Sami Puro

USA:n sotilaskone loukkasi Ruotsin ilmatilaa

1 viesti aiheessa

Mielenkiintoinen tapaus Itämeren yläpuolella 18.7... (tietoja julkaistiin eilen)


Kaliningradin lähistöllä kansainvälisessä ilmatilassa lentänyt USA:n RC-135 -tiedustelukone sai seurakseen venäläisen hävittäjän, joka oli ilmeisesti tulossa tunnistamaan RC-135:ttä (tms). Amerikkalaiset pyrkivät väistämään tilanteen (etäisyyksiä ei kerrota) ja samalla lensivät suoraan Ruotsin ilmatilaan ja Gotlannin ylitse. Ruotsin aluelennonjohto huomasi tapahtuneen ja ilmoitti siitä koneelle, jonka jälkeen poistuivat maan ilmatilasta.


In an encounter reminiscent of the Cold War, an American reconnaissance plane crossed into Swedish airspace last month as it sought to avoid being intercepted by Russian fighters, American military officials said on Sunday.


The episode, which was disclosed only in recent days, occurred on July 18 when Russian aircraft approached an Air Force RC-135 electronic surveillance plane as it was flying in what American officials said was international airspace over the Baltic Sea.


“The aircraft commander, acting in a professional and safe manner, maneuvered the aircraft to avoid a possible encounter by Russian aircraft,” the United States European Command said in a statement.




According to the Swedish news media, the episode on July 18 occurred as the RC-135 aircraft was flying near Kaliningrad, a heavily militarized Russian enclave between Poland and Lithuania that includes a major port for the Russian Baltic fleet.


After being approached by Russian aircraft, the RC-135 pilot sought to avoid the encounter by maneuvering his aircraft into Swedish airspace, flying over Gotland Island.


Sweden is not a member of NATO, and the European Command said in its statement that the RC-135 had been directed toward Swedish territory “incorrectly by U.S. personnel.”


The plane left Swedish airspace after Swedish air traffic controllers informed the aircraft of the mistake. The European Command statement said it would work with the Swedish government “to prevent similar issues before they arise.”

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