Ilkka Mäkelä

Air Indian työntekijä imeytyi koneen moottoriin ja menehtyi

3 viestiä aiheessa

Air Indian mekaanikko on vahingossa joutunut lähtöä tekevän Air Indian koneen moottorin imuun ja imeytynyt moottorin sisään ja valitettavasti menehtynyt. Nyt yritetään selvittää sitä, miksi näin pääsi käymään ja miksi työntekijä oli liian lähellä moottoria. Tapaus on tuore, ilmeisesti tapahtunut tänään.


An Air India technician died after being sucked into an aircraft engine parked at the Mumbai airport on Wednesday.


The mishap occurred when the co-pilot of Mumbai-Hyderabad flight AI 619 mistook a signal for starting the engine and the victim, Ravi Subramanian, got sucked into it at bay 28 of the Chhatrapati Shivaji domestic airport around 8.40pm.


“An Air India technician died in a mishap during pushback of flight AI 619; the incident is being investigated,” Air India CMD Ashwani Lohani said. “We are deeply saddened and regret the tragic incident at Mumbai airport,” he added.

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Miten on mahdollista että joku seisoskelee liian lähellä moottoria niin kauan että imu riittää vetämään ihmisen sisään.

Kyseessä varmaankin Airbus A319 jonka moottorit kuitenkin ottavat hieman aikaansa käynnistyessään.


e. Avheraldissa monenlaista pohdintaa tapahtumasta.

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Ensimmäiset kuulustelut tapaukseen liittyen on tehty.


On Dec 17th 2015 India's UPWA (Unemployed Pilot Welfare Association) reported based on initial interviews with their collegues, that the aircraft was being pushed back from bay 28L at Mumbai Airport following a cross bleed engine start, when after the push back got finished the technician/engineer instructed a helper to remove the tow bar with the engineer (56) facing his tow truck and having the engines in his back, his headset was on. In the meantime the crew got taxi clearance, the captain queried with the first officer whether the aircraft was clear, the first officer affirmed, and the aircraft started to move forward with both engines operating. The engineer remained unaware of the aircraft starting to move and was sucked into the right hand engine, the helper, who just spotted the aircraft's movement in time, instantly sat down and was saved that way. The UPWA stated following crucial points: 1) No chocks were applied after push back had stopped, 2) no clearance signals had been issued releasing the aircraft for taxi, 3) lack of proper coordination between the two pilots and ground. The UPWA stressed: "Human Factors playing important role to have patience, avoid hurrying and follow SOPs."


Tiivistettynä pushbackin ja moottoreiden käynnistämisen jälkeen kone sai rullausluvan eikä kumpikaan lentäjä huomioinut mekaanikkoa, joka seisoi selkä moottoreihin päin push back traktorin vieressä. Mitään "all clear" signaalia ei myöskään ohjaamoon annettu. Todella ikävä onnettomuus joka olisi vältetty todella helposti.

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