Ilkka Mäkelä

Jo toinen vankilapako helikopterilla noin vuoden sisällä Quebecissä

1 viesti aiheessa

Kolme miestä on karannut eilen illalla paikallista aikaa Quebec Cityn lähellä olevasta vankilasta vihreällä helikopterilla, joka laskeutui vankilan pihalle ja lähti heti tiehensä miehet mukanaan. Kopterin nähtiin lentävän länteen päin. Vaarallisina pidettyjä miehiä etsitään myös sosiaalisen median avulla. - Hieman yli vuosi sitten kaksi muuta miestä onnistui pakenemaan toisesta quebeciläisestä vankilasta kiipeämällä kopteriin köysitikkaita pitkin, joskin heidät otettiin kiinni muutamia tunteja myöhemmin. Silloinen kopteri oli saatu suorittamaan lento uhkaamalla pilottia aseella.


Three men fled Saturday evening from the Orsainville Detention Centre in suburban Quebec City with the help of a green-coloured helicopter, Quebec provincial police said.


Audrey-Anne Bilodeau, a police spokeswoman, said the helicopter flew west from the provincial detention centre, perhaps toward Montreal.


“We (are working with) a few partners like the airports of Quebec City and surrounding areas, the military bases and, of course, there’s a ground search in the event that the helicopter is located,” Bilodeau said late Saturday.


Provincial police Sergeant Ann Mathieu said the chopper put down in a courtyard of the detention centre then quickly took off again heading west.


Mathieu, however, said police were reluctant to reveal much else about their investigation for fear the escapees could be monitoring media reports.


The escapees were identified as Yves Denis, 35, Denis Lefebvre, 53, and Serge Pomerleau, 49.


The three men were being held at the detention centre waiting to stand trial, it was not immediately clear what charges they were facing.


Police released photos of the three men on social media and appealed to the public for help, but warned anyone who spotted them not to approach and immediately contact police.

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