Jussi Rantala

Lazy Journalists Plane Story Generator

4 viestiä aiheessa

Tästäpä tekemään ilmailu-uutisia:






Flight from Hell



Foreign passengers told of their terrible scare aboard a Adelaide bound Compass flight which was advised it was in the best interests of the plane to return to Canberra yesterday due to failure in navigation equipment.


Some passengers were devastated that the 247 passengers were told few details of the happening.


They said the plane 'Cracked in half like a boiled egg that was left in the water too long' before turning around.


As a precaution, fire trucks were on standby when the Saab 2000 landed.


Passenger Bruce Goatman last night was still recovering from the ordeal.


'The hostess shoved me out of the plane. I landed right on the concrete', the passenger said


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Näinkö se muuten ilmenee jos jollakulla on liikaa aikaa eikä mitään tekemistä, sekä erikoinen huumorintaju?


No, onhan niitä huonompiakin generaattoreita :-X

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Näinkö se muuten ilmenee jos jollakulla on liikaa aikaa eikä mitään tekemistä, sekä erikoinen huumorintaju?


Kyllä, tämä on yksi sen ilmenemismuodoista. Vai mitä voidaan päätellä tästä jutusta:


Plane Horror

Foreign passengers told of their terrific horror aboard a Foreign bound EasyJet flight which was told to return to Sydney yesterday due to insufficient stewardess cleavage.


Some passengers were upset that the 666 passengers were told few details of the accident.


They said the plane 'Was flying like a Dodo' before turning around.


As a precaution, fire trucks were on standby when the home-built F-117 landed.


Passenger Mr Hennigans last night was still recovering from the ordeal.


'I was scared for my life and I don't scare easily', the passenger said.


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