Sami Puro

C-130 -kuljetuskoneesta löytyi kuollut poika

1 viesti aiheessa

Saksassa on löydetty USA:laisen C-130 Hercules -kuljetuskoneen laskutelinekuilusta kuolleena tummaihoinen teinipoika, josta ei tiedetä tällä hetkellä mitään. Tiedossa ei ole pojan kansallisuutta, ikää tai sitä missä hän on hypännyt kyytiin (kone lähti Malista, mutta on tehnyt pysähdyksiä matkalla).


The body of a child of unknown nationality was found in the wheel well of an American C-130 aircraft after it landed at Ramstein Air Base in Germany, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports.


Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said the teen stowaway was a black male who may have been of African origin. The flight originated in Mali but had other stops in between, Martin reports.


Kirby said the body was found during a routine post-flight maintenance inspection of the cargo plane.


He said the body had been turned over to German authorities for autopsy, and the matter is under investigation. He said it is not known when or where the stowaway entered the landing gear wheel well.


Kirby said the cause of death had not yet been determined. Lab results from samples taken from the body were negative for communicable diseases, Kirby said.


In addition to identifying the child, Martin reports, officials will now have to determine how a child managed to sneak into the wheel well of an American military aircraft. The fact that an unauthorized person managed to stow away aboard a military plane without being detected was a significant security breach.


The plane had stopped for refueling in Sigonella, Sicily, but it is considered unlikely the child got on there because Sigonella is a secure base.

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