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Lentoyhtiöuutisia - Konekaupat

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Delta Air Lines on tilannut 25 kpl A321neoa- Yhteensä Deltalla on niitä tilattuina 125 kpl.


Delta Air Lines has placed a firm order for 25 A321neo (New Engine Option) aircraft. This is in addition to Delta’s 2017 order of 100 A321neo aircraft. These planes will be powered by Pratt & Whitney PW1100G-JM engines. Additionally, Delta has accelerated delivery of two A350-900 aircraft as well as two A330-900neo aircraft.

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Lufthansa Group kävi laajarunko-kaupassa meren kummallakin puolella.

Lisäkoneilla pyritään korvaamaan vanhemmat A340 koneet taloudellisemmilla koneilla.


With Airbus, the Group has secured an order for five more A350-900s, bringing its total orders for the type to 45. So far, seventeen of these have been delivered to the airline.

At Boeing, Lufthansa added orders for five additional B787-9s, taking the total number of Dreamliners on order to 25.

The Boeing 787-9 and Airbus A350-900 will essentially replace the four-engine A340 long-haul aircraft as part of this process.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta

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Airbus sai huhtikuussa 48 tilausta ja toimitti asiakkaille 45 konetta.


April 2021 deliveries: 45 to 30 customers (including: 3 A220-300, 18 A320neo, 3 A321ceo, 13 A321neo, 2 A330-900, 6 A350-900)

April 2021 orders: 48 (25 A321neo to Delta, 1 A319neo to a private customer, 14 A320neo and 8 A321neo to lessor Avolon)

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  4/14/2019 at 10.31, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Arkangelissa päämajaansa pitävä Nordavia on vaihtanut nimeään kaikenkaikkiaan jo viidennen kerran. Neuvostoliiton aikaan yhtiön nimi oli Aeroflot, sitten (1991) Arkhangelsk Airlines, sitten (2004) Aeroflot-Nord, sitten (2009) Nordavia ja jatkossa SmartAvia.

Venäläinen Smartavia on siirtymässä noin 14 koneen laajuisesta Boeing 737-kalustosta lähivuosien aikana kokonaan Airbus A320neo operaattoriksi. Ensimmäinen kone on hiljattain (huhtikuussa) liittynyt Smartavian väreihin, ja tämän vuoden aikana koneita tullee kaksi lisää. Ensimmäinen A320neo oli entinen meksikolaisen Interjetin kone.
Kaikkiaan on tarkoitus laajentaa laivasto 40 A320neo/321neo koneeseen.

Yhtiö suuntautuu halpalento-segmenttiin.


To become a low-cost carrier, Smartavia intends to create an efficient economics of the business, attract passengers with affordable fares and keep them by being customer-friendly. To ensure a high utilization rate – up to 5 thousand hours per year for an average listed aircraft – the company has reached agreements “with almost all its partner airports” on aircraft turnaround time, reducing it to 40 minutes. The route network is planned in such a way as to achieve the maximum possible aircraft utilization.

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Torontolainen Porter Airlines siirtyy suihkukoneaikakauteen tilattuaan 30 Embraer E195-E2-konetta 50 koneen optioilla. Uudet koneet, joiden toimitus alkaa v. 2022, mahdollistavat Porterille monia uusia kohteita, mutta iso ongelma ja riski on siinä, että suihkukoneet eivät saa käyttää Toronton saaren (Billy Bishopin) kenttää kuten Dash 8-400:t, vaan Porterin on pakko siirtyä Embraerien osalta Toronto Pearsonin kentälle, jossa se voi jäädä Air Canadan ja WestJetin jalkoihin. Porterin valttikorttina on ollut nimenomaan Billy Bishopin helppo saavutettavuus ja keskeinen sijainti.

Porterilla on kuitenkin muitakin mahdollisia tukikohtia Embraereille, kuten Halifax, Montreal ja Ottawa.

Toistaiseksi Porter ei lennä ennen syyskuuta ja on ollut tauolla kohta18 kuukautta.


Porter Airlines has placed an order for up to 80 Embraer E195-E2 aircraft — this includes 30 firm orders and 50 options, with deliveries expected to begin in the second half of 2022.

If you’ve flown Porter before, you may be thinking “Billy Bishop Airport is convenient, and soon I can fly Porter out of there on a nicer plane!” Not so fast, unfortunately, as the government doesn’t allow jets to operate out of Toronto’s city airport.

Instead Porter Airlines will be expanding to Toronto Pearson International Airport, which is much larger and (for some) less convenient.

While more competition out of Toronto Pearson is good for consumers, this still seems extremely risky:

  • Porter is known for offering a great passenger experience, though ultimately the biggest selling point of the airline is the convenient service it operates out of Billy Bishop Airport
  • Porter will be at a significant disadvantage compared to Air Canada at Pearson Airport in terms of route network, frequency, etc.
  • Even if Porter configures E195-E2s comfortably, the airline can’t compete with the wide bodies that Air Canada schedules on transcon flights.

Porter won’t exclusively be flying these new planes out of Toronto, though. The airline also has plans to operate routes out of Halifax, Montreal, and Ottawa, to other markets in Canada. Exact routes will be announced in 2022.


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Delta Air Lines uusii ja yksinkertaistaa konekalustoaan liisaamalla AerCapiltä seitsemän käytettyä A350-900:aa ja ostamalla 29 käytettyä 737-900ER:ää.


Delta has entered into agreements to add 29 used Boeing 737-900ERs and lease seven used Airbus A350-900s as it continues to streamline and modernise its fleet. The 36 additional aircraft will improve fuel efficiency and enhance the customer experience while supporting Delta’s fleet renewal strategy focused on simplification, scale, size and sustainability.

The COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to simplify Delta’s fleet and accelerate retirements of 18 widebody 777s, and the MD-88 and MD-90 narrowbody fleets, all of them older and less efficient. The pandemic also provided unique business opportunities to add newer generation aircraft at attractive prices.

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Saksalainen Condor Flugdienst hankkii laivastoonsa 16 A330neoa uusiakseen kaukolentokalustoaan. Yhtiö ostaa Airbusilta seitsemän näistä koneista ja liisaa loput yhdeksän.


German airline Condor Flugdienst GmbH has chosen the Airbus A330neo to renew its long-haul fleet with plans to introduce 16 aircraft of this new and more efficient type. The airline has signed an agreement with Airbus for the purchase of seven Airbus A330neo and intends to lease a further nine.

Condor is the latest airline to order Airbus’ A330neo widebody aircraft. The airline will operate the A330neo on its international long-haul network to the Americas, Africa, the Caribbean and Asia.

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Aeroflotin halpistytäryhtiö Pobeda on peruuttanut 20 737 MAXin tilauksen, virallisena syynä se, ettei Venäjä ole uudelleensertifioinut MAXeja kaupalliseen käyttöön. 


Russian low-cost airline Pobeda announced the cancellation of its contract with Boeing over the planned acquisition of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft.

On August 16, 2021, the low-cost subsidiary of Aeroflot Group announced that it dropped the contract with the US plane manufacturer since Russia has not recertified the jet yet. Even though the move comes as a serious breach of the contract between Pobeda and Boeing, the airline will not receive any penalty.

In 2018, Aeroflot Group was considering the potential purchase of 30 Boeing 737 MAX 8 jets for its subsidiary Pobeda. At the time, the owner of the low-cost air carrier was negotiating over the possibility of converting an undefined number of aircraft into Boeing 737 MAX 10 or the 737 MAX 8-200 variants. 

But in early 2019, Aeroflot changed its mind and narrowed the initial potential order to 20 Boeing 737 MAX 8s. The move was taken as the group planned to acquire more Russian-made commercial passenger jets instead of foreign planes in the airlines’ fleets in the future.

In the meantime, Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency Rosaviatsia banned all Boeing 737 MAX operations in the Russian airspace due to two fatal crashes within a period of about six months.

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  4/23/2021 at 06.33, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Delta Air Lines on tilannut 25 kpl A321neoa- Yhteensä Deltalla on niitä tilattuina 125 kpl.

Delta uudistaa konelaivastoaan tilaamalla vielä 30 A321neoa lisää:


Delta continues to refresh and upgrade its fleet, adding 30 incremental A321neo aircraft to its existing order book with Airbus. This transaction further positions the airline as a leader in the recovery, and beyond, with its cutting-edge, reliable and lower-emissions fleet, while reinforcing Delta’s strategic fleet objectives to boost operational simplification, achieve economies of scale and drive productivity.

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Brittiläinen Jet2 tilaa 36 A321neoa. Yhtiö on tähän mennessä operoinut Boeing-kalustolla. Uudet Airbusit toimitetaan tosin vasta vv. 2023-2028.


UK leisure airline and Boeing 737-800NG operator Jet2 has placed an initial order for 36 A321neos as the Leeds-based carrier moves ahead with its aggressive fleet expansion and renewal plans, Airbus said Tuesday. The order makes Jet2 a new Airbus customer and a new A320neo operator.

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Ryanair on neuvotellut Boeingin kanssa suuresta 737 MAX 10-konekaupasta, mutta tänään O´Leary sanoi, että neuvottelut on lopetettu koska hinnasta ei päästy sopimukseen. O´Learyn mukaan heillä ei ole tapana maksaa lentokoneista korkeita hintoja. Boeing näkee ilmeisesti asian toisin eikä suostu enää myymään alle torihintojen.


Ryanair has ended talks with Boeing on a major new order for Boeing 737 jets due to a disagreement over pricing, the Irish airline said on Monday.

Ryanair is already the largest European customer for the 737 MAX, with 210 firm orders of the 197-seat MAX 8-200 model. In July it said it might do a deal before the end of the year for a significant order of the 230-seat MAX 10.

"We are disappointed we couldn’t reach agreement with Boeing on a MAX10 order," O'Leary said in a statement.

"However, Boeing have a more optimistic outlook on aircraft pricing than we do, and we have a disciplined track record of not paying high prices for aircraft," he said.

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Venäjä ja Iran ovat solmineet alustavan yhteityösopimuksen konekauppoihin liittyen. Venäjä luonnollisesti haluaa käydä kauppaa Iranin kanssa, kun myynti ei muualla oikein vedä.


The Russian Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) and the Civil Aviation Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran signed a Memorandum of Understanding on September 6, 2021, intended to “create favorable conditions for the approval of the standard design of Russian civil aviation equipment when exported to Iran.”

The agreement is the result of negotiations that took place between the two aviation authorities in June 2021, Rosaviatsia explained in a statement. 

Facing difficulties to export its civilian aircraft, Russia could find solace in the coveted Iranian market.

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  9/6/2021 at 10.37, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Ryanair on neuvotellut Boeingin kanssa suuresta 737 MAX 10-konekaupasta, mutta tänään O´Leary sanoi, että neuvottelut on lopetettu koska hinnasta ei päästy sopimukseen. O´Learyn mukaan heillä ei ole tapana maksaa lentokoneista korkeita hintoja. Boeing näkee ilmeisesti asian toisin eikä suostu enää myymään alle torihintojen.

O´Leary sanoo Boeing-kaupoista, että Ryanair ei tuhlaa aikaa MAX 10-neuvotteluihin vaikka seuraaviin 10 vuoteen kunnes seuraava taloudellinen kriisi tulee ja Boeing ymmärtää, että hintojen pitää olla kilpailukykyiset.

Toisaalta Ryanairilla on jo tilauksessa 210 kpl 737 MAX 8-200:aa joten suurempaa kiireettä ei ole.


Ryanair is willing to wait years for Boeing to drop its prices before placing a big new plane order with the U.S. firm, Chief Executive Michael O'Leary told Reuters, while he also downplayed the chance of a deal with rival Airbus.

"We're not wasting any time on those MAX 10 discussions nor will we for a period of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 years until we get to the next crisis," O'Leary said in an interview.

"The talks can always be restarted, but only when Boeing realise they need to price competitively," he said.

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Reutersin mukaan Wizz Air on neuvotellut Airbusin kanssa jo pitkään kaupoista, jotka käsittäisivät jopa 100 Airbusin kapearunkokonetta.Yhtiö on jo tähän mennessä tilannut 388 Airbusia.


Hungary's Wizz Air is in negotiations with European planemaker Airbus over the purchase of at least 100 more narrowbody jets, industry sources said on Thursday.

Talks began several months ago and surfaced as Wizz Air emerged as a suitor for rival easyJet and as Europe's largest budget carrier, Ryanair, remained deadlocked with Boeing over a major jet purchase.

Talks between Wizz Air and Airbus continued over the summer but the two sides are not yet ready to announce a deal, the sources said. Fleet purchase talks typically take months.

Any deal would involve at least 100 aircraft, one of the sources said.

Wizz Air, which has already ordered a total of 388 Airbus jets, declined to comment.

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Jenkkiläinen Breeze Airways on tilannut 20 A220-300:aa lisää. Yhtiöllä on nyt tilauksessa 80 A220:tä.


Breeze Airways has revealed its new A220-300 livery, while confirming that it has reached a purchase agreement with Airbus for 20 more of the aircraft. This previously undisclosed order for 20 brings Breeze’s total order book to 80 A220-300s, the first of which will be delivered in Q4 2021.

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Qantas aikoo saada päätökseen 10-vuotissuunnitelmansa uusia kapearunkokonelaivastoaan korvaamalla 737-800:t ja Boeing 717:t hankkimalla 100 uutta konetta vuoteen 2034 mennessä. Kyseeseen tulevat Boeing 737 MAXit, A320neot ja mahdollisesti A220:t ja Embraerin E2:t. Päätöksiä tehdään vuoden lopulla ja tilauksia v. 2022 puolessavälisssä..


Qantas has entered the final stages of a formal tender process with aircraft and engine manufacturers for the long-term renewal of its domestic narrow-body fleet.

The program, which has been flagged previously, will see more than 100 new aircraft enter the national carrier’s domestic fleet by 2034, renewing the Boeing 737-800s and Boeing 717s that currently form the backbone of its domestic jet operations.

Deliveries would start from the end of 2023 but the Group would retain significant flexibility to make adjustments depending on market conditions.

The aircraft being considered are the Boeing 737 MAX family and Airbus A320neo family, as well as the smaller Embraer E-Jet E2 family and the Airbus A220.

The tender process includes detailed evaluation of the aircraft against four key criteria: safety, reliability and performance, sustainability and emissions reduction, and commercial terms.

Final decisions on preferred suppliers of aircraft and engines are expected to be made by the end of 2021 followed by firm orders by mid-2022.


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  9/1/2021 at 06.48, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Brittiläinen Jet2 tilaa 36 A321neoa. Yhtiö on tähän mennessä operoinut Boeing-kalustolla. Uudet Airbusit toimitetaan tosin vasta vv. 2023-2028.

Jet2 kävi kaupoilla Airbussilla heti perään uudelleen, tilasi 15 kpl A321neo koneita lisää aiemman 36 koneen tilauksen päälle. Toimitukset venyvät kuluvan vuosikymmenen loppupuoliskolle.

  Lainaa has placed a further order for 15 A321neos following its initial one for 36 placed in August 2021. It takes the total order by the Leeds, United Kingdom, based airline to 51 A321neos. Additional aircraft will be delivered between 2026 and 2029.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta

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Airbus aloitti viisipäiväisen Dubai Airshow -ilmailunäytöksen kertomalla saamastaan 255:n Airbus A321neo -matkustajakoneen ryhmätilauksesta. Vuoden 2018 listahintojen perusteella tilauksen arvo olisi yli 33 miljardia dollaria.

Tilauksessa oli mukana neljä lentoyhtiötä, joiden pääomistaja on yhdysvaltalainen pääomasijoitusyhtiö Indigo Partners.

Unkarilaiselle halpalentoyhtiö Wizz Airille toimitetaan kaupan myötä 102 konetta, yhdysvaltalaiselle Frontier Airlinesille 91 konetta, meksikolaiselle Volarikselle 39 konetta ja chileläiselle Jetsmartille 23 konetta.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Petri Lehtovirta

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  10/5/2021 at 08.14, Ilkka Mäkelä kirjoitti:

Qantas aikoo saada päätökseen 10-vuotissuunnitelmansa uusia kapearunkokonelaivastoaan korvaamalla 737-800:t ja Boeing 717:t hankkimalla 100 uutta konetta vuoteen 2034 mennessä. Kyseeseen tulevat Boeing 737 MAXit, A320neot ja mahdollisesti A220:t ja Embraerin E2:t. Päätöksiä tehdään vuoden lopulla ja tilauksia v. 2022 puolessavälisssä..


Airbus sai Qantasin kapearunkotilauksen. 20 321XLR ja 20 A220, lisävaihtoehdot 94 320neo ja A220 koneelle. Kauppa oletetaan viimeisteltävän kesäkuun -22 lopussa.

Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Juhani Hämäläinen

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Air France-KLM tilasi 100 Airbus A320neo-perheen konetta 60 lisäkoneen osto-oikeudella ja allekirjoitti LOI:n neljästä A350F-rahtikoneesta AF:lle.


Air France-KLM orders 100 Airbus A320neo family aircraft – with purchase rights for an additional 60 aircraft – for KLM and Transavia, and signs a LOI for the purchase of 4 Airbus A350F Full Freighter aircraft for Air France

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Singapore Airlines on allekirjoittanut LoI:n seitsemästä A350F-rahtikoneesta. SIA aloittaa 747-rahtikoneiden korvaamisen A350F:llä v. 2025.


Singapore Airlines (SIA) has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with Airbus for seven A350F freighter aircraft.

The agreement will see the A350F begin replacing the airline’s existing B747-400F fleet in the fourth quarter of 2025.

“We are honoured by Singapore Airlines’ vote of confidence in the A350F as it renews its freighter fleet. The A350F is the world’s all-new large freighter and will be unmatched in its market segment in terms of operational efficiency, lower fuel consumption and CO₂ savings,” said Christian Scherer, Airbus Chief Commercial Officer and Head of Airbus International.

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Japanilaisen yhtiön omistama kalifornialainen leasingyhtiö AGC on allekirjoittanut sitovan tilauksen, joka käsittää 40 A320neo-perheen konetta. Koneista viisi on pitkän toimintamatkan A321XLR-mallia. AGC allekirjoitti myös MoU:n 20 A220-koneesta.


Airbus announced on Thursday that aircraft lessor Aviation Capital Group (ACG) has signed a firm contract for 40 A320neo family aircraft. The order includes five A321XLRs, a version of the A321neo that offers a range of 4,700 NM. California-based ACG, which is wholly owned by Japan’s Tokyo Century Corporation, also signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for 20 A220 passenger jets.

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