Esa Harju

Ulkomaiset ilmailutapahtumat 2017

11 viestiä aiheessa

Mémorial  Hans Gutmann Tourist Rally  Flight  2017

White  Night St. Petersburg 2017, Juni   -   25 Juni  2017


This Year  the traditional  HGTRF  track   is expected to Fly : 


Luxembourg ; Denmark ; Norway  ; Sweden ; Finland ; Russia; Estonia ;Lithuania ; Latonia ;Belarus; Poland  (Gdansk)


There for we asked for  (help ) advises   on the track , to find an interesting  Region , Airfield with cheapest landing and handling fees !

( for information last Year the landing , handling fees were at 90%  of the airfields for the Rally for  free )

To meet our pilots –friends  at the airport  for  visits ,  friendly  together  meeting  or dinner  ,  a.s.o. ;

Our fixed place are :  St. Petersburg  3 days;  Gdansk (reception  with first President  Lech Walesa ,Poland)


We are happy to hear from You !!!!!


Have a nice Weekend


Jean Birgen

Organiser and President

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Saamme tuosta varmasti lisätietoja FAI Kyproksen GAC kokouksessa marraskuun ensimmäisellä viikolla.

Jean on järkkäillyt hyvällä menestyksellä noita H.Guttman memorial raceja.

Jos teillä on esitteitä , ehdotuksia , yhteyshenkilöitä tai yhteistyökumppaniehdotuksia\kontakteja laittakaa yv:nä allekirjoittaneelle niin vien viestin suoraan Jeanille.


T. :)




PS. Yritysten kannattaa olla hereillä, googlatkaa kuka Jean Birgen on ja miettikää kontaktien luomista.

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Meinaako nuo onnistua VFR:nä Pietariin täältä lentämisessä siis? :)


Moiseen voisi jopa yrittää muiluttautua mukaan tms jos toteuttavat. Se ei kai ole ihan triviaalia vieläkään mun käsityksen mukaan.

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Jeanilla lienee suhteet kunnossa, vei yhden puljan läpi Venäjän Kirgisiaan tms. ja takaisin muutama vuosi sitten.

HG memorialiin on voinut aiemmin hypätä mukaan \ poistua vaikkapa kesken matkan.

Vakavasti kiinnostuneet laittakaa yv:tä ja yhteystiedot niin voin ylihuomenna välittää ne Jeanille.



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Memorial Hans Gutmann Tourist Rally Flight 2017 reittivaihtoehdot on nyt valmiita ja mukaan pääsee myös osalle matkaa. Suomen välilaskukentäksi varmistui Helsinki-Malmi, kuten odottaa sopikin.




The rally starting point is Luxembourg, or your own home base. First meeting point is Aarhus in Denmark (the European Culture Capital of 2017). Pilots are expected to gather there on 15th June. Three options are proposed:


A) Long range rally: Luxembourg ELLX - Aarhus EKAH - Stavanger ENZV - Bergen ENBR* - Lecknes ENLK* - Helsinki-Malmi EFHF* - Saint Petersburg ULLI*


B) Tourist rally: Luxembourg ELLX - Aarhus EKAH - Stavanger ENZV - Bergen ENBR* - Helsinki EFHK* - Saint Petersburg ULLI*


C) Family rally: family and friends of pilots arrive to Helsinki on 17.06 with regular airline flights, then take a night ferry or the high speed train to Saint Petersburg.


After meeting in Saint Petersburg, on 20.06 all the crews will proceed to Gdansk: Saint Petersburg ULLI* - Tallinn EETN - Riga EVRA - Minsk UMMS - Kaunas EYKA - Gdansk EPGD*


In Gdansk we meet the first elected President, Mr. Lech WALESA, during our final gala closing dinner.




Tarkempi kuvaus ja esittely on täällä:

ja ilmoittautumislomake on täällä:

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Donaueschingen ANR ja tarkkuustreeniä, ei osallistumismaksua eli joku Sveitsiläinen sponssaa... :thmbup:

Miten ihmeessä saisin tänne PDF:n liitteeksi? PDF:n teksti viestin lopussa kaappauksena, sorry  :-[




Dear friends


Also in 2017 PFA Switzerland is organizing its training camp for precision flying (PF) and air navigation race (ANR) in Donaueschingen/EDTD.

Anyone is kindly invited to participate at this training - you will find the details in the attachement.

Date: 5 - 7 May 2017


In addition we will have the Swiss Precision Flying Championship in Sitterdorf/LSZV

Date: 30 June - 2 July 2017

Also here you are kindly invited to participate as guests - for more information just contact me (



Wish you all the best

See you latest in Spitzerberg


Esther Rimensberger






Esther Rimensberger

Präsidentin PFA Switzerland

Dorfstrasse 26

CH-8309 Birchwil-Nürensdorf


P: +41 43 928 27 62

M: +41 79 403 55 87




PDF liitteen teksti::


Page 1


PFA Switzerland

Announcement_Registration EDTD-2017_E.docx

9 April 2017

March 2017


to find young talent and to introduce aviators to


PF + ANR Training Weekend

Friday, 5 – Sunday, 7 May 2017


1. General information

Preliminary remark:

This text in all its aspects applies to both sexes, even if not stated explicitly.

An experienced team will be in charge of organising, preparing and conducting the 2016 weekend training


• Camp Director

Ms. Esther Rimensberger

• PF (Precision Flying):

Ms. Esther Rimensberger

(ground instruction and practice flights)

• Back office (PF):

Ms. Christine Zahno

Bernhard Streckeisen

Hanspeter Keller

Werner Unold

• ANR (Air Navigation Race):

Maurice Ducret

(ground instructions and practice flights)

• Back office (ANR):

Lorenz Egli

The PFA weekend training camp particularly aims to introduce newcomers to the fascinating world of Precision

Flying and Air Navigation Racing. In addition, experienced PF and ANR pilots and navigators are given the

opportunity to refresh or deepen their knowledge and skills and to prepare themselves for the competitions in


Two PF navigation routes (Friday/Saturday) as well as ANR practice routes (Saturday/Sunday) will be

prepared for each participant.

Prior to the official start of the training weekend, an introduction to precision flying in the form of a basic

ground school lesson will be given to all first-time (and repeat) participants in Donaueschingen on Friday.

Introduction to ANR will take place immediately before the first ANR practice flight on Saturday.

Our programme for the weekend is tailored to give participants not only opportunities for flying, but also for

socialising with fellow aviators.

If a sufficient number of volunteers are available, canvas targets will be placed along the PF tracks.

Please bring your family and friends. They will help us to not only make the social aspect, but also our

flying activities even more attractive!

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9 April 2017

Once again, AFLOS loggers will be used for all time checks. All flights will be analysed (PrecisWin) and

visualised on Google Earth. Loggers will be provided by the organisers. Of course, you may also use your own

AFLOS logger.

We are convinced that we can provide excellent training conditions at an unrivalled price, namely FREE OF

CHARGE, and all this in a relaxed atmosphere and a beautiful region, provided that the weather gods are

smiling upon us ☺

We are particularly grateful to "Schweizerischer Motorflugverband" and "Bundeskommission Motorflug im

Deutschen Aero Club" for their support and sponsorship!

As always, pilots, navigators and volunteers from Germany, Luxembourg and Austria, etc. are very welcome.

2. What is it all about?

Precision Flying (PF)

Precision flying in light aircraft is the "aerial equivalent of the sport of orientation race". It is not the speed that

counts, but precision. The aim of precision flying is to improve airmanship and flying skills in basic VFR

navigation and accurate landing. PF also helps the pilot to improve his/her skills in coordinating various tasks

during flight. It is interesting to see how the stress which occurs when performing various tasks can be reduced

through continuous training. When precision flying is performed as a two-crew operation, efficient distribution of

tasks between pilot and navigator is another valuable aspect which makes this sport an extraordinary team

experience. In addition to enjoying team spirit and new challenges, aviators involved in precision flying can

enhance their flying and navigational skills considerably. Thus, precision flying is making an active contribution

to improving flight safety!

It is recommended – especially for nowcomers – to fly PF as a team (pilot/navigator).

Air Navigation Race (ANR)

Air Navigation Racing is a relatively new air sport which was launched by the FAI's General Aviation

Commission. Within a given time, the aircraft have to fly along predetermined corridors without leaving it or

touching the "virtual walls". It's good fun - try it out for yourself!

ANR is exclusively flown in teams (pilot/navigator).

Just like Aerobatics and Rally Flying, Precision Flying and Air Navigation Racing are FAI recognised air sports


Further details on Precision Flying and the Air Navigation Race, including applicable rules and regulations, are

available at → Dokumente

3. Conditions of participation

Although a solo discipline, we recommend that first-time PF entrants fly with a navigator. ANR, however, is a

two-crew operation, so all routes must be flown with a pilot and a navigator. In both disciplines, the navigator

need not necessarily hold a pilot's licence.

All participants (pilots, navigators and volunteers) are kindly requested to schedule their arrival time to

coordinate with the 11.15 a.m. opening briefing to be held at Donaueschingen Airfield on Friday, 5 Mai 2017,

or with the 08.15 a.m. Precision Flying ground school lesson.

In case of delays, participants are kindly requested to contact the organisers immediately!

(cf. Item 8)

It goes without saying that timely registration is required either

a) by using the attached entry form or

b) by registering online (via → News & Events)

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Announcement_Registration EDTD-2017_E.docx

9 April 2017

4. Equipment

Bringing or hiring an aircraft is your responsibility (aircraft sharing by 2 teams/pilots is permitted). Please bring

your own tie-down equipment as well as all materials you need for flight planning and map preparation (digital

clock with large numbers on its display, whiz wheel or navigational computer, minute rulers, writing and drawing

materials, etc.)

5. Accommodation

The hotel is directly located at the airfield and offers excellent quality:

Hotel CONCORDE, Hotel am Flugplatz, Dürrheimerstr. 82, D-78166 Donaueschingen

Tel: +49 (0)771 83 63-0

Fax: +49 (0)771 83 63 120

2017 room rates:

Single room (breakfast included):


65.- to 70.- per night

Double room (breakfast included):


67.- to 86.- per night

Apartement (breakfast included):


96.- per night

Please specifiy upon reservation if the room should be towards the road or the airfield.

Please book your room directly and as early as possible!

When booking, "PFA" is the keyword to benefit from special room rates and the blocks of rooms

reserved by the organisers.

Food Office 2017:

Daily 11.30 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.:

Lunch and beverages are ordered from menu and booked

on your room.

Daily 2.00 – 5.00 p.m.:

Afternoon-snack (soup, cakes, coffee unlimited) for Euro 11.- each

person. The cost will be booked on your room.

Daily 6.00 – 9.30 p.m.:

Dinner (3-course-buffet) for Euro 26.- each person. Beverages are

ordered directly. All consummation is booked on your room.

6. Expenses

The Weekend Training Camp is free of charge for everyone. Cost of aircraft hire, fuel, landing fees, room and

board will be at the participant's own expense.

Participants from Switzerland can possibly benefit from the "MFVS Sport-Fünfliber" in the form of a small

amount of money. More detailed information will be provided during the opening briefing.

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9 April 2017

7. Programme


4 May 2017

Organisers and early birds arrive

Participants of the precission flying ground school lesson are recommended

to arrive also on thursday


5 May 2017

08.15 – 11.00 a.m

Precision flying basic ground school lesson


Individual practice flights in the vicinity of EDTD


Arrival at EDTD by air, road or rail

11.15 a.m.

Opening briefing for all participants

followed by:

PF navigation route 1


6 May 2017


PF navigation route 2


Introduction to ANR + ANR training flights


7 May 2017


ANR training flights


Departure from EDTD by air, road or rail

Training camp ends:

Sunday, 7 May 2017, 3.00 p.m. at the latest

You all know that aviation is highly weather-dependant. That is why changes to the above programme can be

made at any time. During the training weekend, an information board will be installed in EDTD to keep you

informed about any changes that may occur. We recommend that you consult the information board from time

to time.

8. Message Collection Centre/ Infoline / Camp Director

Late arrival / non-arrival / delays, etc:

Ms. Esther Rimensberger:


Mobile CH:

+41 (0)79 403 55 87

Mobile DE:

+49 (0)151 23 77 63 99

Or via Hotel CONCORDE:

+49 (0)771 83 63-0

9. Liability

PFA Switzerland and all persons commissioned by the association shall not be liable to entrants for damage or

injury to entrants or their property caused by or suffered during or in connection with the event, or for damage to

property of any third party caused by the entrants' aircraft. In accordance with legal requirements, PFA

Switzerland will take out an organiser's liability insurance policy for the event.

10. Donaueschingen Airfield EDTD

For conditions of use/opening hours, please refer to the official publications. Please note that aircraft operations

are only permitted within the airfield's published operational hours. These periods have been/will be taken into

account in the camp schedule/schedule updates.

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PFA Switzerland

Announcement_Registration EDTD-2017_E.docx

9 April 2017

11. Decision to hold/cancel the event

The decision to hold/cancel the event will be taken on Thursday, 4 May 2017, at 12.00 noon at the latest. The

decision will be published on our website In addition, all participants will be informed accordingly by


PFA Switzerland looks forward to this traditional event and hopes to see many pilots, navigators and

volunteers participating in the training camp.

Deadline for entries: Sunday, 30 April 2017

Best regards,

Esther Rimensberger

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PFA Switzerland

Announcement_Registration EDTD-2017_E.docx

9 April 2017


for participation in the 2017 TRAINING CAMP to be held in Donaueschingen (EDTD) to find young talent

and to introduce aviators to PRECISION FLYING and AIR NAVIGATION RACING

Please complete the following form and submit one form for each entrant!


First name:

Postal address

Zip Code/Town:


☎ Home:

☎ Mobile:

☎ Business:

E-mail address:

I participate as:

□ pilot

□ volunteer

□ navigator to


Competition speed:

I (our crew) share(s) the aircraft with:

Precision Flying (PF)

I want to attend the PF ground school lesson on Friday, 5 May 2017

□ Yes □ No

I want to fly the PF practice route on Friday, 5 May 2017

□ Yes □ No

I want to fly the PF practice route on Saturday, 6 May 2017

□ Yes □ No

Air Navigation Race (ANR)

I want to attend the introduction to ANR on Saturday, 6 May 2017

□ Yes □ No

I want to fly the ANR practice routes on Saturday, 6 May 2017

□ Yes □ No

I want to fly the ANR practice routes on Sunday, 7 May 2017

□ Yes □ No

Arrival at EDTD:

□ Thu. 4 May 2017

□ Fri. 5 May 2017

□ Sat. 6 May 2017

Departure from EDTD:

□ Fri. 5 May 2017

□ Sat. 6 May 2017

□ Sun. 7 May 2017

I will bring along my own AFLOS

□ Yes □ No

□ With my signature below, I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions and that I will

follow the organisers' instructions. Furthermore, I consent to PFA Switzerland adding my email address to

the database and agree to receive information about PFA events in the future.


Deadline for entries: Sunday, 30 April 2017

Please submit your entry to:

Ms. Esther Rimensberger,

Dorfstrasse 26, CH-8309 Birchwil-Nürensdorf, SWITZERLAND


Or online via website: → News & Event

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Ensimmäinen laatuaan, muodostelmataitolennon kisa (jonka kiinalaiset sitten muuttivat tapahtumaksi, mutta kisataan silti - ilman FAIn mitaleja) jonka FAI tunnustaa 2.kategorian kisaksi, on parin viikon päästä Kiinasta. Kolmen hengen delegaatiolla Suomesta, allekirjoittanut tuomariavustajana. Mukana kokeneita taitolentoryhmiä Euroopasta, Etelä-Afrikasta, Australiasta ja Venäjältä.


Jännä nähdä millainen tapahtuma ja miten järjestelyt sujuvat. 


World Games on sitten heinäkuussa 20.-30.7. Puolassa ja mukana ilmailun puolelta ovat purjetaitolento, paragliding ja canopy piloting (kertokoot ne lisää jotka lajit paremmin tuntevat). Kutsukilpailu, eikä Suomesta ole edustajia ainakaan taitolennossa. Tietääkö joku onko varjoliidon tai hyppääjien puolelta?

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Trans-Atlantic Flying Expedition, 20-30 June 2017


Prepare2go will be taking a group of small planes (and microlights) across the Pond from the UK to Canada (and USA) this June.  Leaving Wick, Scotland on the 20th June, we'll arrive in Montreal on the 30th - plenty of time to then enter the US and continue to OshKosh for those who wish.


Our route is completely inefficient!  We use our unparalleled local contacts in Iceland, Greenland and Canada to use strips that are normally not permitted.  This allows us both to limit the maximum distance to just 350nm, as well as to visit the more beautiful and undiscovered locations. In Greenland, we plan to make an additional flight out to (and landing at for those who wish) Bluie East Two - closed at the end of World War II.  BE2 is a fascinating place, still displaying enormous quantities of debris left behind when the ferrying of bombers to Europe ended.


Our route in Canada takes us way into the arctic circle where the sun never sets (in itself an experience) and to tiny Eskimo villages where nobody ever goes.  We'll be using tiny dirt strips and overflying icebergs and plane wrecks from the 1950s. Our expedition terminates in Montreal - but we'll help with all the paperwork and procedures for the US for anyone wanting to go further.  We will also help for the return - either independently with remote support or as a group again with our group leader.


There is much more at:


The adventure of a lifetime?  Very possibly. Fly the Atlantic with Prepare2go - it's going to be awesome!


PS Whilst most people are bringing their own plane, we have some owners looking for a co-pilot to share costs - so even if you don't have a plane it may be possible.


Copyright © 2017 VintageAirRally, All rights reserved.

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Fly Party 2017 - Frati , Siai Marchetti and Bird Dog aircrafts reunion

Hello friends,


As every year, FlyParty is scheduled for last weekend of june in Montagnana North of Italy .

Same formula of previous editions. A meeting of friends , historical aircrafts reunion , airshows and much more ...


I'll keep you updated about the program .


Aerocamping facility is still an option, or if you like you can ask me for the hotel list , please book that in advance to get the airfield closest accomodations.


Please let me know about your plans, I'll be more than happy to help you about FlyParty matters and in case you would like to fly to other Italian destinations. 


Looking forward to see you in Montagnana on 24th and 25th of june .


Best Regards,





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