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Lentoyhtiöuutisia - Konekaupat

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Saudi Arabian Airlines kasvattaa A320neo-koneperheen laivastonsa uudella tilauksella yhteensä sataan. 15 koneista on A321XLR-mallia.


Saudi Arabian Airlines, the national flag carrier of Saudi Arabia, has decided to expand its existing A320neo Family order from 35 to as many as 100 NEO aircraft including 35 options. The additional firm order takes SAUDIA’s order of A320neo Family aircraft to 65 of which 15 are A321XLRs.

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Boeingin puolella on hiljaisempaa. Korean Air on tehnyt aiesopimuksen 20 787:stä ja liisaa ALC:ltä 10 787:ää lisää. Tämän lisäksi Boeing konvertoi 737-800-koneita rahtiversioiksi.


Boeing [NYSE: BA], Korean Air and Air Lease Corporation [NYSE: AL; "ALC"] today announced at the Paris Air Show the airline plans to add 30 new 787 Dreamliner airplanes to its fleet, with a commitment to purchase 10 new 787-10s and 10 additional 787-9 airplanes valued at $6.3 billion at current list prices. As part of this agreement, Korean Air will also lease 10 787-10s from ALC.

The airline, one of the largest transpacific carriers in Asia with 16 non-stop routes to North America, will introduce the larger 787-10 to complement its long-haul fleet of 787-9 and 777 airplanes. This order will be reflected on Boeing's Orders and Deliveries website once it is finalized.

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AirAsia muutti olemassa olevaa A320 tilaustaan kaikkiaan 253:sta  A320neo -mallista suurempaan A321neoon, jolla AirAsiasta tulee suurin A321neo käyttäjä.


AirAsia has placed orders for 592 A320 Family aircraft. Following the upsizing, AirAsia’s backlog with Airbus includes 353 A321neo.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta

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IAG tilaa myös 14 Airbus A321XLR:ää, joista 8 tulee Iberialle ja 6 Aer Lingusille.


International Airlines Group (IAG) has selected the A321XLR to expand its fleet of highly efficient single aisles with a firm order for 14 aircraft. Of these, eight are destined for Iberia and six for Aer Lingus.

IAG, the parent company of leading airlines also including British Airways, Level and Vueling, is one of Airbus’s largest customers and this agreement will take the overall order from the group to 530 aircraft. IAG airlines combined operate one of the world’s largest Airbus fleets with over 400 aircraft.

Delta Air Lines tilaa viisi Airbus A220:tä lisää, mikä nostaa yhtiön A220-tilausten määrän yhteensä 95:een.


Delta Air Lines has ordered five additional A220-100 aircraft, bringing to 95 the total number of orders placed, including both the A220-100s and A220-300s. The airline is the first to select the new increased maximum takeoff weight option for its entire fleet from 2020.

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Rahastoyhtiö Indigo Partners tilaa 50 Airbus A321XLR:ää kolmelle lentoyhtiölleen. Tilauksista on 32 uutta ja 18 konversiota aikaisemmista A320neo-tilauksista A321XLR:ään. Näistä A321XLR:istä 20 on tarkoitettu Wizz Airille, 18 Frontier Airlinesille ja 12 JetSMARTille.

Indigo Partners omistaa myös meksikolaisen Volaris-yhtiön. Näillä neljällä yhtiöllä on käytössä yht. 295 Airbusia ja tilauksessa nyt yht. 636.


Indigo Partners and three of its airlines will acquire 50 of the new Airbus A321XLR long-range, single-aisle jetliners. The Memorandum of Understanding includes new orders for 32 A321XLRs and the conversion of 18 existing A320neo family orders.

Twenty of the A321XLRs will be allocated to Wizz Air, 18 to Frontier, and 12 to JetSMART.


Indigo has major ownership stakes in four low-cost airlines, including Frontier Airlines (U.S.), JetSMART (Chile), Volaris (Mexico) and Wizz Air (Hungary). The four carriers now operate a combined 295 Airbus planes and, with the new commitments, have 636 on order.

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Qantas tilaa 10 uutta A321XLR:ää ja konvertoi 26 aikaisemmin tilattua A321neoa A321XLR-koneiksi. Täten Qantasin laivastoon tulee liittymään yhteensä 36 A321XLR:ää.


Qantas has committed to taking delivery of 36 A321XLR aircraft from the 2024 Australian financial year*, in an update of its existing order with manufacturer Airbus.

26 of the Australian flag carrier’s existing A321neo orders will be converted to A321XLRs, and ten more A321XLRs will be added to the order.

The update will see the number of Qantas’ A320 family orders increase from 99 to 109 (28 A321LRs, 36 A321XLRs and 45 A320neos).

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  6/19/2019 at 12.43, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Qantas tilaa 10 uutta A321XLR:ää ja konvertoi 26 aikaisemmin tilattua A321neoa A321XLR-koneiksi. Täten Qantasin laivastoon tulee liittymään yhteensä 36 A321XLR:ää.

American Airlinesilta odotetaan 50 XLR-koneen tilausta nailla minuuteilla. Osa olisi konvertoituja A321NEO-tilauksia.


Siina se on, kotikentan (PHL) uusi Euroopan tyojuhta!

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Teijo Niemelä
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China Airlines tilaa 11 A321neo-konetta ja ottaa leasingvuokralle 14 konetta lisää.


China Airlines (CAL) has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for 11 A321neo aircraft and will acquire another 14 aircraft of the type on lease.

Leasingyhtiö Nordic Aviation Capital tilaa 20 A220:tä:


Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC), the industry’s number one regional aircraft lessor has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for 20 A220 Family aircraft.

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Saudi-arabialainen flynas tilaa kymmenen A321XLR:ää ja konvertoi 10 aikaisempaa A320neo-tilausta A321neoLR:ksi.


flynas (XY, Riyadh) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Airbus for ten A321-200neo(XLR)s during the 2019 Paris Air Show at Paris Le Bourget.

The provisional commitment also includes a conversion of ten existing A320-200neo order slots to A321neo. According to an airline statement, the subtype selected here is the A321neo(LR).

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Airbus sai Pariisin ilmailunäyttelyn aikana julkistamalleen A321XLR-konemallille yhteensä 243 tilausta tai sitoumusta, jotka on eritelty artikkelin taulukossa:


During the Paris show week, Airbus announced 10 customers for its new variant, who have placed orders and commitments for a total of 243 aircraft through a mix of new contracts and the conversion of existing orders (see table).

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Air China ostaa 20 A350-900:aa:


Air China, China’s flagship carrier, will buy 20 A350-900 jets from Airbus SE worth $6.54 billion based on list prices, the carrier said on Thursday.

Air China, which has 10 of the fuel-efficient widebody aircraft in its fleet already, said the deliveries were scheduled from 2020 to 2022.

It was not immediately clear if the order would bolster the Airbus order book or if it had previously been attributed to an unidentified customer.

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Vahvistusta ei ole vielä saatu, mutta Air Francen ennakoivaan vahvistavan tällä viikolla 60 Airbus A220 -koneen tilauksen


On Tuesday, the company’s board of directors is expected to confirm a firm Airbus 50-70 A220 order and a call option for other aircraft of the same type.




The airline group says the commitment comprises 60 firm aircraft, plus 30 options and 30 acquisition rights. Airbus labels the 60-unit portion of the deal as a memorandum of understanding.

The aircraft will "gradually replace" Air France's A318 and A319 fleet, beginning with the first delivery in September 2021, says Air France-KLM.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta

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Tigerair Taiwan, joka on China Airlinesin tytäryhtiö, tilaa 15 A320-200neoa. Koneista kahdeksan tulee leasingyhtiöiltä ja seitsemän Airbusilta suoraan.


Tigerair Taiwan (IT, Taipei Taoyuan) has selected the A320-200neo for its fleet renewal plan with fifteen of the type to be delivered from 2021 onward.

According to stock exchange disclosures filed by parent China Airlines (CI, Taipei Taoyuan) on Friday, August 16, the low-cost carrier will lease eight A320neo and acquire a further seven from Airbus (AIB, Toulouse Blagnac) directly.

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Kiinan kolme suurinta lentoyhtiötä, eli Air China, China Eastern ja China Southern, ovat ilmoittaneet tilaavansa jokainen erikseen 35 COMAC ARJ21-700:aa, eli yhteensä 105 konetta. Kaupan arvo listahinnoin on 1,33 miljardia dollaria. Koneet toimitetaan vuosien 2020-2024 välisenä aikana. Koneet tulevat mm. syöttöliikenteeseen.


China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines have joined flag carrier Air China in ordering Comac ARJ21-700s.

In separate though near-identical statements, each carrier has disclosed an order for 35 of the aircraft, valuing the deal at $1.33 billion – a figure that covers both the airframe and engine – while also noting price concessions from Comac. Deliveries of these jets are to take place between 2020 and 2024.


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Amerikkalainen Mesa Airlines on allekirjoittanut aiesopimuksen, joka käsittää jopa 100 Mitsubishi SpaceJet M100-jettiä.


US regional carrier Mesa Airlines has signed a memorandum of understanding to order up to 100 of Mitsubishi Aircraft's 76-seat SpaceJet M100 regional jet.

The order from Mesa, announced during the Regional Airline Association's annual event in Nashville, marks a major sign of confidence in the SpaceJet M100, a derivative of the aircraft formerly known as the MRJ.

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VietJetAir on Reuters-uutistoimiston mukaan tilannut 15 A321XLR:ää.


VietJetAir (VJ, Hanoi) has bought fifteen new A321XLRs, industry sources have told Reuters. The deal was included in the Airbus order statement for August 2019, but the name of the airline was withheld and referred to as "an undisclosed customer".

VietJetAir currently has a fleet of sixty-six Airbus aircraft, including twenty-two A320-200s, thirty-three A321-200s, and eleven A321-200neo, according to ch-aviation fleets advanced. It holds Vietnam's biggest domestic market share, at 44%, Reuters said.

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Intialainen 737-operaattori SpiceJet miettii uutta konetilausta Airbusilta, joka saattaisi käsittää jopa 100 konetta. Yhtiö myöntää, että siirtyminen pelkistä 737:istä A320-sarjaan aiheuttaisi ongelmia, mutta on saanut Airbusilta tarjouksen, ja on tyytymätön Max-koneiden maadoitustilanteeseen. SpiceJetillä on 13 Maxia maassa ja 192 lisää tilattuina. Toisaalta, kyseessä voi olla vain painostuskeino korvauksien saamiseksi Boeingilta.


SpiceJet (SG, Delhi Int'l) is considering placing a “sizeable” order for A321neo(LR) and A321neo(XLR) aircraft, with chairman Ajay Singh telling Bloomberg that “any aircraft order SpiceJet places would at least be 100 aircraft”. Airbus has “made us a commercial offer and we are evaluating it”, he said.

Inducting Airbus aircraft into the fleet for the first time is being considered in part due to the grounding of the B737-8, Singh explained. SpiceJet has so far taken delivery of thirteen of the jets with another 192 on order.

Switching to Airbus will not be “the easiest thing in the world to do, of course – our entire infrastructure is geared for a Boeing fleet – but if this takes too long we may not have too much of a choice,” he said.

Such an Airbus order could exceed USD10 billion based on 2018 prices, Bloomberg speculated.

Besides the MAX aircraft, the LCC has a fleet of fifty-two B737-800s, seven B737-700s, three B737-700(BDSF)s, one B737-900, four B737-900(ER)s, and thirty-two Dash 8-400s.

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Reunionin saarelta kotoisin oleva Air Austral on tilannut kolme A220-300:aa:


Reunion carrier Air Austral has signed a purchase agreement covering three Airbus A220-300s.

The Indian Ocean territory operator primarily uses long-haul types including Boeing 777-300ERs and 787-8s.

It unveiled its agreement to take the A220s during an African airline event on Reunion. The first aircraft, powered by Pratt & Whitney PW1500G engines, is set to arrive at the end of next year.

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Czech Airlines tilaa neljä A220-300:aa ja muuttaa kolmen A320neon tilauksen A321XLR-malliksi:


Czech Airlines has ordered four Airbus A220-300 aircraft and opted for additional range by upsizing a previous order for three A320neo to A321XLR.

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Amerikkalainen Spirit Airlines on allekirjoittanut aiesopimuksen sadan A320neo-perheen koneen tilauksesta 50 koneen optioilla.


Spirit Airlines today announced it has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Airbus for the purchase of 100 new Airbus A320neo Family aircraft, together with the option to purchase up to 50 additional aircraft. The MOU includes a mix of Airbus A319, A320, and A321 models. These aircraft are planned for delivery through 2027.

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Filippiiniläinen Cebu Pacific vahvistaa 16 A330neo:n tilauksen sitovaksi.


Cebu Pacific (CEB), a carrier based in the Philippines, has signed a firm order with Airbus for 16 long-range A330neo aircraft. The order firms up the wide-body portion of a previously announced Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which also includes commitments for 10 A321XLR and five A320neo single-aisle aircraft.

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