Ilkka Mäkelä

Supersoonisia bisnesjettejä ja matkustajakoneita tulossa markkinoille?

78 viestiä aiheessa

Hieman toisenlaiseen kaupalliseen ilmailuun tarkoitettu, ei miehitetty ilma-alus (drooni), on tehnyt ensimmäisen supersoonisen lennon.
Värkkiä on tarkoitus käyttää satelliittien laukaisuun.

Dawn Aerospace's rocket-powered aircraft successfully completed its first supersonic flight, the company said in a statement on Tuesday, as it moves forward with developing aircraft able to launch satellites.


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Boom Supersonic jatkaa koelentoja Baby Boom-demonstraattorilla ja lupaa lentää sillä yliäänen nopeudella vielä tänä vuonna. Vuorossa oli äsken kahdeksas koelento 25000 jalan maksimikorkeuteen huippunopeudella Mach 0.82.


Boom Supersonic conducted its eighth flight test on Saturday.

Its CEO said it's on track to fly supersonic by the end of the year.

Boom Supersonic announced Saturday that its eighth test flight reached a new maximum altitude of 25,000 feet. It matched the previous test's top speed of Mach 0.82 — slightly faster than the cruising speed of a Boeing 737.

Saturday's test focused on showing the aircraft is still controllable at higher speeds without its stability augmentation system.

Boom is on track to reach supersonic speed, above Mach 1, by the end of the year, CEO Blake Scholl said on X.

Its test flights take place in California's Mojave Desert, with the latest one lasting 54 minutes. They use the XB-1 aircraft, nicknamed the Baby Boom — a one-third-scale demonstrator of its Overture airliner.

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Boom Supersonic miettii viimeisimmän 3 päivää sitten tapahtuneen koelennon jälkeen jolloin saavutettiin nopeus Mach 0.95, vieläkö tarvitaan yksi koelento ennenkuin yritetään ylittää äänen nopeus.


The team at Boom Supersonic are determining whether a 12th test flight of its XB-1 demonstrator is needed before undertaking its first attempt at breaking the speed barrier. 

On January 10, 2025, XB-1 reached speeds of Mach 0.95 during a 44-minute flight over the Mojave Desert with Chief Test Pilot Tristan “Geppetto” Brandenburg at the controls.  

The 11th XB-1 test flight also saw the aircraft climb to 29,481 feet as it closes in on supersonic speeds.

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