Sami Puro

Ranskan lennonjohtajat lakkoilevat loppuviikosta

1 viesti aiheessa

Ranskalaiset lennonjohtajat suunnittelevat 48h kestävää lakkoa torstaista alkaen. Syynä työolojen huonontuminen ja mahdolliset tulevat säästöt.


Viranomaiset ovat pyytäneet operaattoreita vähentämään lentojaan 40% tänä aikana.


The controllers, members of the SNCTA union, say the budget of the French aviation regulator should be safeguarded; instead, it argues, decisions over recent years by both the French government and the European commission have led to restrictions in both technical resources and the workforce.


The strike is the second called this year by French controllers and is likely to have a severe effect as the summer holiday season gets underway. The French authorities have asked airlines to cut their frequencies 40% during the dispute.


Ireland-based Ryanair, which has repeatedly railed against the disruption caused by controllers’ strikes in various European countries, called on the French government and the European Commission (EC) to keep traffic flowing by allowing air traffic controllers from other European Union (EU) nations to handle flights over-flying France.


(en tiedä ansaitseeko tämä nyt ihan omaa ketjuaan, kun kokoajan tuntuu olevan lakkoa tuollapäin..)

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