Ilkka Mäkelä

British Airwaysillä matkustamohenkilökunnan lakonuhka

15 viestiä aiheessa

British Airwaysin matkustamohenkilökunta on äänestänyt lakkoon menon puolesta. Työtaistelutoimet saattavat alkaa 21. joulukuuta. Ammattiliitto Unite pitää BA:n palkkoja ja yhtiön tarjoamaa 2 % korotusta riittämättöminä, kun samaan aikaan yhtiö tekee 1,4 miljardin euron voitot.


British Airways cabin crew have voted to strike in a dispute over pay for staff working for the airline’s ‘Mixed Fleet’.


The ballot, carried out by the Unite union, was 79 percent in favour of strike action on a turnout of 60 percent. Strikes could start after December 21, the union said in a statement.


The 2,500 cabin crew involved in the potential industrial action work on British Airways’ long and short-haul mixed fleet.


Cabin crew have rejected an offer of a two percent increase and some have taken on second jobs on days off, the union said.


“Our members have overwhelmingly voted for strike action because British Airways’ pay rates are indefensible and the crew are at breaking point. The airline’s boss Willie Walsh has pocketed EUR€8.8 million and the parent company IAG reported profits of EUR€1.4 billion,” Unite regional officer Matt Smith said.

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Unite-ammattiliittoon kuuluva BA:n matkustamohenkilökunta on lakossa 25. ja 26.12. Ammattiliiton mukaan peruspalkka on niin alhainen, että työntekijöiden on ilmoittauduttava töihin sairainakin, koska eivät tule toimeen ilman 3 punnan lisää per lentotunti, joka lasketaan peruspalkan päälle.


British Airways cabin crew who are members of the Unite union and work for the airline’s Mixed Fleet operation will strike on 25 and 26 December.


The union says thousands of cabin crew are stopping work because of what they call “poverty pay and broken promises”.


Earlier, Unite’s regional officer, Matt Smith, said BA’s pay rates were “indefensible”, and that “the crew are at breaking point”. The union said “low pay is a safety issue”. It released details of a survey that suggested two-thirds of cabin crew had reported for duty while they were unfit to fly because they could not afford to lose the £3 per hour flying allowance that they earn on top of their basic salary.

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British Airwaysin matkustamohenkilökunnan lakko on peruuntunut yhtiön jätettyä uuden palkkatarjouksen. Ammattiliitto järjestää jäsenäänestyksen tarjouksen hyväksymisestä tai hylkäämisestä.


British Airways cabin crew have called off a planned strike over the Christmas holiday period, the Unite union said.


Unite said it had received a revised offer from the airline for the mixed fleet crew. The terms will be put to members in a ballot.

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British Airwaysin matkustamohenkilökunnan lakko on peruuntunut yhtiön jätettyä uuden palkkatarjouksen. Ammattiliitto järjestää jäsenäänestyksen tarjouksen hyväksymisestä tai hylkäämisestä.


BA:n tarjous on hylätty jäsenäänestyksessä, ja 2500 matkustamotyöntekijää aloittaa 48 tuntia kestävän lakon 10. tammikuuta. Lakkoon menevä henkilökunta on kuitenkin vain 15 % kaikista BA:n matkustamotyöntekijöistä, ja BA yrittää lentää niin suuren osuuden lakkopäivien lennoista kuin mahdollista. Ko. päivien varalento-ohjelma julkistetaan 6. tammikuuta.


British Airways cabin crew represented by UK union Unite and employed under the airline's "mixed fleet" contract will conduct a 48h strike later this month in a dispute over pay and conditions.


Unite says the strike will begin on 10 January after its members rejected a revised pay offer proposed by the airline in late December.


BA describes the strike as "unnecessary and completely unjustified". It says workers employed under its mixed-fleet contract represent 15% of its cabin crew and that it plans to "ensure that all our customers travel to their destinations" during the action.


The IAG-owned airline plans to publish its contingency plan on 6 January.


“Instead of listening to why its ‘mixed fleet’ cabin crew rejected the offer negotiated at Acas, British Airways has sought instead to try and bully a workforce of young men and women who are trying to eke out a living on poverty pay,” Unite national officer Oliver Richardson said.


The 2,500 mixed fleet crew, which make up about 15 percent of the airline’s cabin crew, earn just over GBP£12,000 (USD$14,750) plus flight pay of £3 per hour when they start, the union said.

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BA:n Unite-ammattiliittoon kuuluva matkustamohenkilökunta menee uuteen, tällä kertaa 3-päiväiseen lakkoon, joka alkaa torstaina 19.1. Edellisen lakon takia peruuntui 48 lentoa, kertoo Independent-lehti.


The fresh 72-hour walk-out is due to take place from Thursday January 19, according to union Unite, in a bid to curb what it branded “poverty pay” being offered by the carrier to its Mixed Fleet staff.


Unite members in BA‘s Mixed Fleet operation held industrial action on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, causing the cancellation of 48 flights, the Independent reports.


The latest action is part of an ongoing dispute over wages involving more than 2,500 Mixed Fleet staff who are members of Unite.


BA said this week’s 48-hour walk-out had not disrupted customers claiming more than 70% of Mixed Fleet crew had reported for work as normal.

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British Airwaysin ns. Mixed Fleet-matkustamohenkilökunta ilmoittaa jälleen uudesta lakosta, joka käsittää tällä kertaa jo 6 päivää.  Päivät ovat 5., 6. ja 7. helmikuuta sekä 9., 10. ja 11. helmikuuta. Kiistan aiheet lienevät entiset.


British Airways cabin crew are to step up strike action by holding a six-day walkout in early February, in an escalating dispute about pay.


Approximately 2,900 members of Unite in the mixed fleet division, a branch of predominantly younger and lower-paid BA recruits, will strike for three days from Sunday 5 February, and again from Thursday 9 February.


The action follows two strikes totalling five days in January, which forced BA to cancel scores of flights. The airline said disruption to passengers was minimal, with all flying to their destinations on alternative or merged departures. BA also leased planes and crew from Titan Airways to operate dozens more flights on its behalf.

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Samat osapuolet, mutta taas uusi, tällä kertaa 4 päivää kestävä lakko, joka alkaa 17.2. klo 00.01 (paikallista aikaa) ja päättyy 20.2. klo 23.59.


British Airways cabin crew working under ‘mixed fleet’ terms will strike again this month in support of a claim for a wage increase.


The four day strike will start at 00:01 on February 17 and end at 23:59 on February 20. The industrial action follows two three-day strikes, the second of which ends February 11th.


The Unite union representing the airline’s 2,500 mixed fleet cabin crew says basic pay starts at GBP£12,192 with £3 an hour flight pay. Unite estimates that mixed fleet cabin crew earn £16,000 on average, including allowances, a year.


“British Airways should focus on addressing poverty pay in its mixed fleet, rather than continuing to waste hundreds of thousands of pounds on chartering in aircraft to cover striking workers,” Unite national officer Oliver Richardson said.

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Seuraava British Airwaysin Mixed Fleet-matkustamohenkilökunnan lakko kestää jo 7 päivää ja alkaa aamulla 3.3. päättyen 9.3. klo 23.59.


The Heathrow-based mixed fleet crew, which makes up about 15 percent of the airline’s total cabin crew numbers, will strike for seven days, from 00:01 Friday March 3 to 23.59 on Thursday March 9th.


The announcement comes as the same group are currently on strike until Saturday February 25th. It also comes “on the same day as British Airways’ owner, IAG Group, reported a rise in pre-tax profits by nearly a third to GBP£2 billion,” the Unite union said in a statement.

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British Airwaysin ns. mixed fleet-matkustamohenkilökunta on Unite-ammattiliiton ilmoituksen mukaan menossa nyt jo kaksi viikkoa kestävään lakkoon, joka alkaa 1. heinäkuuta. Riita johtuu etupäässä siitä, että ammattiliiton mukaan BA on rankaissut aikaisemmilla kerroilla lakkoilleita tuhattaneljääsataa kabiinityöntekijää karsimalla etuuksia, eikä etuuksia ole palautettu, vaan riitaa selvitellään oikeudessa. - Nähtäväksi jää, alkaako lakko ja missä määrin se mahdollisesti tulee vaikuttamaan BA:n liikenteeseen.


Unite said BA had refused to accept its final offer on the issue of the "sanctioning" of striking cabin crew. The union says benefits have not been reinstated for crew who took part in earlier industrial action.


the union has now said its members among BA's mixed fleet crew will go on strike from 00:01 on Saturday 1 July to 23:59 on Sunday 16 July.

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British Airways lupaa toimittaa kaikki matkustajat määränpäähänsä mahdollisen 2 viikon lakon aikana. Lakon ajaksi BA aikoo vuokrata koneita miehistöineen muilta yhtiöiltä. Qatar Airwaysillä olisi sattuneesta syystä vapaata kapasiteettia BA:n tarvitseman 9 koneen verran, mutta koska Qatar Airways on Euroopan ulkopuolinen yhtiö, vuokraukseen tarvitaan ilmailuviranomaisen CAA:n lupa. Ammattiliitto Unite vaatii CAA:ta hylkäämään BA:n anomuksen.


So-called wet leasing from Qatar Airways will also involve crew being brought in with the planes. To use jets from outside of Europe, BA has sought approval for the operation from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). But union Unite has called for BA's plans to borrow Qatar planes during the strike to be turned down by the CAA.

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Vaikealta tuntuu sovun löytyminen: Unite-liittoon kuuluvat mixed fleet-työntekijät aikovat jatkaa lakkoa 14 päivää, alkaen 19.7. eli pari päivää tämänhetkisen 16 päivän lakon päättymisen jälkeen.


The Unite trade union has said the members of its British Airways mixed fleet will go on strike for a further 14 days starting July 19.

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British Airways on hakenut lupaa jatkaa Qatar Airwaysin koneiden wet lease-vuokrausta heinäkuun loppuun. Vastavetona Unite-ammattiliittoon kuuluvat BA:n mixed fleet-matkustamotyöntekijät ilmoittavat jatkavansa lakkoaan taas uudet 14 päivää alkaen 2. elokuuta. - Vaikkei tämä lakko suuremmin vaikuttaisikaan lentomatkustajien perillepääsyyn, niin ei 9 koneen wet lease taida olla BA:lle halpaa lystiä...

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Ammattiliitto Unite ilmoittaa British Airwaysin mixed fleet-matkustamotyöntekijöiden jatkavan lakkoa jälleen kahdella viikolla eteenpäin elokuun lopulle (16.8.- 30.8.), ellei sovintoratkaisua löydy sitä ennen.


The additional strike days are from Wednesday August 16 to Wednesday August 30, including the August public holiday weekend.

“Strike action will continue until the end of August unless British Airways hammers out a deal with Unite to resolve this dispute,” Unite national officer Oliver Richardson said.

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BA:n ja mixed fleet-matkustamohenkilökunnan neuvotteluissa on päästy sopuun. Henkilökunta saa palkankorotuksia ja jäädytetyt edut ja bonukset palautetaan. Lakkoilua kesti yhteensä 85 päivää,


British Airways' mixed fleet cabin crew have voted to accept a pay deal that brings their long running dispute with the airline to an end.
Their union Unite said 84% of crew had backed the deal, which will give them pay rises of at least £1,404 to £2,908 by March 2018, depending on their experience and subject to inflation.

The dispute led to 85 days of industrial action by BA's Heathrow-based mixed fleet crew earlier in the year.
As part of the deal, cabin crew who had their travel perks removed for taking part in industrial action will see their concessions and entitlement to fully participate in BA's 2017 bonus scheme reinstated.

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