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Blue Angels vaihtaa Hornetit Super Hornetteihin v. 2021 lopulla

2 viestiä aiheessa

USA:n laivaston näytösryhmä Blue Angels saa v. 2021 lopulla alleen Super Horneteista näytöskäyttöön modifioidut yhdeksän 1-paikkaista Boeing F/A-18E- ja kaksi 2-paikkaista F/A-18F-hävittäjää korvaamaan nykyiset, tuolloin jo 35 vuotta käytössä olleet nykyiset "normaalit" Hornetit eli F/A-18C/D-mallien koneyksilöt. Super Hornetien modifioinnin budjetin tämänkertainen suuruusluokka on 17 miljoonaa USD.

Modifiointi käsittää mm. savujärjestelmän, polttoainejärjestelmän modifioinnin pidennettyä selkälentoa varten ja keinotuntuman lisäämisen ohjaussauvaan vaakalennon aikana helpottamaan ohjausta turbulenttisissa oloissa. Koneiden väritykseen tuskin tulee muutoksia ja uusilla koneilla lennetään kaudesta 2022 alkaen ehkä seuraavat 30 vuotta.


After several seasons of speculation, official U.S. Navy documents have revealed the U.S. Navy Flight Demonstration Team, The Blue Angels, will receive the larger, upgraded Boeing F/A-18E single seat and F/A-18F two-seat Super Hornet to replace their aging F/A-18C/D Hornets, by the end of 2021.

The news is exciting for several reasons. By the time the first full show season in the new Super Hornets (existing ones retrofitted into a Blue Angel aerial demonstration team configuration) arrives for the Blues , the team will have been in the existing version of the Hornet for 35 years. That’s a long time for a demonstration aircraft. Most current generation Blue Angel fans have never seen the team fly any other aircraft, so the upgrade to the Super Hornet adds an element of freshness and excitement to the team’s sensational display.


The Blue Angels will receive nine F/A-18E single seat and two F/A-18F two-seat aircraft for the team. The Department of Defense procurement order for the total of eleven aircraft indicates a program conversion cost for the aircraft to demonstration condition of $17,002,107.00 USD.


The Blues will take delivery of the Super Hornets in late 2021 in time to work-up for the following airshow season. The aircraft to be flown by the Blue Angels will be fleet aircraft modified for airshow demonstration with biodegradable colored smoke injectors, fuel flow modifications to facilitate extended inverted flight and the addition of 7-pounds of forward hydraulic force on the control stick when maintaining level flight to improve the handling of the aircraft in turbulent, close formation flying. The aircraft are expected to maintain the current blue and yellow paint scheme that contrasts well against afternoon skies when the Blues fly most of their flight demos.

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