Matias Hurtta

Erikoisia tapauksia ilmailun parissa.

3 260 viestiä aiheessa

Voisin kuvitella, että olisivat keskeyttäneet jostain satasen alle nopeudesta, mutta mitään väistöähän ei voi tehdä, hiljaisesta vauhdista ehkä jarruttaa. Eipä autollakaan maantievauhdeista (ja tässä voi olla tuplanopeus helposti) paljoa ole tehtävissä, jarrutusta lukuun ottamatta, ja se on sentään ihan eri luokan massat, nopeudet ja riskit näissä.

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Ryanair vaatii oikeudessa huonosti käyttäytyneeltä matkustajalta 15000 € korvausta joka on yksilöity tavallista tarkemmin. Matkustajan käytöksen takia Dublin- Lanzarote-lento joutui diverttaamaan Portoon, mistä aiheutui kuluina mm. yöpyminen 160 matkustajalle plus miehistölle.


Ryanair has detailed a €15,000 claim filed in Irish courts against a disruptive passenger whose behaviour forced an emergency diversion of a flight from Dublin to Lanzarote on April 9, 2024. The diversion to Porto resulted in significant expenses, including overnight accommodation for over 160 passengers and crew, replacement crew costs, and legal fees.

The airline broke down the costs:

Excess fuel: €800

Accommodation for passengers and crew: €7,000

Landing/handling fees: €2,500

Lost inflight sales: €750

Replacement crew costs: €1,800

Portuguese legal fees: €2,500

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DC-10-palonsammutuskoneen lentäjä kertoo ajankohtaista tarinaa siitä, millaista palonsammutus isolla koneella on.


Captain RK Smithley flies McDonnell Douglas DC-10 fire bombers for New Mexico-based 10Tanker.

Smithley dropped red fire retardant over the Palisades and Eaton fires in Los Angeles.

Mountainous terrain, winds, busy air traffic, and drones have complicated the mission.

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Kalifornialainen pariskunta väittää, että JetBluen koneesta putosi vesimelonin kokoinen jääkimpale katon läpi heidän makuuhuoneeseensa ja vaatii nyt oikeudessa 1 miljoonaa dollaria korvaukseksi fyysisestä ja emotionaalisesta vahingosta.


JetBlue is getting sued for $1 million by a California couple alleging one of their planes dropped a massive chunk of ice on their home, causing hundreds of thousands of dollars in physical and emotional damage.

The sky is falling—at least for one California couple.

On New Year’s Day 2024, Michael Reese and Leah Ferrarini were settling into bed for the evening when a “large block of ice, the size of [a] watermelon” suddenly slammed into their bedroom close to their pillows, “barely escaping devastating physical injury,” according to a lawsuit obtained by Fortune.

Reese and Ferrarini, who reside near Los Angeles International Airport in Inglewood, Calif., are suing JetBlue for $1 million for the incident, alleging one of their planes was responsible for the frozen projectile, resulting in “extensive damage to their roof.” The civil lawsuit, filed Jan. 9, 2025, alleges the ice ball came from JetBlue flight 2715, which was flying over their home at that exact moment.

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Läheltäpiti-tapaus Islannissa v. 2024 Cessnan ja Diamond DA20:n välillä johtui siitä, että Reykjavikin lennonjohtajat katsoivat televisiosta jalkapalloa lentoliikenteen valvomisen sijasta.


An investigation into a February 2024 near-collision over Skerjafjörður found that air traffic controllers at Reykjavík Airport were distracted by a televised football match.

Only 23 metres separated a Cessna 172N and a Diamond DA-20 at 900 feet when no air traffic guidance was provided. Recordings revealed controllers engaged in football discussions instead of monitoring flights. A dropped flight strip board further diverted attention just before the incident.

1 henkilö tykkää tästä

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Kanadassa, British Columbiassa v. 2023 Robinson R44-kopterin matalaan jokeen rysäyttänyt 38-vuotias mies otti silloin paikalta hatkat ja jätti 3 matkustajana ollutta naista loukkautuneina ihmettelemään. Mukana ollut koira menehtyi ja kopteri meni romuksi.

Mies on nyt saatu tuomioistuimen eteen ja päässyt alustavasti vapaaksi 5000 dollarin takuita vastaan. Rikossyytteitä kuitenkin odottaa ja miestä syytetään myös ilmailuviranomaiselle valehtelemisesta.

Kopteri törmäsi sähköjohtoon ja putosi joen matalikkoon eikä uponnut. Mies sai jostain paikalle auton ja kuljettajan ja häipyi mutta naisia ei otettu mukaan vaan heidän piti odottaa ambulanssia.


A man who was flying a helicopter and allegedly abandoned his three injured passengers after it crashed has been arrested 16 months after the incident. Vincent Matthew Porteous, 38, of Enderby, British Columbia, is facing a list of criminal charges relating to the crash, which occurred in a river about 20 miles east of Enderby in southern B.C. in August of 2023. He's also charged with lying to Transport Canada

The Robinson R44 clipped a wire and ended up in a shallow section of the river. Porteous is alleged to have fled the scene in a car driven by someone else, leaving behind three female passengers who were taken by ambulance to a hospital. A dog that was also onboard died in the crash. Porteous appeared in court in Jan. 27 and was released on $5,000 bail.

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Kaksi joutsenta törmäsi  juuri lentoon lähteneen Tuin 737 MAXin nokkaan pilaten näkyvyyden ulos ja aiheuttaen sellaiset vauriot, että kone palasi takaisin Gatwickiin. Katso kuvat artikkelissa.


A TUI Airways Boeing 737MAX with as many as 189 passengers onboard was forced to make an emergency landing on Thursday after two swans smashed into the nose and cockpit windscreen as the plane took off from London Gatwick Airport.

The two-year-old aircraft departed Gatwick at 9:20 am on February 6, bound for the popular winter sun destination of Cabo Verde off the coast of West Africa, but the pilots quickly stopped the climb when the two swans impacted the front of the plane.

At just 1,000 feet, the pilots made a mayday distress call and then entered a holding pattern over West Sussex before making a priority return to London Gatwick where the plane was met by emergency services.

Once safely on the ground, the true extent of the damage to the plane was easily visible, causing puncture holes clearly visible on the nose radome and pressure bulkhead, along with blood splattered across the cracked cockpit windscreen.

The mess on the windscreen was so severe that the aircraft needed a ground escort to get back to the gate where passengers disembarked, and the aircraft was grounded so that it could go in for repairs.

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Kiinalainen nainen on haastanut Delta Air Linesin oikeuteen USA:ssa koska hänen mukaansa lennolla Shanghaista Detroitiin A350:n tavallisella ovella varustetun toiletin ovi aukesi yllättäen ja pamautti voimalla häntä kasvoihin, jolloin hampaita lähti irti ja syntyi muitakin vammoja. Nainen vaatinee korvausta ainakin Montrealin sopimuksen maksimin verran.


According to recently filed court documents, Yanping was traveling with Delta on December 22, 2023, and at some point during the lengthy 13 hour flight, nature called, and Yanping got up from her seat to use the lavatory.

As she approached the restroom, however, she alleges that the door “suddenly and unexpectedly” swung open and hit her in the face, sending several of her teeth flying, cutting her face and leaving her bruised and battered.

On the Airbus A350-900 aircraft which Delta uses to operate its Shanghai to Detroit route, there is one restroom with a conventional door located in the Economy section in the middle of the aircraft. 

To sue Delta, Yanping is relying upon Article 17 of the Montreal Convention, an globally recognized law that makes airlines liable for injuries sustained by passengers during the course of an international flight.

Ordinarily, injured passengers can claim for up to 128,821 Special Drawing Rights – an international asset created by the IMF representing a basket of different currencies (which is equivalent to around $172,000).

However, this is merely a threshold and not a cap, and courts are allowed to award victims much higher compensation payouts if they see fit.

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Jälleen yksi salamatkustaja, afganistanilainen mies, pääsi koneeseen ilman boardingkorttia, piileskeli koneen vessassa, ja havaittiin vasta lentoonlähdön jälkeen. 

Tämä tapahtui Wien Schwechatin kentällä Hainan Airlinesin koneen lennolla HU-790 Kiinaan, missä kiinalaiset pidättivät miehen ja hänet palautettiin heti takaisin Wieniin.

Viranomaiset yrittävät selvittää, miten mies oli päässyt turvatarkastukseen asti ja läpi ilman boardingkorttia.


An Afghan man managed to evade multiple checks at Vienna International Airport and snuck onboard a Hainan Airlines flight to China, where he was only discovered when the plane was well on its way to its destination of Shenzhen, an 11-hour, 8,680 KM flight away from the Austrian capital.

Officials have not revealed the exact date of the recent incident, but officials at Vienna-Schwechat Airport, as well as the local police department and public prosecutor’s office, have confirmed that an investigation has got underway.

A spokesperson for the airport has stressed that the stowaway was subject to the same security screening as any other passengers so the risk of him taking anything prohibited onboard the flight is extremely small.

Nonetheless, there are questions that need to be answered about how the man was allowed into the security checkpoint in the first place, given the fact that he did not have a boarding pass.

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