Ilkka Mäkelä

Delta Airlinesin A320 laskeutui väärälle kentälle

1 viesti aiheessa

Delta Airlinesin A320, joka oli matkalla Rapid City Regional-kentälle Etelä-Dakotassa torstai-iltana, laskeutui erehdyksessä Ellsworth Air Force Basen kiitotielle, joka sijaitsee 5 mailia Rapid Cityn kentästä pohjoiseen. Kiitotiet ovat melkein samansuuntaiset (13 ja 14). FAA ja NTSB tutkivat tapausta. Lentäjät on hyllytetty toistaiseksi. Vastaava erehdys on sattunut myös vuonna 2004 Northwest Airlinesin koneen miehistölle.


More than 100 Delta passengers on board a flight bound for Rapid City, South Dakota got an unexpected surprise Thursday night when their plane mistakenly landed at an Air Force Base, about five miles north of the aircraft's intended target.


"The pilots of the Airbus A320 had been cleared to land at Rapid City Regional Airport. The aircraft instead touched down at Ellsworth Air Force Base, shortly before 7:45 p.m. local time," the FAA released in a statement to ABC News.


According to Boswell, the two runways are located 5 miles from each other and are oriented in roughly the same direction. However, the runway at Ellsworth is 13,500 feet long and 300 feet wide and marked at the threshold with a large "13" number, while the runway at Rapid City Regional Airport is only 8,701 feet long and only 150 feet wide and marked with a large "14."


"Incidents like this occur when pilots fail to execute the basic measures of airmanship," said Boswell.

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