Sami Puro

ICAO vahvisti Ukrainan oikeuden Krimin ilmatilaan

6 viestiä aiheessa

Ukrainan tilanne elää, mutta ICAO on asettunut Ukrainan kannalle ja on todennut että Simferopolin FIR on edelleen Ukrainan aluetta ja he ainoastaan saavat tuottaa lennonvarmistuspalveluja alueella.


As tensions heighten in the Ukraine, ICAO has confirmed Ukraine’s exclusive right to provide air navigation services in international airspace over the Black Sea within the Simferopol flight information region (FIR). 


Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise (UkSATSE) said ICAO’s position was confirmed during negotiations earlier in April between representatives of Ukraine and the Russian Federation on the issue of safety in the airspace over Crimea and the open seas. UkSATSE said the ICAO position also established that Russia had “no legal grounds to seize this airspace and interfere with the work of air traffic services in Ukraine.”


In a statement, UkSATSE said: “Instances of Russia’s unlawful seizure of radio frequencies spectrum that belongs to the state of Ukraine, misuse of 121.5MHz emergency frequency, and unauthorized use by third parties of operational radio frequencies used at Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk ACCs are major threats to the safety of flights. Ukraine has officially condemned the Russian Federation for the violation of a number of international, multilateral and bilateral agreements,” including the European Air Navigation Plan and the Chicago Convention.


“Russia blatantly ignores the principles of establishment of boundaries of FIRs contained in the Chicago Convention and its Annexes,” UkSATSE said. “Such behavior from the perspective of international law is unacceptable and is classified as open terrorism not only against Ukraine, but also against international aviation community.”


UkSATSE said the ICAO position sends “a crystal clear message that the decision on which center and which technical means shall be used for the provision of air navigation services in Simferopol FIR belongs exclusively to Ukraine.”

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ICAO oli tuota mieltä, mutta Moskovan Šeremetjevon kentältä Krimille suuntautuvat lennot alkavat liikennöidä kotimaan terminaalin puolelta.


Moscow’s Sheremetyevo International Airport will transfer flights to Simferopol, Crimea, to the Federal zone of Terminal D starting April 25, where passengers will be registered on the counters of domestic airlines. The airport said in a statement the decision was made in accordance with Russia’s border service.


Among local carriers, only Aeroflot operates an average of 4X-daily to Simferopol from Sheremetyevo’s Terminal D. Other carriers—such as S7 Airlines, VIM-Avia, Ural Airlines, Transaero and UTair—operate flights to Crimea from Moscow Domodedovo or Vnukovo airports.


Russian airlines are continuing flights to Simferopol despite tensions between the countries, which include disputes on air navigation service rights.




Ja löyhästi tähän ketjuun liittyen, ukrainalaista tiedustelukonetta on ammuttu tänään.


Uutistoimisto AFP:n mukaan ukrainalaista tiedustelukonetta ammuttiin tiistaina. Itäukrainalaisen Slovjanskin kaupungin yllä tiedustelulennolla ollut kone teki onnistuneen hätälaskun.


Kukaan koneen miehistöstä ei loukkaantunut.

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Mi-8:a ammuttu singolla


Ukrainan asevoimien sotilashelikopteri on tuhoutunut Kramatorskin lentokentällä. Ukrainalaisten viranomaisten mukaan Mi-8-helikopteriin osui singon ammus. Ampujasta ei ole tietoa.


Kopteri syttyi räjähdysmäisesti tuleen ja ohjaaja sai vammoja.

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FAA on kieltänyt amerikkalaisilta yhtiöiltä/operaattoreilta/siviilikoneilta Krimin alueen yli lentämisen (tosin se on tainnut käytännössä loppua jo aikaa sitten).


The FAA issued a Special FAR on Friday that prohibits “certain flight operations” in a portion of the Simferopol Flight Information Region (FIR) by all U.S. airlines and commercial operators, and–with narrow exceptions–those with a U.S. airman certificate and operators of U.S.-registered civil aircraft. This prohibited area includes sovereign Ukrainian airspace over the Crimean Peninsula and the associated Ukrainian territorial sea, as well as international airspace managed by Ukraine over the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The SFAR will remain in effect for one year.


The FAA said the rule was prompted by the Russian Federation’s issuance of a notam on March 28 “purporting to establish unilaterally a new FIR, effective April 3, 2014, in a significant portion of the Simferopol (UKFV) FIR,” following Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

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