Esa Harju

SERAn käyttöönotto Iso-Britanniassa viivästyy

5 viestiä aiheessa

UK CAA on vahvistanut, että EU:n yhteisiä lentosääntöjä, lennonvarmistuspalveluja ja -menetelmiä koskevien operatiivisten säännösten (SERA, EU N:o 923/2012 Standardised European Rules of Air) täytäntöönpano Yhdistyneessä Kuningaskunnassa merkittäviltä osiltaan viivästyy. Tämän seurauksena Iso-Britannian lentosääntöihin ei tule muutoksia SERAsta poikkeavilta osiltaan.


The CAA has confirmed that the UK implementation of significant elements of the European Union’s Standardised European Rules of the Air (SERA) has been delayed. As a result, there will be no changes to the UK Rules of the Air stemming from SERA that will impact UK pilots. The changes to be introduced on 4 December 2014 resulting from SERA will only be those that replicate existing UK rules.


Mark Swan, CAA Director of Safety and Airspace said: “While we welcome some of the clarity and consistency that SERA will provide, if implemented in its entirety it would impose considerable restrictions on the GA community which is why we are seeking derogations and deferring the implementation of significant parts of SERA.”

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Onhan tuo esim. totta:


5)Glider Hill-Soaring

The CAA permits, under paragraphs SERA.3105, SERA.5005(f) and SERA.5015(b), a glider to fly below 150 metres (500 feet) above the ground or water or closer than 150 metres (500 feet) to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure if it is hill-soaring.

6) Picking Up and Dropping at an Aerodrome

The CAA permits, under paragraphs SERA.3105, SERA.5005(f) and SERA.5015(b), an aircraft picking up or dropping tow ropes, banners or similar articles at an aerodrome to fly below 150 metres (500 feet) above the ground or water or closer than 150 metres (500 feet) to any person, vessel, vehicle or structure.


Että SERAn mukaan, hinauskone ei saa tulla erikseen alle 150 m korkeuteen köyden tiputtamista varten, jos se ei ole tekemässä siitä suoraan laskua.

Samoin esim. Kebnellä ei saa kaartaa lähellä rinnettä...


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Että SERAn mukaan, hinauskone ei saa tulla erikseen alle 150 m korkeuteen köyden tiputtamista varten, jos se ei ole tekemässä siitä suoraan laskua.

Samoin esim. Kebnellä ei saa kaartaa lähellä rinnettä...


SERA-asetuksen AMC/GM muuten toteaa asiaan liittyen, että:


GM1 SERA.5005(f) Visual flight rules


Subject to an appropriate safety assessment, permission from the competent authority may also be granted for cases like:

(a) aircraft operating in accordance with the procedure promulgated for the notified route being flown;

(b) helicopters operating at a height that will permit, in the event of an emergency arising, a landing to be made without undue hazard to persons or property on the surface;

© aircraft picking up or dropping tow ropes, banners or similar articles at an aerodrome;

(d) any other flights not specified above, where specific exemption is required to accomplish a specific task.


Suomessa Trafi ei tainnut kuitenkaan kirjata mitään asiaan liittyvää juuri julkaistuun OPS M1-1 -määräykseen.





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Update on introduction of Standardised European Rules of the Air


The UK’s exemption from SERA allowing existing arrangements for flying clear of cloud within controlled airspace has been extended. An exemption from certain Special VFR requirements contained within SERA has also been put in place. The UK is now working with EASA and other European partners such as the Commission to develop proposals to enable these arrangements to continue in the long-term.

CAA Head of Intelligence, Strategy and Policy, Padhraic Kelleher, said: “We welcome the very pragmatic approach that EASA and the Commission have taken. This means that as we draw the UK’s implementation of SERA to a close the UK’s position and the needs of our airspace users have been fully taken into account.”



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