Sami Puro

A320neo rollout

54 viestiä aiheessa

Ensimmäinen A320neo on valmistunut, ja aloittaa kohta maa- ja lentotestit.

"The assembly of Airbus’ first A320neo has been completed following painting of the aircraft and the mounting of Pratt & Whitney PW1100G-JM engines. MSN6101, which will be the first A320neo to fly, will soon start its ground tests to prepare for first flight. The flight test campaign for the A320neo will kick-off in September 2014, paving the way for Entry Into Service in Q4 2015."


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Airbus A320neo:oon tarjolla olevalla toisella moottorivaihtoehdolla, CFM Internationalin Leap-1A-moottorilla varustetun koneyksilön rollout on tapahtunut. Tämän koelentoyksilön ensilennon päivämäärää ei ole vielä kerrottu.


Airbus has rolled out the first A320neo to be fitted with the CFM International Leap-1A powerplant.


The Leap-1A is the rival engine to the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G on the type.

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A321neo, johon on asennettu CFM Internationalin LEAP-1A-moottorit, teki ensilentonsa eilen Hampurista käsin. Alunperin ensilento piti suorittaa Pratt & Whitneyn moottoreilla.


Airbus has started test flights with the A321neo, the largest member of its re-engined single-aisle family.


The aircraft (D-AVXB), fitted with CFM International Leap-1A engines, took off on its maiden sortie from Airbus's Finkenwerder plant in Hamburg today.


Airbus says the aircraft, with five crew members on board, was airborne for 5h 29min.

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Qatar Airwaysin johtaja Al Baker kieltäytyy vastaanottamasta tilattuja Pratt & Whitneyn moottoreilla varustettuja A320neo-koneita, kunnes moottoreiden ongelmat on korjattu, ja uhkaa jopa vaihtaa kokonaan moottorintoimittajaa CFM Internationaliin. Koska Qatar Airwaysillä on tilauksessa 50 konetta, eikä konetilausta aiota peruuttaa, kyseessä olisi P&W:n kannalta erittäin nolo 100 moottorin (ja varaosien jne) tilauksen menetys.


Qatar Airways threatened to cancel an order for Pratt & Whitney (UTX.N) engines for a fleet of Airbus narrow-body jets on Tuesday, saying the newly developed powerplants had "a lot of problems".


The Gulf airline has ordered 50 A320neo-family aircraft and was originally due to take the first delivery in December, but rejected the jet due to what it called an engine problem and the first jet went last month to Lufthansa (LHAG.DE) instead.

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Tänään pääsin kokeilemaan matkustajana tuon LH:n uuden A320neo:n, D-AINA.

Muuta eroa en matkustajana huomannu kuin että kabiini on tietysti uusi ja että kone on paljon hiljaisempi kuin edeltävä malli.

Lento oli MUC-FRA.



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Qatar Airwaysin johtaja Al Baker kieltäytyy vastaanottamasta tilattuja Pratt & Whitneyn moottoreilla varustettuja A320neo-koneita, kunnes moottoreiden ongelmat on korjattu, ja uhkaa jopa vaihtaa kokonaan moottorintoimittajaa CFM Internationaliin. Koska Qatar Airwaysillä on tilauksessa 50 konetta, eikä konetilausta aiota peruuttaa, kyseessä olisi P&W:n kannalta erittäin nolo 100 moottorin (ja varaosien jne) tilauksen menetys.


Qatar Airwaysin johtaja Al Baker on jälleen kerran vihainen, koska A320neo:ssa on ilmennyt myös hydrauliikka- ja ohjelmisto-ongelmia (joista uutinen ei kerro sen enempää). Airbus on kuulemma luvannut parannusta vuoden loppuun mennessä. Al Baker on ottanut yhteyttä Boeingiin mahdollisten korvaavien koneiden saamista silmälläpitäen. Pratt & Whitneyn moottoreita Al Baker luonnollisesti haukkuu edelleen.


Qatar Airways is speaking to Boeing about the possibility of securing substitute aircraft after further problems were discovered with the Airbus A320neo.


The Gulf airline could walk away from between four and six aircraft orders that have yet to be delivered after problems affected the A320's hydraulics and software, Akbar al-Baker told reporters.

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CFM Internationalin LEAP-1A-moottoreilla varustettu A320neo on saanut sekä EASA:n että FAA:n tyyppihyväksynnän, joten molemmat moottorivaihtoehdot on nyt hyväksytty:


The Airbus A320neo powered by CFM International CFM LEAP-1A engines has received joint EASA/FAA certification, Airbus president & CEO Fabrice Brégier announced May 31.


This certification occurred six months after the initial EASA/FAA certificate of airworthiness given to the other neo engine option, the Pratt & Whitney PW1100G geared turbofan (GTF).

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LATAM Airlines Group on vastaanottanut ensimmäisen A320neo:nsa ensimmäisenä Amerikoissa toimivana A320neo-operaattorina. Lentoyhtiöryhmä on tilannut yhteensä 67 A320neo-perheen konetta.


LATAM Airlines Group (LATAM), Latin America’s leading airline group, took delivery of its first A320neo – showcasing its white, indigo and coral livery and powered by Pratt & Whitney Pure Power PW1100-JM engines – on Monday, August 29, at Airbus headquarters in Toulouse. LATAM Airlines Brasil will become the first airline in North and South America, and the fifth operator in the world, to operate the ultra-fuel efficient aircraft type.

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Meksikolainen halpalentoyhtiö Volaris on saanut kunnian olla Pohjois-Amerikan ensimmäinen A320neo-koneen vastaanottaja. Volariksen koneessa on Pratt & Whitneyn moottorit.


Mexican ultra low-cost carrier Volaris took delivery of its first Airbus A320neo Sept. 12, making the LCC the first A320neo operator in North America. Volaris has ordered 74 A320 family aircraft, including 30 A320neos.


Volaris’ A320neo is powered by Pratt & Whitney Pure Power PW1100-JM engines and leased through AerCap.

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Floridalaisesta Spirit Airlinesista on tullut ensimmäinen yhtiö USA:ssa, joka on vastaanottanut A320neo:n. Yhtiöllä on tilauksessa yhteensä 55 A320neo-koneperheen konetta, joista 5 liisataan leasingyhtiö AerCapilta ja loput yhtiö on tilannut suoraan Airbusilta.


Spirit Airlines, headquartered in Miramar, Florida (U.S.), took delivery last Friday of the very first A320neo to be delivered to a U.S. customer. It is the first of 55 A320neo Family aircraft the low-cost carrier has ordered (five leased from AerCap, 50 ordered from Airbus). All of Spirit’s A320neo Family aircraft will be powered by Pratt & Whitney Pure Power PW1100-JM engines.

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SAS saa ensimmäisen tilaamistaan 30:stä A320neo:sta ensi viikon tiistaina. Jo keskiviikkona kone laitetaan liikenteeseen, aluksi Arlandan ja Kastrupin välille ja 3 päivää myöhemmin muillekin reiteille.


De sista testerna är snart klara och nästa vecka flygs den till Arlanda. Då blir den första Airbus A320 neo att sättas in i SAS linjetrafik.


Den första maskinen premiärvisas alltså på tisdag nästa vecka. Dagen efter sätts den in i linjetrafiken och går de två första dagarna enbart på turnaround mellan Arlanda och Kastrup. Därefter ska den börja flyga i hela linjenätet.

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A320neo:n ja 737 MAX:in LEAP-moottoreita valmistava GE:n ja Safranin yhteistyöyritys CFM aikoo nopeuttaa moottoreiden tuotantotahtia siten, että tänä vuonna valmistuu 100 LEAP-moottoria, ensi vuonna 500 ja vuonna 2018 jo 1100 kpl.


CFM will produce about 100 LEAP engines this year. But with the LEAP-1B-powered Boeing 737 MAX entering service next year, and LEAP-1A-powered Airbus A320neos already in service, more than 500 LEAP engines are expected to be produced in 2017. That number will more than double to about 1,100 LEAP engines in 2018.


Pratt & Whitneyltä menee vuosi siihen, että PW1100G-moottoreiden tuotantoviivästys saadaan kurottua kiinni, mikä aiheuttaa viivästyksiä A320neo-koneiden toimituksiin. Moottorissa on 30-40 osaa, jotka aiheuttavat ongelmia, ja viisi niistä on kriittisiä.


The backlog of PW1100G deliveries has resulted in delays to Airbus A320neo-family aircraft equipped with the geared turbofan engine. Airbus has said it will miss its delivery targets for the type this year, and both airlines and lessors have warned of delivery delays into 2017.


Air Lease chief executive John Plueger said earlier this month that Airbus had advised them to expect “a few month delays” on all of its P&W-powered A320neo and A321neo deliveries in 2017.


P&W chief executive Greg Hayes has said that there are roughly 30 to 40 parts that are causing the PW1100G production delays, of which five are critical. These include the lightweight hybrid aluminum-titanium fan blades used in the engine.

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Qatar Airwaysin johtaja Al Baker kieltäytyy vastaanottamasta tilattuja Pratt & Whitneyn moottoreilla varustettuja A320neo-koneita, kunnes moottoreiden ongelmat on korjattu, ja uhkaa jopa vaihtaa kokonaan moottorintoimittajaa CFM Internationaliin. Koska Qatar Airwaysillä on tilauksessa 50 konetta, eikä konetilausta aiota peruuttaa, kyseessä olisi P&W:n kannalta erittäin nolo 100 moottorin (ja varaosien jne) tilauksen menetys.


Qatar Airways harkitsee A320neo-tilaustensa muuttamista A321neo:iksi ja samantien moottorityypin vaihtamista CFM:n moottoreihin. Neuvottelut Airbusin sekä CFM:n kanssa ovat käynnissä.


The Gulf carrier wants to keep the deal for 80 A320neos after refusing to take the first four aircraft because of glitches with their Pratt & Whitney turbines, Chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker said in an interview. It aims to upgrade to the stretched A321neo variant as part of those deliberations, he added.


Qatar Airways is holding parallel discussions about moving to powerplants supplied by the CFM International alliance of General Electric Co. and Safran SA in response to the engine performance issue, Al Baker said Monday in Doha. Deliveries would start from 2018 if an agreement is concluded.


“We are in negotiation with Airbus about how we can continue our relationship and keep our order on track,” the CEO said. “We are also talking to them in order to have a substitute for the aircraft that we have canceled. And we are also talking to CFM to provide us the engine option for that aircraft.”

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Lensin tänään SAS:n A320-251N koneella LN-RGN ARN-CPH. Konehan on melko tuore yksilö, ensi lento 18.11 tänä vuonna.


Tuo USB-pistoke joka istuimessa on näppärä lisäapu.







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All Nippon Airways on vastaanottanut ensimmäisen A320neo:nsa eilen Hampurissa. ANA:lla on tilauksessa vielä 6 A320neoa sekä 26 A321neoa.


All Nippon Airways has taken delivery of its first Airbus A320neo.


The Japanese carrier says that the Pratt & Whitney PW1127G-powered aircraft was handed over at Hamburg on 15 December.

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Nyt myös A319neo on lentänyt ensilentonsa, joka suuntautui Hampurista Toulouseen. Tässä A320neo-koneperheen pienimmässä jäsenessä on LEAP-1A-moottorit. A320neo-koneperheellä (A319neo, A320neo ja A321neo) on yli 5000 tilausta yli 90 asiakkaalta, eli noin 60 % markkinaosuus.


The first Airbus A319neo performed its maiden flight today, The smallest member of the A320neo Family, powered by CFM International LEAP-1A engines took off from Hamburg and landed in Toulouse after a 5 hour flight.


It was piloted by Experimental test pilots Michel Gagneux and Eckard Hausser. They were assisted in the cockpit by Test-Flight Engineer Jean Michel Pin, while two flight test engineers Sylvie Loisel-Labaste and David O’nions directed the flight from the aircraft’s Test Engineer station.


The A320neo Family is the world’s best-selling single aisle product line with over 5,000 orders received from over 90 customers, capturing almost 60 percent share of the market. The A320neo Family incorporates latest technologies including new generation engines and Sharklet wing tip devices, which together deliver more than 15 percent in fuel savings from day one and 20 percent by 2020.


Thanks to their widest cabin, all members of the A320neo Family offer unmatched comfort in all classes and Airbus’ 18” wide seats in economy as standard.


With one aircraft in three sizes (A319neo, A320neo & A321neo), the A320neo Family, seating from 100 to 240 passengers, seamlessly covers the entire single-aisle segment from low to high-density domestic to longer range routes.

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Virgin Americasta tuli tänään ensimmäinen A321neo:n käyttöönsä saanut lentoyhtiö. Alaska Airlinesin äskettäin ostamalla Virgin Americalla on tilauksessa yhteensä 10 A321neoa, jotka tulevat leasingyhtiö GECASilta, varustettuina CFM Internationalin LEAP-1A-moottoreilla.


Virgin America (VX, San Francisco, CA) has become the launch operator of the A321neo following the delivery of N921VA (msn 7589) on Thursday, April 20, 2017.


The Alaska Airlines (AS, Seattle Tacoma Int'l) unit is leasing ten of the CFM International LEAP-1A-powered twinjets from GECAS. Assuming no alterations are made to the agreement, the entire compliment of ten is to be delivered by the end of 2018.


“After Virgin America having been the first customer signing for the A320neo back in December 2010, we are today delighted to deliver the first A321neo to them,” Fabrice Brégier, Airbus Chief Operating Officer and President Commercial Aircraft, said.

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Islantilainen halpalentoyhtiö WOW Air on vastaanottanut ensimmäisen A320neo-koneensa. Yhtiö saa lähiviikkoina myös ensimmäisen A321neonsa.


WOW air (WW, Reykjavik Keflavik) has taken delivery of its maiden A320neo Skyliner Aviation has reported. TF-NEO (msn 7560) was ferried from Hamburg Finkenwerder to Toulouse Blagnac on Friday, April 21 ahead of a handover ceremony later this week.


The Icelandic budget carrier will also add a maiden A321neo in the coming weeks as part of fleet expansion plans.

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EasyJet on vastaanottanut eilen ensimmäisen tilaamistaan yhteensä 130:stä A320neo:sta. EasyJet on nyt jo 25. A320neo-operaattori. Kone, jossa on CFM:n moottorit, pannaan töihin heti tänään.


UK low-cost carrier (LCC) easyJet has received its first Airbus A320neo, kicking off deliveries from an order for 130 of the re-engined twinjets.

With the June 14 handover, easyJet became the 25th A320neo operator. The 186-seat London Luton-based aircraft will enter commercial service June 15

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