Vesa Lähteenmäki

Blackfly sähkölentokone

4 viestiä aiheessa

Täällä epäillään että aparaatti Suomeen tuotuna tulee tolkuttoman kalliiksi,ja sitten kun se on pihassa niin sillä ei saa ajella tolkuttoman paperisodan ja byrokratian takia...Nimim.Realisti.Maksaa saman kuin SUV...Just joo.



Muokattu: , käyttäjä: Risto Sollo

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Tämä projekti on tulossa kaupallistamisvaiheeseen, myynti alkaa USAssa tammikuussa 190000$ hintaan. Toimintamatka 20 mailia ei perinteisiä lentäjiä säväyttäne, mutta tätä voi lentää USAssa ilman lupakirjaa sikäläisten määräysten puitteissa.


The company did not publish any updated specifications for the Helix, but it has previously stated that the pre-production BlackFly model would have a range of around 20 miles (32 kilometers) on a single charge, a top speed of 62 mph (100 kph), and a payload capacity of 230 pounds (104 kilograms). Safety features include redundant flight controls, a ballistic parachute, and floats that allow the vehicle to land on water in case of an in-flight emergency. 


Pivotal says it will officially begin taking orders for the Helix on January 9, and it will begin shipping the aircraft to customers on June 10. The vehicle will have a base price of $190,000, and a 25 percent down payment is required to reserve a delivery slot. Pivotal has not yet revealed what additional options or accessories will be available for the Helix. 

Because Pivotal’s vehicles are designed to comply with the FAA’s Part 103 rules for ultralight aircraft, operators are not required to have a pilot’s license. However, Pivotal is still requiring all of its customers to attend an FAA-approved ground school and complete a training course at the company’s Palo Alto facilities.


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