Petri Hiltunen

Menkääs joku ehtivä tuonne keräämään kokemuksia, maajoukkueelta lomat ja..

1 viesti aiheessa

fyrkat loppu.


Olisi ehdottoman tärkeää että tuolla kävisi joku keräämässä kokemuksia koska suomessa ei ole aiemmin lennetty kans. väl säännöillä rallia.

Homma on sitä tehneiden mukaan hemmetin hauskaa!

Ja koska lajia ollaan kehittämässä yleisöystävällisempään suuntaan kannattaisi olla kehityksessä mukana alusta lähtien.


Puolassa kyseessä siis samalla koulutustapahtuma.

Saattaa antaa mahdollisuuden ensi vuoden ralli mm kisaan Portugaliin jossa järjestetään harjoitusviikolla koulutusta kokemattomille miehistöille.


Sopii myös ultrille.


Alla puolalaisten lähettämä teksti joka huonolla menestyksellä kopioitu PDF:stä word kautta tänne.


Jos joku tuonne menee please infotkaa asiasta SIL:iä ( jari.leht (at) ) niin tieto tulee edelleen maajoukkueen suuntaan (toivottavasti) :)






Kutsu Puolasta:


International Polish Rally Flying Championships

Katowice Muchowiec (EPKM), Poland

26"‘-31"‘ of August 2015


Dear Pilots and Navigators


We would like to invite you for The First International Polish Rally Flying Championships taken place

in Katowice Muchowiec (EPKM) on 26*“-31'“ of August 2015. We believe that this event will be

unique considering actions, which we are going to perform.

Our main goal is to change the ancient way of performing Championships and create a new model

for judging, scoring and selling to wide audience our Rally Flying.


To achieve that we introduce you our assumptions of 1“ International Rally Flying Championships:

1. Fan Zone placed at the airfield - Remembering good track from 19"‘ WRFC held in Torun we

are also planning a place for supporters at the airfield. But our fun zone will be better

because of:


a) Schedule — Competition during 19"‘ WRFC took place on Monday, Tuesday and

Wednesday. Our Competition will take place mostly during Weekend on Friday, Saturday

and Sunday when people have free time;


b) Place — Katowice and The Silesia as a whole region is much more bigger than Torun


2. Fan zone in the city center of Katowice — Because one fan zone is not enough;


3. Using slow motion for judging — Every landing will be judged based on video replay just after



4. Live scoring — We believe that if a judge has a modern technology for support his decision, he

can make up his mind very fast and publish it immediately . If routes are prepared with a

proper care, we can have scores from timing and observation also very fast. As the organizer

we claim, that we can provide total score for each crew in 5 minutes after logger and answer

sheet delivery;


5. Live streaming — This is a revolutionary idea that has never been introduced before. We are

going to broadcast our competition to the Internet and to the both fan zones on the big

screen. You will be followed in present time by your friends, families and other supporters

from their homes. From now on even non-flying person will be able to feel emotions

associated with Rally Flying. We made an effort and performed live streaming at the end of

last season during regional competition in Poland. Please have a look at this video and find

out, how Rally Flying can be introduced to the wide publicity:



6. Cheap fees — We are very concerned about the direction where World Championships are

heading. This year the entry fee for World Precision Flying Championships in Skive (Denmark)

was raised again up to almost 1000 EUR per competitor. We don't want to make money on

competitors. Check below all fees and proposed expenditures that you might be willing to



7. Other events — Every day will end with air show, concert or another activity that will interest

most people, even not connected to sport or aviation.



Entry fee for each crew: A) 412,00 EUR (include hotel and catering — 5 days, 26-31.08.2015)

B) 340,00 EUR (include hotel and catering -4 days, 26-30.08.2015)

I C) 340,00 EUR (include hotel and catering — 4 days, 27-31.08.2015)

Wet rate Cessna 150: 136,50 EUR/h

Wet rate Cessna 172$: 215,00 EUR/h

AVGAS 100/LL : 1,75 EUR/I (no excise duty)

Parking Place for own aircraft: free



Championships are held in two categories: Advanced and Unlimited. The crew decides in which

category is willing to participate.

Entry fee contains hotel, catering, routes preparation, judges, tasks and 3 maps for every stage.

Entry fee should be paid before 10.08.2015.

Accommodation will take place in Campanile Hotel in Katowice just next to the airfield. Check link

below: httg[/

Only Pilot In Command is required to own current pilot license and medical certificate.

_Every participant is required to purchase and own a FAI sport license for 2015.

If you want to rent a plane, you are required to pay in advance 100 EUR before 10.08.2015. The

payment will be refunded.



Wed 26.08.2015 — Arrivals, Registration

Thu 27.08.2015 — General Briefing, Practice Route

Fri 28.08.2015 — Opening Ceremony, General Briefing, First Competition

Sat 29.08.2015 — Second Competition

Sun 30.08.2015 — Third Competition, Closing Ceremony, Party

Mon 31.08.2015 — Departures



Adress: Lotnisko Muchowiec, 40-271 Katowice, Poland

Google maps link: https:[/[place/Lotnisko+Katowice-

M uchowiec/@50.237967.19.034541,8z/data= l4m2 !3m 1!150x4716Cfa8fb142387:OX27b1b943993 1c4


website: htt[;[/www.aeroklub.katowice.Q[ Email: recepcia@aerok|ub.katowice.@


Tel: +48 32 256 10 53d



International Polish Rally Flying Championships

26"‘-31"‘ of August 2015, Katowice Muchowiec (EPKM), Poland



National Aero Club:

Mark X in proper squares:

Category Advanced

Category Unlimited

Entry fee and accommodation type A

Entry fee and accommodation type B

Entry fee and accommodation type C

We want to rent a Cessna 152

We want to rent a Cessna 172

We will bring our own aircraft:






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