Niko Leppä

Malaysia Airlinesin lento MH370 kadonnut - Uutiset

476 viestiä aiheessa

Jotain on löydetty .. mutta liittyykö tähän, ei havaintoa.


"Australian Prime Minister Abbott on debris seen in Indian Ocean: 'a number of small objects, fairly close together within the Australian search zone, including a wooden pallet'"

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Australiasta käsin tehtävistä etsinnöistä löytyy parhaiten faktatietoa Australian merenkulkuturvallisuusviraston AMSA:n sivuilta:


Viimeisimmästä tiedotteesta (update 11) poimittua:


Several small objects of interest were identified by air observers on a civil aircraft in yesterday’s search.

A Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) P3 Orion aircraft with specialist electro-optic observation equipment was diverted to the location, arriving after the first aircraft left but only reported sighting clumps of seaweed.

The RNZAF P3 Orion dropped a datum marker buoy to track the movement of the material.

Further attempts will be made today to establish whether the objects sighted are related to MH370.


Siis jotain havaittu, paikalle lähetetty uusiseelantilaisten P3 pudotti paikalle merkkipoijun, paikalle palataan tänään.

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Kiinalainen IL-76-kone on havainnut tänään uusia kohteita meressä. Muiden maiden etsintäkoneet on lähetetty varmistamaan havainnot ja kiinalainen jäänsärkijä pyrkii samalle alueelle myös.


The Chinese Ilyushin IL-76 aircraft spotted two "relatively big" floating objects and several smaller white ones dispersed over several kilometres, the Xinhua news agency said.


China has diverted its icebreaker Xuelong, or Snow Dragon, toward the location where the debris was spotted, Xinhua said. A flotilla of other Chinese ships are also making their way south.

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Australian viranomaisten mukaan yhdysvaltalainen etsintäkone ei ole onnistunut paikallistamaan kiinalaisten aiemmin maanantaina ilmoittamia havaintoja muun muassa "kahdesta suuresta vaaleasävyisestä esineestä".


Yhdysvaltain laivaston P-8 Poseidon -kone lähetettiin tutkimaan raportoituja havaintoja.

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AMSA:n tämänpäiväisessä tiedotteessa 15 kerrotaan taas uudesta havainnosta, jonka on tehnyt australialainen P3 Orion.


The Australian Maritime Safety Authority can advise objects have been located by a Royal Australian Air Force P3 Orion.

HMAS Success is on scene and is attempting to locate the objects in the search for missing Malaysia Aircraft flight MH370.

The objects were spotted in the search area about 2500 kilometres south-west of Perth by the RAAF Orion about 2.45pm (AEDT).

The crew on board the Orion reported seeing two objects – the first a grey or green circular object and the second an orange rectangular object.

The objects identified by the RAAF Orion are separate to the objects reported by the Chinese Ilyushin IL-76 to AMSA earlier today.

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Guardianin mukaan Malesian Airlines on julkaissut tiedotteen "We deeply regret that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board have survived..we must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean."


Samaa myös kertoili Malesian pääministeri Najib Razak äskeisessä tiedotustilaisuudessa. Uusimmat tiedot perustuvat Inmarsat-satelliittidatan uuteen analysointiin ja avustamassa on ollut brittien Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB).


Huomenna luvassa lisää yksityiskohtia, nyt ei ollut vielä sanaakaan mahdollisista merestä löytyneistä osista.

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Ranskan onnettomuustutkintapalvelu BEAn mukaan koneen hylyn vedenalaiset etsinnät voidaan aloittaa vasta, kun etsintäalue on saatu rajattua pienemmäksi.


BEAn tutkijat ovat kuitenkin jo keskustelleet mahdollisista vedenalaisista etsintätekniikoista Malesian viranomaisten kanssa. Tutkijat palasivat Kuala Lumpurista viime viikonloppuna.

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Pääministerin tiedote kokonaisuudessaan:


This evening I was briefed by representatives from the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). They informed me that Inmarsat, the UK company that provided the satellite data which indicated the northern and southern corridors, has been performing further calculations on the data. Using a type of analysis never before used in an investigation of this sort, they have been able to shed more light on MH370’s flight path.


Based on their new analysis, Inmarsat and the AAIB have concluded that MH370 flew along the southern corridor, and that its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean, west of Perth.


This is a remote location, far from any possible landing sites. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean.


We will be holding a press conference tomorrow with further details. In the meantime, we wanted to inform you of this new development at the earliest opportunity. We share this information out of a commitment to openness and respect for the families, two principles which have guided this investigation.


Malaysia Airlines have already spoken to the families of the passengers and crew to inform them of this development. For them, the past few weeks have been heartbreaking; I know this news must be harder still. I urge the media to respect their privacy, and to allow them the space they need at this difficult time.



Ja lentoyhtiön tiedotteet edelleen täällä:




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BBC:n uutisen mukaan Inmarsatin tutkijat vertailivat "pingien" taajuuksia aikaisempien Malaysia Airlinesin lentojen taajuuksiin ja löysivät doppler-efektiin perustuvia eroja, joista kyettiin päättelemään MH370:n lentäneen etelään eikä pohjoiseen.


In particular, it examined the frequency spectrum of the ping transmissions and how they differed with pings emitted from previous Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 flights.


This allowed engineers to model how the frequency might change very slightly as a plane travels through the sky.


This is the famous Doppler effect, which acts to "stretch" or "compress" radio waves emanating from moving objects. With a moving police car, the equivalent sound effect is to change the pitch of the siren.


The analysis is cutting-edge and has never been done before, but it has enabled Inmarsat's engineers to confirm that the southerly arc was the path taken by flight MH370.

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* Lentoyhtiö maksaa toistaiseksi $5000:n korvauksen per matkustaja. "Malaysia Airlines CEO: Family members have been offered $5,000 for each passenger aboard MH370 and are prepared to make additional payments - @NBCNews"


* Etsinnät on tosiaan viimeisimän tiedon mukaan keskeytetty vähintään 24 tunniksi sään takia.


* Vihaiset sukulaiset ovat ottaneet yhteen poliisin kanssa Kiinassa. "Angry relatives of those on board missing Malaysia Airlines plane clash with police outside Malaysia's embassy in Beijing - @BBCNews"


* Ja lisäksi USA:n "black box locator"-laitteisto on saapumassa Perthiin parin päivän päästä, ja sitä tullaan käyttämään australialaisessa etsintälaivassa.

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Siellä on myös sanallinen selitys Inmarsatin ja AAIB:n tekemistä johtopäätöksistä. Saman tekstin ja kaaviot voi löytää suoraan myös Malesian liikenneministeriön facebook-sivulta (hmm?)






On 13 March we received information from UK satellite company Inmarsat indicating that routine automatic communications between one of its satellites and the aircraft could be used to determine several possible flight paths.


Inmarsat UK has continued to refine this analysis and yesterday the AAIB presented its most recent findings, which indicate that the aircraft flew along the southern corridor.


As you have heard, an aircraft is able to communicate with ground stations via satellite.


If the ground station has not heard from an aircraft for an hour it will transmit a 'log on / log off' message, sometimes referred to as a ‘ping’, using the aircraft’s unique identifier. If the aircraft receives its unique identifier it returns a short message indicating that it is still logged on. This process has been described as a “handshake” and takes place automatically.


From the ground station log it was established that after ACARS stopped sending messages, 6 complete handshakes took place.


The position of the satellite is known, and the time that it takes the signal to be sent and received, via the satellite, to the ground station can be used to establish the range of the aircraft from the satellite. This information was used to generate arcs of possible positions from which the Northern and Southern corridors were established.


Refined analysis from Inmarsat

In recent days Inmarsat developed a second innovative technique which considers the velocity of the aircraft relative to the satellite. Depending on this relative movement, the frequency received and transmitted will differ from its normal value, in much the same way that the sound of a passing car changes as it approaches and passes by. This is called the Doppler effect. The Inmarsat technique analyses the difference between the frequency that the ground station expects to receive and that actually measured. This difference is the result of the Doppler effect and is known as the Burst Frequency Offset.


The Burst Frequency Offset changes depending on the location of the aircraft on an arc of possible positions, its direction of travel, and its speed. In order to establish confidence in its theory, Inmarsat checked its predictions using information obtained from six other B777 aircraft flying on the same day in various directions. There was good agreement.


While on the ground at Kuala Lumpur airport, and during the early stage of the flight, MH370 transmitted several messages. At this stage the location of the aircraft and the satellite were known, so it was possible to calculate system characteristics for the aircraft, satellite, and ground station.


During the flight the ground station logged the transmitted and received pulse frequencies at each handshake. Knowing the system characteristics and position of the satellite it was possible, considering aircraft performance, to determine where on each arc the calculated burst frequency offset fit best.


The analysis showed poor correlation with the Northern corridor, but good correlation with the Southern corridor, and depending on the ground speed of the aircraft it was then possible to estimate positions at 0011 UTC, at which the last complete handshake took place. I must emphasise that this is not the final position of the aircraft.


There is evidence of a partial handshake between the aircraft and ground station at 0019 UTC. At this time this transmission is not understood and is subject to further ongoing work.


No response was received from the aircraft at 0115 UTC, when the ground earth station sent the next log on / log off message. This indicates that the aircraft was no longer logged on to the network.


Therefore, some time between 0011 UTC and 0115 UTC the aircraft was no longer able to communicate with the ground station. This is consistent with the maximum endurance of the aircraft.


This analysis by Inmarsat forms the basis for further study to attempt to determine the final position of the aircraft. Accordingly, the Malaysian investigation has set up an international working group, comprising agencies with expertise in satellite communications and aircraft performance, to take this work forward.


In Annex I (attached) there are three diagrams, showing:


Doppler correction contributions


This diagram shows the Doppler contributions to the burst frequency offset.



MH370 measured data against predicted tracks


The blue line is the burst frequency offset measured at the ground station for MH370.


The green line is the predicted burst frequency offset for the southern route, which over the last 6 handshakes show close correlation with the measured values for MH370.


The red line is the predicted burst frequency offset for the northern route, which over the last 6 handshakes does not correlate with the measured values for MH370.


(plus klikattavat kuvat)


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Mahtaako mennä huhuosastoon:


"It's being reported this morning that the pilot of MH370 - Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah - was "distraught" over his wife's decision to move out, and could have taken the plane for a "last joyride".

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Uusia satelliittikuvia:


"Malaysia receives satellite images from France identifying 122 potential objects, Malaysian transport minister says"


"Potential objects identified in satellite images vary in size from 1 meter up to 23 meters"


"It is still not clear if potential objects on satellite images are linked to Malaysia Airlines crash, transport minister says"


(lähde: tiedotustilaisuus äsken)

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Uusia satelliittikuvia:


"Malaysia receives satellite images from France identifying 122 potential objects, Malaysian transport minister says"


"Potential objects identified in satellite images vary in size from 1 meter up to 23 meters"


"It is still not clear if potential objects on satellite images are linked to Malaysia Airlines crash, transport minister says"


(lähde: tiedotustilaisuus äsken)


Satelliittikuvat lähetti malesialaisille näköjään Airbus Defence and Space. Kuvat on otettu 23. päivä, eli ne ovat 3 päivää vanhoja. Tiedote ja kuvia täällä:


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