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Lentoyhtiöuutisia - Konekaupat

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Malmö Aviationin tytäryhtiö Braathens Regional on tilannut 5 ATR 72-600-konetta 10 koneen optioilla. Koneilla on tarkoitus vähitellen korvata ikääntyvät Saab 2000:t.


Braathens Regional (DC, Trollhättan) has signed a firm order agreement with Avions de Transport Régional (Toulouse Blagnac) for the purchase of five ATR72-600s and ten options. Deliveries will commence at the end of 2015.

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Lehdistötiedote 18.6.2015


Airbus sai 57 miljardin dollarin arvosta tilauksia Pariisin ilmailunäyttelyssä


Pariisin ilmailunäyttelyn aikana Airbus sai tilauksia 57 miljardin dollarin arvosta. Sitovien tilauksien arvo oli 16,3 miljardia ja aiesopimusten 40,7 miljardia. Tilattuja lentokoneita oli kaikkiaan 421 kappaletta.


Näyttelyn aikana Airbus kertoi A330 Regional -mallin ensimmäisen käyttäjän olevan Saudi Arabian Airlines, joka vuokraa 20 konetta IAFC:ltä. A330 Regional -mallin avulla lentoyhtiöt voivat palvella nopeasti kasvavia kotimaisia ja alueellisia reittejä tehokkaasti ja vähin kustannuksin.


Laajarunkokoneista Airbus sai kaikkiaan 55 tilausta, joiden arvo on 15,6 miljardia dollaria. Tilauksiin sisältyi 31 A350 XWB -lentokonetta, 20 A330 Regional -konetta ja 4 A330-200-konetta.


Kapearunkokonemarkkinoita johtavan A320-perheen koneita tilattiin 366 kappaletta, joista 323 oli neo-koneita. Tähän sisältyy sitovia tilauksia 103 koneesta ja aiesopimuksia 263 koneesta. Tilausten arvo on 41,4 miljardia dollaria. Joulukuussa 2010 julkistettujen A320neo-koneiden tilaukset nousevat nyt yli 4 000:n.


A320-perheen käyttöiän pidentämiseksi Airbus julkisti yhdessä EFW:n ja ST Aerospacen kanssa uuden ohjelman matkustajakoneiden muuntamiseksi rahtikäyttöön.

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Unkarissa päämajaansa pitävä halpalentoyhtiö Wizz Air on tehnyt ison tilauksen, joka käsittää 110 Airbus A321neo:ta ja lisäksi 90 osto-oikeutta:


Wizz Air has committed to buy 110 Airbus A321neos worth USD$13.7 billion at list prices as it continues to expand its network and capacity.


The memorandum of understanding calls for 110 firm deliveries and purchase rights for a further 90 aircraft.


"With this order, we are paving the way for the next decade to ensure the growth of this business," Wizz Air chief executive Jozsef Varadi told a news conference.

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Kiinalainen CAS Holding on sopinut Airbusin kanssa 45 Airbus A330-perheen koneen ostosta sekä 30 koneen optioista, jolloin optioiden toteutuessa kaupaksi menee yht. 75 laajarunkokonetta:


China Aviation Supplies Holding Company (CAS) has signed with Airbus a General Terms Agreement (GTA) for 45 A330 Family aircraft and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for  options for 30 A330s. The agreements reflect the continuous popularity of the versatile A330 Family in the world’s fastest growing market.


The GTA and MoU were signed today in Paris by Fabrice Brégier, Airbus President and CEO and Li Hai, President and CEO of CAS in the presence of visiting Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and French Prime Minister Manuel Valls.


“The package order is a new vote of confidence in our A330 Family aircraft, which is already the most popular wide-body aircraft in China,” said Fabrice Brégier.

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Iran aikoo ostaa Airbusilta ja Boeingilta jopa 80-90 konetta vuosittain, kunhan talouspakotteet poistuvat. Molemmilta valmistajilta on tarkoitus ostaa yhtä paljon.


"We will purchase planes from Boeing and Airbus in equal numbers," Khodakarami was quoted as saying, adding that Iran would initially need to add at least 80 planes to its fleet each year. That would mean a total of 300 planes within five years, he added.

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Israelilainen El Al uudistaa konelaivastoaan hankkimalla (mahdollisesti jopa) 15 Boeing 787:ää. Kauppaan sisältyy myös 13 lisäkoneen osto-oikeus.


El Al Israel Airlines has signed an agreement with Boeing to purchase and lease up to 15 787 Dreamliners, with purchase rights for 13 additional aircraft.


The aircraft are part of El Al’s fleet renewal plan.

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Boeing ennustaa kiinalaisten lentoyhtiöiden ja leasingyhtiöiden ostavan yhteensä 6330 konetta seuraavien 20 vuoden aikana, missä on lisäystä viimevuotiseen vastaavaan arvioon nähden, siitäkin huolimatta että Kiinan talous hidastuu parhaillaan. Kyseisten koneiden yhteishinta olisi 950 miljardia dollaria.


Boeing expects China will purchase 6,330 aircraft over the next 20 years, a 5 percent rise from last year's two-decade estimate. Boeing currently values the aircraft demand at USD$950 billion.

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Kiinalainen holdingyhtiö CAS (China Aviation Supplies holding) on vahvistanut kolmenkymmenen A330-koneen tilauksen ja tilannut 100 A320-sarjan konetta Saksan liittokansleri Angela Merkelin Kiinan vierailun yhteydessä:


China Aviation Supplies Holding Company (CAS) has signed a General Terms Agreement (GTA) with Airbus for the acquisition of 30 A330 Family aircraft and 100 A320 Family aircraft. The 30 A330s are the firm up of the commitment signed in June 2015. The GTA was signed in Beijing by Li Hai, President and CEO of CAS, and Fabrice Brégier, President and CEO of Airbus, in the presence of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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Emiratesin lentokoulutusyksikkö Emirates Flight Training Academy on tilannut viisi Embraer Phenom 100E:tä viiden koneen optioilla. Toimitukset alkavat v. 2017.


Emirates Flight Training Academy has signed a firm order for five Embraer Phenom 100E business jets, plus options for five more aircraft. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2017.


"Emirates' dedicated flight training center offers one of the industry's most innovative and advanced airline pilot training programs," said Marco Tulio Pellegrini, President & CEO, Embraer Executive Jets. "We are pleased to be one of Emirates' key partners by providing them the jet training aircraft adopted to fulfill their future demand for highly skilled professional airline pilots."


The Phenom 100E features the most advanced technologies for the present and future needs of flight training academies. Based on Embraer's 45-plus years of experience in commercial aviation, the Phenom 100E was designed for high utilization and offers an integrated state-of-the-art cockpit, docile flying characteristics, and low maintenance and operating costs, making it the ideal airplane for pilot jet training. The Phenom 100E is already serving flight schools in the U.S., Finland and Australia.

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Dubain meneillään olevassa ilmailunäyttelyssä ei ole tänä vuonna tehty juurikaan konekauppoja, mutta yksi sentään: vietnamilainen VietJet Air tilaa 30 Airbus A321-konetta, joista 21 on neo-versiota. Täten yhtiöllä on yhteensä 99 Airbus A320-koneperheen konetta tilauksessa.


Vietnamese low-cost carrier Vietjet signed a firm order Tuesday for 30 Airbus A321s, including 21 neos, bringing its total firm orders for A320 family aircraft to 99.


The order was signed by Vietjet president and CEO Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao and Airbus COO-customers John Leahy at the show, which has been a far slower event in terms of new airliner sales compared with the past two shows.



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Portugalilaisen TAP:in uudet omistajat ovat päättäneet uudistaa yhtiön konekantaa tilaamalla 14 A330-900neota ja 15 A320neota sekä 24 A321neota. Toisaalta yhtiö luopuu aikaisemmasta sitoumuksestaan tilata 12 A350-konetta. - Näiden uusien koneiden arvo on noin 8,5 miljardia dollaria.


TAP Portugal today initiated a comprehensive fleet-renewal plan by ordering around $8.5 billion worth of new Airbus airliners. The airline is to buy 14 A330-900neo widebodies, plus 15 A320neos and 24 A321neos. The contract calls for it to take A330-900neos in place of 12 A350-900s covered by an earlier agreement.


The airline and manufacturer have yet to announce a delivery schedule for the 53 new aircraft, which promise significant improvements in fuel efficiency. TAP Portugal currently operates 14 A320s, 14 A330-200s and 4 A340-300s.

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Crystal Luxury Air hankkii Boeing 777-200LR -koneen:




Crystal to work with Registry of Aruba in securing Air Operator’s Certificate to launch around the world itineraries



LOS ANGELES, November 17, 2015 – Crystal Cruises, the world’s most awarded luxury cruise line, is once again pioneering new fronts in the luxury travel industry with the purchase of a Boeing Business Jet B777-200LR, offering an array of global itineraries for its expanded brand extension Crystal Luxury Air. The announcement comes on the heels of Crystal’s groundbreaking news in July of an extensive brand expansion, which will include extravagant air vacations around the world aboard a luxurious Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner.


In addition to doubling the initial air projections with the expanded aircraft fleet, Crystal will work with the Registry of Aruba in developing and securing an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC). This will pave the way for Crystal Luxury Air to launch international operations. The twin-aisle BBJ B777-200LR will be redesigned to accommodate just 88 guests with flat-bed first class seats; a beautifully appointed lounge and bar; and offer 14- and 28-day around-the-world and international itineraries, beginning in 2017.


“Our mission is to make Crystal the core of what will become the world’s premier luxury hospitality and lifestyle brand collection, not only for the immediate future, but for years to come,” said Crystal Chairman Tan Sri Lim Kok Thay. “The acquisition of our second luxury aircraft is another profound step toward establishing our goal.”


The twin-aisle Boeing 777-200LR, and the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, which typically seats up to 300 passengers and will be redesigned to accommodate just 52 guests, will boast the premium luxury that discerning global travelers have come to expect from Crystal, including copious amounts of guest space, plush amenities and Crystal’s world-class service and crew. Trips will include accommodations at the world’s most luxurious hotels, the finest Michelin star-level cuisine prepared by celebrated chefs and fabulous local cultural entertainment. Additionally, the aircrafts can be arranged for special charters.


“Following our expansion announcement, travelers and travel agents expressed a strong interest in all-inclusive luxury air travel with a wider range of itineraries,” says Crystal’s President and CEO Edie Rodriguez.  “Based on this enthusiastic feedback, we are growing our fleet to meet the demand from our guests and travel partners in luxury air options.”


Crystal Cruises is the world’s most awarded luxury cruise line, having earned more “World’s Best” accolades than any other cruise line, hotel, or resort in history.  Crystal Cruises has won “World’s Best Cruise Ship” in Condé Nast Traveler’s Reader Choice Awards for 22 years; been voted “World’s Best Large Ship Cruise Line” by Travel + Leisure readers for 20 consecutive years; and the “Best Luxury Cruise Line” by Virtuoso in 2014. In summer 2015, Crystal embarked on the most significant brand expansion in the history of luxury travel and hospitality, which will introduce three new classes of cruising – Crystal Yacht Cruises (December 2015), Crystal River Cruises (July 2016), Crystal Exclusive Class Ocean Cruises (late 2018) – and Crystal Luxury Air Cruises (2017).

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Easyjet tilaa lisää Airbuskoneita, tällä kertaa kuusi A320ceo:ta ja kolmekymmentä A320neo:ta.Toimitukset alkavat v. 2018.


EasyJet has placed a follow-on order for six CFM-powered A320ceos and 30 A320neos, cementing its position as the world’s fourth largest A320 family operator.


The aircraft, which will primarily be used for growth and A319 replacements, will be delivered between 2018 and 2021. This latest deal takes easyJet’s cumulative Airbus orders to 451 aircraft, comprising 321 A320ceo and 130 A320neo family aircraft.

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Turkish Airlines on vahvistanut 30 optiota sitoviksi tilauksiksi. Koneista 10 on Boeing 737 MAX 8:ia ja 20 Airbus A321neo:ta. - Tällä hetkellä Turkishilla on omien laskujensa mukaan 299 koneen laivasto ja vuonna 2016 odotetaan toimitettavan yli 40 konetta.


Turkish Airlines has converted options on 10 Boeing 737-8 MAX and 20 Airbus A321neo aircraft, spokesperson Ali Genc confirmed to ATW in Istanbul.

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Kiinalainen halpalentoyhtiö Spring Airlines tilaa 60 Airbus A320-koneperheen yksilöä, joista 45 on A320neo:ta ja 15 on A321neo:ta. Listahintojen mukaan kaupan arvo olisi yli 6 miljardia dollaria.


Spring Airlines has signed an agreement to buy 60 Airbus A320neo-family jets, worth USD$6.3 billion at list prices, to meet surging Chinese demand for air travel.


The order, comprising 45 A320neo and 15 A321neo planes, extends Airbus's lead against Boeing for the fast-growing upgraded narrow-body aircraft segment.

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Virgin America hankkii 10 A321neo:ta leasingyhtiö GECASilta. Toimitukset alkavat v. 2017. Moottorivaihtoehtona on CFM. Virgin Americanin kalusto koostuu pelkästään Airbus-kapearunkokoneista.


A321neo Powered by CFM Engines Reinforces Airline’s Commitment to Sustainability, with Up to 20% Gains in Fuel and Carbon Efficiency


Virgin America today announces it has agreed to acquire 10 new state-of-the-art Airbus A321neo aircraft, which are up to 20 percent more fuel and carbon efficient than the airline’s current fleet and which will help further reduce operating unit costs and increase revenue opportunities. The 10 new A321neos (short for New Engine Option), which provide the best seat-mile costs of any single-aisle aircraft on the market, are slated for delivery beginning in the first quarter of 2017 continuing through the third quarter of 2018, and will be leased from GE Capital Aviation Services (GECAS).

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Malmö Aviationin tytäryhtiö Braathens Regional on tilannut 5 ATR 72-600-konetta 10 koneen optioilla. Koneilla on tarkoitus vähitellen korvata ikääntyvät Saab 2000:t.


Noista kymmenestä optiosta on nyt vahvistettu neljä. Osa korvaa Saab 2000:ia, osa ATR 72-500-koneita.



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Delta on tehnyt halvalla kaupat:

I was wrong when I said used 777s were on market for $10M. It was actually $7.7M. We just signed a letter of intent to buy one.


Deltan tj väitti aiemmin syksyllä että heille on tarjottu useita tripla-seiskoja hintaan 10 miljoonaa taalaa kappale.

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