Sami Puro

Tyttö twiittasi terroristivitsin - pidätettiin

2 viestiä aiheessa

Teini pidätettiin, koska hän twiittasi AA:lle terroristivitsin.


Tweeting under the name @QueenDemetriax_, the girl – believed to be called Sarah – posted the following tweet to American : ‘Hello, my name’s Ibrahim and I’m from Afghanistan. I’m part of Al Qaida and on June 1st I’m gonna do something really big, bye.’


However, she probably wasn’t banking on the reply from American Airlines, who tweeted: ‘Sarah, we take these threats very seriously. Your IP address and details will be forwarded to security and the FBI.’


The girl, who lives in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, has been visited by police at her home, it is reported.


What then followed was a series of panicked tweets from the girl to American Airlines begging for forgiveness. In one subsequent tweet, ‘Sarah’ added: ‘I always wanted to be famous, but I meant Demi Lovato famous, not Osama bin Laden famous.’ Her Twitter account has since been deleted, as has the tweet from American Airlines.



Homma jatkui sillä, että AA:lle sateli vastaavanlaisia pommivitsiviestejä Twitteriin kymmeniä...  ::)


One dumb teenager is easily excused — but the host of Twitter users currently tweeting bomb threats at major airlines is another story entirely.


In case you’ve somehow missed this latest round of Internet idiocy, here’s what went down: Sunday night, a Dutch teenager identified only as “Sarah” infamously tweeted a threat at American Airlines. (“hello my name’s Ibrahim and I’m from Afghanistan. I’m part of Al Qaida and on June 1st I’m gonna do something really big bye,” she wrote. Hilarious!) She then promptly made the account private and insisted it was all a joke — “I’m so stupid, I’m scared,” she wrote at one point — but not before American reported her name and IP address to authorities, leading to her arrest in Rotterdam on Monday. (Notably, while American tweeted that the airline gave Sarah’s IP address to officials directly, Twitter has since questioned that account: Under Twitter policy, the social network does not share user information with anyone but law enforcement, and only under certain circumstances. Asked by the Post if there had been some error, however, American Airlines repeatedly refused to retract the tweet or explain it further.)


In either case, you’d think that would warn off other pranksters — but the opposite has actually been true. In fact, at least a dozen other people have threatened American or, oddly, Southwest, an unrelated airline, under the guise of a “prank” or “joke.”


    @AmericanAir the bomb goes of in 3 hours

    — Alden Fernandez ♥ (@AldoFernz) April 14, 2014


    @AmericanAir I have a bomb under the next plane to take off

    — Army Jacket . (@ShyyLicious) April 14, 2014


    @AmericanAir I’m gonna bomb your 737 jet

    — ▲ demi ▼ (@ddlovatosteddy) April 14, 2014


    @AmericanAir You really seem to not care that i’m about to bomb your plane that’s headed to Paris. Btw, my name is Ahmed.

    — Allie (@ComedyBatman) April 14, 2014

(^toimhuom. näyttää että kaikki tuossakin lainatut twiitit on poistettu, tai sitten niitä ei ole koskaan lähetettykään - vaikea sanoa)



Tässä esim. ATW:n toimittajalta kannanottoa aiheeseen pidemmän kaavan mukaan:


To my mind, there should be a similar hard line on Twitters that act like the twits they are and make threats to airlines and airports.


I recently moderated a regulatory panel at the Phoenix SkyHarbor Aviation Symposium. One of the topics  we addressed was that of the US Transportation Department’s Tarmac Delay rule and how that can have unintended consequences of forcing airlines to cancel far more flights than is necessary because they can’t risk stepping over the three-hour delay deadline, after which they face government fines that can be in the millions of dollars.  One of the panelists, an ALPA official, pointed out that someone who has “lasered” airliners at airports can get away with a $10,000 fine, while a commercial airline can be fined around $27,000 per passenger for contravening the Tarmac Delay rule, even when there were circumstances beyond the airline’s control. And not a dollar of that money goes to the passenger.


When it comes to who faces the consequences for bad behavior, we’ve got the rules upside down.



Ja lisätään vielä, että alkuperäisen jutun tyttö vapautettiin päivän jälkeen, eli eilen.



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