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Airbus A330:stä tehdään parannettu versio, A330neo

33 viestiä aiheessa


Portugalilainen TAP on vastaanottanut ensimmäisen A330-900neon. Kuten aikaisemmin mainittu, koneessa on Airbusin uusi edistyksellinen Airspace-sisustus.


TAP Air Portugal has taken delivery of the world’s first new generation widebody A330neo and, as the launch airline, will be the first to benefit from the aircraft’s unbeatable operating economics, increased range, and Airbus’ new Airspace cabin offering passengers the best in class comfort. The Portuguese carrier will take delivery of a further 20 A330-900s in the coming years.

TAP Air Portugal’s first A330-900 is leased from Avolon. It features 298 seats in a comfortable three-class layout with 34 full-flat business class, 96 economy plus and 168 economy class seats. The Airspace by Airbus cabin offers more personal space, larger overhead storage bins, advanced cabin lighting and the latest generation in-flight entertainment system and connectivity. The aircraft will be deployed on routes from Portugal to the Americas and Africa.

“I am delighted to welcome the first Airbus A330-900 into our expanding fleet. Its unbeatable economics and efficiency will power our business forward,“ said Antonoaldo Neves, TAP Air Portugal CEO.

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EASA on myöntänyt A330-900:lle "yli 180 minuutin" ETOPS-kelpoisuuden, ja FAA:n hyväksyntä odotetaan saatavan piakkoin. Käytännössä tämä tarkoittaa optiona jopa 285 minuutin (eli 4 tunnin 45 minuutin) ETOPS-kelpoisuutta ja 2000 nautical mailin eli 3700 kilometrin diverttausmatkaa 1-moottoritilanteessa lähimmälle sopivalle kentälle. Tämä taas mahdollistaa suoremmat, nopeammat ja vähiten polttoainetta kuluttavat lentoreitit.


The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has approved the A330-900 for ETOPS (Extended-range Twin engine aircraft Operations) “beyond 180 minutes” diversion time. This significant achievement means that operators of the A330neo, which is powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 7000 engines, will benefit from the most efficient, reliable and direct long-range routings.

The approval, which includes ETOPS 180 min. capability in the aircraft’s basic specification, now also includes the option for “ETOPS 285 min.” This extends the potential air diversion distance to around 2,000nm. The U.S. FAA’s respective ETOPS certification is expected soon.

A330neo operators which choose the ETOPS 285 min. option will be able to serve new direct ‘non-limiting’ routings. Meanwhile, operators flying on existing routes (currently flown with up to 180-minute diversion time) will be able to traverse a straighter, quicker and more fuel efficient path, and also have access to more – and possibly better equipped – en-route diversion airports if needed.

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Lion Airin ensimmäinen A330neo on rullannut ulos maalaamosta. Lion Airille on tulossa yhteensä 10 A330neoa.


The first A330neo for Lion Air Group has rolled out of the Airbus paint shop in Toulouse, France, featuring the airline’s distinctive livery. The aircraft will be operated on lease from BOC Aviation.

Altogether, Lion Air Group will acquire 10 A330neo aircraft, eight of which will be leased from BOC Aviation. The aircraft will have a single class layout seating 440 passengers and will be operated by Lion Air on selected domestic routes, as well as charter and pilgrimage service to Saudi Arabia.

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Delta Air Lines on vastaanottanut ensimmäisen tilaamistaan 35:stä A330neosta ja aikoo sijoittaa A330neot Seattleen, "Boeingin takapihalle". Deltalla on nyt yli 265 Airbusin valmistamaa konetta ja tilauksessa 270 lisää.

Siirtolento Atlantaan tehtiin ympäristöystävällisesti käyttäen osittain synteettistä polttoaineseosta.


Delta Air Lines took delivery of its first A330-900, one of 35 A330neos the Atlanta, Georgia-based airline has on order.

With the addition of the A330-900, Delta is now operating both of Airbus’ newest widebody models. It has 13 A350-900s in its fleet with another 12 on order. Delta operates more than 265 Airbus aircraft including A321s and A220s, and the airline’s order backlog with Airbus exceeds 270 including 100 A321neos.

An environmental milestone was set as a Delta crew ferried the new A330-900 back to the company’s Atlanta base using a jet fuel blended from conventional sources and non-petroleum synthetic fuel.

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Yhteensä 1500 A330-sarjan konetta on toimitettu asiakkaille. Yksilö numero 1500 meni Deltalle.

The A330 Family’s 1,500th delivery on 21st September to Delta Air Lines says a great deal about the enduring qualities of the aircraft's original design, coupled with the constant infusion of the latest technologies, culminating in today’s A330neo variant. The application of ‘incremental innovations’, since its service entry, has resulted in the A330’s ongoing versatility, functionality, increased payload-range, class-leading economy with state-of-the-art Airspace cabin comfort and 4th generation IFE.

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Koneita toimitetaan edelleen asiakkaille, joskin tipoittain. Kuwait Airways on vastaanottanut ensimmäiset kaksi A330neoa. Yhtiö on tilannut niitä yhteensä kahdeksan. Kyseessä oli myös ensimmäinen A330-800-variantin toimitus.


TOULOUSE, France - Kuwait Airways has received its first two Airbus A330neos. These aircraft are the first of eight A330neos ordered by the airline. The carrier currently operates a fleet of 15 Airbus aircraft comprising seven A320ceos, three A320neos and five A330ceos.

This event also marks Airbus’ first A330-800 delivery.

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Filippiiniläinen halpalentoyhtiö, Cebu Pacific, on vastaanottanut ensimmäisen Airbus A330-900neo lentokoneensa, rekisteri RP-C3900.

Aiemmin Airbus A330-300 vain turistiluokan 436-paikalla tutuksi tulleessa yhtiössä jatketaan samalla linjalla myös A330-900neo kanssa, jossa on yhteensä 460 istumapaikkaa! 

Asiasta uutisoi sivusto englanniksi. 

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Malaysia Airlines on tilannut 20 A330neoa, joista 10 ostetaan suoraan Airbusilta (sale/leaseback) ja 10 tulee Avolon-leasingyhtiöltä.


Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) has placed an order for twenty A330-900s for its wholly-owned subsidiary Malaysia Airlines (MH, Kuala Lumpur Int'l). A total of 10 aircraft will be directly purchased from Airbus with a back-to-back sale/lease-back arrangement with Avolon, while the remaining 10 will be leased directly from Avolon.

"The acquisition of the A330neo is a natural transition from our current A330ceo fleet. The A330neo will not only provide fleet modernisation and enhanced operational efficiency but will also meet environmental targets through reduced fuel-burn per seat, while keeping passenger safety and comfort at its core," Chief Executive Izham Ismail said.

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