Ilkka Mäkelä

Comac C919 - uusi kiinalainen 150-paikkainen kone

65 viestiä aiheessa

Ensimmäinen asiakkaalle (China Easternille) toimitettavaksi tarkoitettu C919 on suorittanut ensilentonsa ja sertifioinnin edellyttämiä koelentoja jatketaan. Vielä ei ole tiedossa, milloin Kiinan viranomainen tulee sertifioimaan konetyypin.


The first production aircraft of the COMAC C919 has made its maiden flight on May 14. The aircraft, painted white with China Eastern Airlines on the fuselage, performed a three hour, two minutes test flight from and to Shanghai Pudong, the Chinese airframer reported on May 14.

When the CAAC will grant COMAC the type certificate is unclear.

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C919:sta oli tarkoitus tehdä hinnaltaan kilpailukykyinen 737:ään ja A320:een verrattuna jotta kone kelpaisi vientiin, mutta viimeisimmän tiedon mukaan C919:n hinta lähestyy jo 100 miljoonaa dollaria, kun A320neon listahinta on 111 miljoonaa ja 737 MAXin 117 miljoonaa. Alunperin kiinalaiset ajattelivat C919:n hinnaksi 50 miljoonaa, joten hinta on tuplaantunut.


China is in danger of pricing itself out of the market with its new C919 narrow body airliner according to The Straits Times. The Singapore publication is reporting the new plane will cost about $100 million, almost as much as the A320neo and Boeing 737 MAX which now dominate that market. China had hoped the plane would come in at about $50 million, giving it a big edge over the Western competitors. An A320neo is about $111 million and the MAX is about $117 million.

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C919:n sertifioinnin ajankohta lähestyy. Kiinan valtion omistama lentokonevalmistaja COMAC kertoo, että koelento-ohjelma on saatu päätökseen. Ensimmäisen asiakastoimituksen China Easternille odotetaan tapahtuvan jo elokuun aikana.


SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China's homegrown C919 narrow-body jet, designed to challenge the Airbus-Boeing duopoly, is nearing certification as its test planes completed all of the test flight tasks, the company said on Saturday.

The state-owned manufacturer Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC) said on its official social media account that the six test planes have finished the testing tasks as the programme enters the final stage of receiving a certificate from the Civil Aviation Administration of China which is required for commercial operations.

The launch customer is the state-owned China Eastern Airlines, which has placed an order for five C919 jets in March last year. Changjiang Daily, a newspaper owned by the local government of Wuhan, said in a report on July 8 the airline is scheduled to take the first delivery in August.

Assembled in China, the plane relies heavily on Western components, including engines and avionics.

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COMAC C919 on saanut Kiinan viranomaisilta tuotantosertifikaatin, mikä mahdollistaa massatuotantoprosessin käynnistämisen. Tämän ja aikaisemmin syyskuussa myönnetyn tyyppisertifikaatin lisäksi konetyyppi tarvitsee vielä sertifikaatin kaupallisten matkustajalentojen aloittamista varten.

Konetyypillä on uutisen mukaan 1115 tilausta.


The C919, China's first self-developed narrow-body passenger jet, received its production certificate on Tuesday from the Civil Aviation Administration of China in Shanghai, indicating the model can be put into mass production.

Comparable to the Airbus A320 and Boeing B737 series, the C919 received its type certificate in late September, which gave design approval.

The first C919 aircraft has completed its production test flights and fulfilled delivery requirements, and it is expected to be delivered to China Eastern Airlines in December. So far, the C919 has received 1,115 orders from home and abroad.

"The C919 also needs to get the last certificate, or a permit for commercial operation of passenger flights. Only after all three certificates are obtained can an aircraft model be put into commercial use," said Lin Zhijie, an aviation industry analyst.

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Ensimmäinen C919 on toimitettu asiakkaalle China Easternille eilen. Yahoo/Business Insider on koonnut eri lähteistä artikkelin jossa kerrataan C919:n vaiheita.

Alussa oleva video ei kuulu tähän aiheeseen.


China's first homegrown mainline aircraft was delivered to China Eastern Airlines on Friday.

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China Eastern aikoo suorittaa C919:n ensimmäiset kaupalliset lennot sunnuntaina.


BEIJING (Reuters) - China Eastern Airlines, the initial customer for the country's homegrown narrow-body jet C919, will launch the plane's first commercial flight on Sunday, the carrier's app showed on Friday.

The C919 flight will take off as flight number MU9191 at 10:45 a.m. Beijing time (0245 GMT) from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and arrive in Beijing Capital Airport at 1:10 p.m.

It will fly a second time on Sunday afternoon back from Beijing to Shanghai, the app also showed.

The commercial operation of the C919 marks a milestone in the country's hopes that the plane will break the longtime Airbus-Boeing duopoly in the world's airline manufacturing industry.

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COMAC C919:n ensimmäinen kaupallinen lento on siis nyt tehty tänään.


The C919 took off at 10:32 a.m. (0232 GMT) from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport where COMAC and China Eastern Airlines are headquartered, and landed two hours later at Beijing Capital Airport, showed flight tracker app Variflight.

The plane is scheduled to return to Shanghai on Sunday, then make a longer two-way flight to the southwestern city of Chengdu on Monday.

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5 tuntia sitten, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

COMAC C919:n ensimmäinen kaupallinen lento on siis nyt tehty tänään.

Taloussanomien (robottitoimittajan) mukaan kyseessä ensimmäisen kiinalaisvalmisteisen koneen neitsytlento ja seuraavana päivänä kone onkin jo reittiliikenteessä eli siellä ei aikaa paljoa tuhlailla ;)


2 henkilöä tykkäävät tästä

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28/05/2023 at 17.53, Jarmo Kohtanen kirjoitti:

Taloussanomien (robottitoimittajan) mukaan kyseessä ensimmäisen kiinalaisvalmisteisen koneen neitsytlento ja seuraavana päivänä kone onkin jo reittiliikenteessä eli siellä ei aikaa paljoa tuhlailla ;)


Jatkossa on hidasteltu. C919 on lentänyt tällä välin vain enintään 2 aikataulunmukaista lentoa päivässä.


Looking through the aircraft’s flight history from data, one fact that stands out is that China Eastern Airlines does not utilize the C919 fully, with a maximum of just two flights per day. In comparison, aircraft flying on the same route, namely between SHA and TFU, fly much more often.

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Kiinalainen COMAC C919 on tehnyt ensiesiintymisen Kiinan alueen ulkopuolella tänään Singapore Airshowssa. Kiina pyrkii tunkeutumaan Airbusin ja Boeingin hallitsemille markkinoille, mutta toistaiseksi C919 on sertifioitu vain Kiinassa.


SINGAPORE (Reuters) - China's challenger to Airbus and Boeing's passenger jets, the narrow-body C919 manufactured by the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), has made its first trip outside Chinese territory, staging a fly-by at the Singapore Airshow on Sunday.

China has invested heavily in its attempt to break the hold of the dominant two Western planemakers on the global passenger market.

China has indicated a push this year to advance the C919 and COMAC's footprint domestically and internationally. The plane is only certified within China and the first of now four C919s began flying with China Eastern Airlines last year.

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Nyt kaikki kolme suurta kiinalaista lentoyhtiötä ovat jokainen tilanneet 100 C919:ta kukin, kun China Southern on julkaissut oman tilauksensa Air Chinan ja China Easternin jälkeen.


China Southern Airlines has announced the purchase of 100 C919 aircraft from Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), marking the third significant order for the home-made aircraft. This follows previous identical orders by Air China and China Eastern Airlines.

The catalogue price for a C919 series aircraft is $99 million, totalling approximately $9.9 billion for the 100 aircraft. China Eastern Airlines was the first global buyer of the C919, followed by Air China.

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Askel eteenpäin: China Easternin C919 lentää 1.6. konetyypin ensimmäisen kaupallisen kansainvälisen lennon Hongkongista Shanghaihin.


Chinese commercial aircraft manufacturer COMAC will mark a further milestone in the development of its C919 narrowbody jet on June 1, 2024, when an aircraft operated by China Eastern Airlines will operate the type’s first commercial flight outside of mainland China.  

On that date, China Eastern will deploy one of its six C919s on a commercial charter flight from Hong Kong to Shanghai.

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Kaksi uutta kiinalaista yhtiötä, eli Air China ja China Southern, vastaanottavat ensimmäisen tilaamistaan C919:sta tänään keskiviikkona. China Easternillä on jo 7 konetta kotimaan liikenteessä. Kaikki nämä 3 suurta ovat tilanneet 100 konetta kukin.


Air China and China Southern Airlines wilAir China ja l become the second and third Chinese carriers to fly China's homegrown COMAC C919 passenger jet when their first planes are delivered on Wednesday, state-run Chinese Central TV said.

Chinese planemaker COMAC is trying to break into a passenger jet market dominated by Western manufacturers Airbus and Boeing that has been strained by aircraft shortages and a Boeing safety crisis.

The C919 entered domestic service in May last year with China Eastern, which flies seven of the jets domestically.

China's three big state-owned airlines have each ordered 100 C919s, and COMAC has said more than 1,000 have been ordered overall

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