Matti Mäki

Turkki ampunut alas venäläisen Su-24 koneen

55 viestiä aiheessa

Jo ennen joulua julkaistu Reutersin uutinen kertoo, että venäläisten tutkijoiden mukaan Su-24:n musta laatikko on niin pahasti vaurioitunut, että tietojen lukeminen normaalimenetelmillä ei ole mahdollista, eikä välttämättä "erikoismenetelmilläkään". Kolmetoista kuudestatoista mikrosirusta "on tuhoutunut".


Investigators in Moscow said on Monday they were unable to retrieve information from the damaged black box of a Russian warplane shot down by Turkey last month, data the Kremlin hoped would support its version of what happened.


Russia's Defence Ministry publicly opened the recorder last week, hoping its contents would confirm Moscow's assertions that the bomber did not stray into Turkish air space and was maliciously downed.


"Retrieving the information and a read out of flight data ... has proven to be impossible because of internal damage," said Sergei Bainetov, the Russian Air Force's deputy head of flight safety.


Bainetov said 13 of the flight recorder's 16 microchips had been destroyed and that those remaining were damaged.

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Turkkilaiset väittävät venäläisen koneen jälleen loukanneen Turkin ilmatilaa perjantaina, ja varoittavat venäläisiä "seurauksista", jos loukkaukset jatkuvat.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Moscow on Saturday that it would be forced to "endure the consequences" if its jets continue to violate Turkish airspace, after Ankara reported a new border infringement incident by a Russian plane.


NATO-member Turkey said another Russian warplane violated its airspace on Friday despite several warnings — two months after Turkey's military shot down a Russian jet for crossing over its territory.

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