is scheduled to make its first flight at the end of this year or early 2017.

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CFM Internationalin LEAP-1C-moottori, joka on ainakin alkuvaiheessa C919:n ainoa moottorivaihtoehto, on saanut FAA:n ja EASA:n tyyppihyväksynnän. Myöhemmässä vaiheessa saattaa olla mahdollista, että Kiinassa kehitetään kotimainen moottorivaihtoehto.


The CFM International LEAP-1C engine, which will power the Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China (COMAC) C919, has gained type certification from both FAA and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).


The dual certification comes ahead of the C919’s first flight, which is expected to occur in 2017. The LEAP-1C is the sole-source Western engine for the aircraft. There is also supposed to be a domestically produced engine option for the narrowbody aircraft, but the LEAP-1C is expected to power the flight test aircraft and at least the initial batch of C919s delivered to airlines.


CFM is a joint venture between GE Aviation and Safran.


LEAP-1A-moottoriversio tunnetaan A320neo:n moottorivaihtoehtona ja LEAP-1B vastaavasti 737 MAX:in moottorina.


The LEAP-1A powering the Airbus A320neo was certified by FAA and EASA in November 2015. The LEAP-1B powering the Boeing 737 MAX was certified by FAA and EASA in May 2016.

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Kiinan ilmailuviranomaisen mukaan COMAC C919:n ensilento tapahtuu (lopultakin) toukokuussa. Ensilentoa odotettiin tapahtuvaksi jo v. 2014. Tilauksia konetyypillä on 570 kappaletta.


China’s Commercial Aircraft Corp. (COMAC) is expected to launch the inaugural flight of the much-delayed C919 narrowbody in May, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

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Comac C919 on nyt suorittanut rullaustestit (uutisessa kuva koelentoyksilöstä)


... ja keskeytettyyn lentoonlähtöön päättyneen high speed-rullauskokeen, samoinkuin saanut viranomaisluvat lentotoiminnan aloittamiseen, joten kaikki näyttää olevan selvää ensilentoa varten.


On 23 April, the Chinese manufacturer conducted a high-speed ground run to the point of a nose-gear lift-off, before the pilots applied the brakes and brought the aircraft to a stop.


This is a crucial test which evaluates the safe performance of the aircraft at high ground speed and also verifies the rotation speed of the aircraft, says Comac.


The airframer also received a special flight permit from the Civil Aviation Administration of China on 22 April, as well as a temporary civil aircraft registration and an aircraft station licence. The flight permit and the station licence both expire on 31 May, a clear sign that Comac is confident of a C919 maiden sortie next month.

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Comac C919 on nyt suorittanut rullaustestit


... ja keskeytettyyn lentoonlähtöön päättyneen high speed-rullauskokeen, samoinkuin saanut viranomaisluvat lentotoiminnan aloittamiseen, joten kaikki näyttää olevan selvää ensilentoa varten.


Ensilento tiettävästi huomenna:


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