Ilkka Mäkelä

Airbus on toimittanut asiakkaille jo 10000 matkustajakonetta

2 viestiä aiheessa

Airbusin Singapore Airlinesille luovuttama A350-900 on kymmenestuhannes Airbusin tuotantolinjoilta valmistunut matkustajakone, mitä on juhlistettu tänään Toulousessa Airbus Groupin tj:n Tom Endersin ja Singapore Airlinesin tj:n Goh Choon Phongin läsnäollessa. Airbusin tuotantovauhti on nyt ennätystasolla ja tänä vuonna Airbus toimittanee asiakkaille vähintään 650 erityyppistä Airbus-perheen lentokonetta.


Airbus today celebrated the delivery of its 10,000th aircraft - an A350-900 for Singapore Airlines. The milestone event was marked by a special ceremony in Toulouse hosted by Airbus Group CEO Tom Enders and attended by Goh Choon Phong, CEO of Singapore Airlines.


The aircraft delivered today is the sixth A350-900 for Singapore Airlines, out of a total order for 67. Featuring a special “10,000th Airbus” logo, the aircraft will be used to launch the airline’s new non-stop services between Singapore and San Francisco later this month.


The 10,000th Airbus delivery comes as the manufacturer achieves its highest level of production ever and is on track to deliver at least 650 aircraft this year from its extensive product line. These range from 100 to over 600 seats and efficiently meet every airline requirement, from high frequency short haul operations to the world’s longest intercontinental flights.

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