Sami Puro

Chicagon ilmatila kiinni tulipalon takia

11 viestiä aiheessa

USA:ssa Chicagon aluelennonjohdossa on hetki sitten ollut tulipalo, joka on aiheuttanut "hieman" hässäkkää .. Onhan jenkkilässä liikennemäärät aika kovia, ja tämä sattui vielä perjantaiaamun ruuhkatuntien aikaan osapuilleen.


Center employees have been evacuated with no reported injuries and "airspace management has been transferred to adjacent air traffic facilities," the Federal Aviation Administration said in a statement.


Officials from the Chicago Department of Aviation said, "Both O'Hare and Midway International Airports are in a ground stop, meaning no arrivals or departures, until at least 8 a.m. due to the fire."


"At Midway, Southwest Airlines has suspended flights until noon," the department said in a statement.


Liikenne on ilmeisesti palautumassa pikkuhiljaa (Chicago kuvassa keskellä).


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Töissä liikkuneen huhun mukaan paikallinen lennonjohtaja oli sytyttänyt itsensä tuleen protestiksi vireillä olleelle siirrolle (Honoluluun??).


Edit: no tokihan Samin linkki jo valaisikin asiaa. Kaveri puukottanut itseään..

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Tuossa muuten pari vähän parempaa FR24 kuvakaappausta .. hassu tyhjä kolo tuolla:


Ja tuo ABC:n artikkeli onkin päivittynyt aika paljon. Eilen oli vielä huhua että siellä olisi ammuskeltu, mutta puukosta ottanut. Alla muutama lainaus:


The contract employee accused of starting the fire at an FAA facility outside Chicago that canceled and delayed hundreds of flights today is a 36-year-old man who used an unidentified accelerant and acted alone, according to the Aurora, Illinois, chief of police. Police late today charged Brian Howard of Naperville, Ill., in connection with the fire at the FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center (..). Harris faces a possible sentence of up to 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000.


Chief Greg Thomas earlier today said Howard suffered self-inflicted stab wounds that he is expected to survive.


Paramedics from the Aurora Fire Department, responding to a 911 call at 5:42 a.m. by an individual at the facility, entered the basement and followed a trail of blood that ultimately led to an individual later identified as Harris, according to the complaint.


The suspect was taken to the hospital with burns all over his body and self-inflicted knife wounds, a federal law enforcement source told ABC News. Howard was not an FAA employee but authorized to be in the facility, according to two sources. His motivation is still unclear. A federal law enforcement official told ABC News “It sounds like it [the fire] was intentionally set,” though adding “it does not sound like it was an attack on the facility.”


The fire occurred in the facility's main telecommunications area, which is an important location for handling communications with aircraft, a senior government official told ABC News.

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Äh tämä ketju olikin jo täällä,


miten kävisi jos Suomessa aluelennonjohto syttyisi?


Entä mitä sen jälkeen tapahtuisi kun aluelennonjohto ja HK APP sijaitsevat samoissa tiloissa? No, onneksi tämä on spekulaatiota, koska näin ei voi tapahtua Suomessa.

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FAA toivoo saavansa vahingot kärsineessä lennonjohtoyksikössä tehtävät uusien laitteiden asennukset ja korjaukset valmiiksi 2 viikon kuluessa. Siihen mennessä lentojen viivästyminen ilmeisesti jatkuu, ja lentoja johdetaan muista läheisistä lennonjohtoyksiköistä käsin. Korjaukset tehdään itse asiassa siten, että uusi laitteisto sijoitetaan uusiin tiloihin samassa rakennuksessa.


The US FAA said it has set a target of October 13 to restore to service a Chicago-area air traffic control site that was set ablaze by a field technician, as delays and cancellations continued at Chicago airports.


The FAA said that air traffic controllers who normally work at the Aurora facility are now working at other surrounding FAA facilities to ensure maximum traffic flow in and out of Chicago-area airports while repairs are being made.


The FAA said on Saturday that it had decided to completely replace the central communications network in a different part of the same building to restore the system as quickly as possible.


Löytyisikö Suomesta jotain "läheistä lennonjohtoyksikköä" tällaisessa tilanteessa, vai pitäisikö pyytää apua Tallinnasta tms? Entäs uusia tiloja?

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Sillä aikaa, kun tietokonepohjaista järjestelmää asennetaan uuteen sijaintipaikkaan, lentoyhtiöt joutuvat lähettämään kaikkien koneiden lentosuunnitelmat faksilla, ja lennonjohtajat kirjoittamaan tietoja sisään käsin, ja muutenkin improvisoimaan.


One of the biggest challenges has been the loss of the automated flight plan system, which has forced the manual input of data into the system. Airlines are faxing flight plans and "everything from that point is then being done hand-written," said NATCA.

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Todella upealla dedicationilla ja yhteispelillä hanskattu tilanne. Mukava nähdä, että moista spiritiä löytyy vielä jostain nykyaikana.



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Tulipalon sytyttämisestä ja tihutyöstä lennonjohtoyksikössä tuli miehelle sitten lopulta 12,5 vuoden tuomio, ja korvauksina miehen pitää maksaa peräti 4,5 miljoonaa dollaria.


A Chicago-area man was sentenced on Friday to 12-1/2 years in US federal prison and was ordered to pay USD$4.5 million in damages, for cutting cables and setting fire to a major air traffic control facility in September last year.


Brian Howard, 37, who worked as a telecommunications contractor at the Air Route Traffic Control Centre in Aurora, Illinois, apologised at his sentencing hearing, which lasted more than two hours before US District Judge Gary Feinerman.


Communications for dozens of jets flying in the Midwest were broken when Howard set fire to telecoms equipment and tried to kill himself by slashing his neck with a knife, prosecutors said.


The damage caused days of flight cancellations and delays across the country and millions of dollars in damage to the Federal Aviation Administration facility, prosecutors said.

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